
By , August 5, 2016 6:58 am

Man! My arms were sore at strength class this morning! Ha!

We demolished almost all of the second floor ceiling yesterday, and got a ton out of the ceiling (can lights, etc.)… and this was all after a morning of moving the furniture out and putting up plastic to protect the carpet and walls.


Master bedroom


Guest bedroom



I had to work a half day, and do today too, but luckily, we have help – because there is no way Steven and I could get this done on our own.

Oh, sorry, Steven, Data and me. Data is very helpful.

160804helpercat1 160804helpercat2

Not surprisingly, we’re discovering more (than planned) damaged things that need to be replaced. I demolished the entire linen closet (including the walls, not just the ceiling) because it was in bad shape. Check out the ceiling, ew:


And also not surprising, we’ve found some interesting things, like the linen closet walls being full of pieces of drywall. Okay, that’s one way to do backing…


Hopefully we get a lot done today and don’t get much further off schedule! We need to try to have everything done by Sunday night so the contractors can put the new ceiling in on Monday!

11 Responses to “Progress!”

  1. Alice says:

    You guys should hire out your services after all this! You’re basically pros! 🙂

  2. Anne says:

    Of course Data is helping! Someone has to supervise, delegate, and keep the floor from floating away 🙂

  3. You guys are doing awesome. I’m picturing you going beast mode on the closet 🙂

    • kilax says:

      Ha! I was trying so hard to be in beast mode in that closet but the extra drywall was making it harder for me! Once I figured out that was in there, the walls came out easier! 🙂

  4. Rachel says:

    Ew. Haha that made me laugh.

    Glad you’re making progress! Good luck with the rest of the work and make sure Data keeps everyone on task!

  5. Glad to see Data is helping and getting his much needed sleep and break. Very important!!

  6. Mica says:

    Super helpful, Data. How did you and Steven learn to demolish a ceiling? Had either of you (or Data of course) done this before?

    • kilax says:

      We hadn’t before, but maybe Steven watched some Youtube videos? I will have to ask him. That is where he usually learns stuff! You basically cut the edge of the room then go to town with a hammer and pull it down!

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