I sure do!

By , September 5, 2016 12:37 pm

During my run today, I stopped at a gas station to buy something to drink. As I was walking toward the counter to checkout, I went by a store employee and smiled. They stopped, looked me up and down and said “You sweat a lot.”

I responded right away, “that’s because I ran five miles to get here.”

Other appropriate responses:

  • Well, it’s midday and 85°, why wouldn’t I?”
  • I sure do!
  • GFY.
  • I hadn’t noticed (then brush a sweaty arm against them).

Ugh. What a weird thing to say. Thank you, Captain Obvious!


10 Responses to “I sure do!”

  1. Kathy says:

    How rude!

  2. ChezJulie says:

    I just read the first part that I could see on FB page, and when I read that he “looked you up and down” that is not what I thought he was going to say! I thought it would either be, “You work out, don’t you?” or “Hey, hot stuff!” 😉

  3. Jen2 says:

    I think gfy would have been the perfect response. Lol!

  4. Alyssa says:

    Or “It keeps me cool”
    What a strange comment!

  5. Mica says:

    I never have the right response for that kind of comment. I think as women (sometimes, obviously, not all the time and not everyone), we automatically just smile and agree or even worse, are self-deprecating about it, which I wish were not the case. Not that you should be rude–your answer was perfect!

  6. martymankins says:

    I would be thinking in the GFY response. That comment from the employee was kind of crass, IMO.

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