Skydiving Data

By , August 22, 2016 1:22 pm

Two Data posts in one day! Winning!

Part of our dining room ceiling is currently demolished, and we have plastic separating that part of the dining room from the kitchen, but you can still see in to the space. Contractors are here today, and one of the first things they did was put insulation between the floor joists over the dining room. Yay, progress… that someone else did!

So I am in the kitchen making our sandwiches for lunch, and happen to look over at the dining room plastic, and see a huge piece of insulation come down… with Data riding on top of it! What the what?!

He lands on the floor, making only a small thud noise, and calmly walks away.*


View from the kitchen


View from the living room

Meanwhile, I am in the kitchen with my mouth hanging open, saying to Steven, “Did you see that?! Data just floated down from the second floor on a piece of insulation!!!”

Steven’s like “So he went skydiving?”

Ha ha, I guess so. And I guess R38 insulation is thick enough for a 12-pound cat to fall 8’6″ and be okay.

And apparently, skydiving makes you VERY hungry:


And look at this!!!! CEILINGS! IN MY BEDROOM!!!!


*How did he get up there? Well, you access that part of the attic through a door in our bedroom that he pried open. Little sh*t. He’s been sneaking in there this whole project!

13 Responses to “Skydiving Data”

  1. Heather says:

    Whoa!!!! Geez, they sure know how to get your heart pounding, huh!

  2. Anne says:

    Oh my goodness, Data! What a dare-devil! Glad that he’s okay!

  3. Karen says:

    LOL he needs a little chute! Cats, are just so funny…and nosy

  4. Xaarlin says:

    Oh my gosh that sounds like something out of a tv show! So glad Dates was Ok!!

  5. Kathy says:

    Ha ha is it a bird, is it a plane…no it’s super cat

  6. Amy says:

    LOL! Of course, being Data, he wasn’t ruffled one bit by impromptu skydiving, was he?

  7. martymankins says:

    Data is a true cat. Curious about all sorts of openings. Our Tabby finds her way into open places a lot. She’s not been skydiving like Data, but I’m sure she will find a place to make that happen one day.

  8. Mica says:

    I’m glad Data is okay from his skydiving adventure. As a side note, I used to be really afraid of that kind of insulation because it was all over our unfinished attic, and my mom told me that it would cut my hands if I touched it. (I think she just wanted me to stay out of it?)

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