Last weekend was our last (gawd, I hope) big working weekend and we ALMOST got everything done. Almost. Not quite. Cry.
But we did get enough done that the contractors could start yesterday, so, yay! We just have a few things to finish in the attic space this week. And we did get A LOT done this weekend:
We installed and tested all the lighting/electrical. This included (finishing) mounting the lights and securing previously mounted ones, cutting conduit (old and new), installing conduit, installing a lot of new wiring, and running up and down the stairs a zillion times to the breaker box to turn the power on and off. Ha. I had done some lighting wiring with Steven before in our other attic space (above the garage), but he taught me some new stuff – how to cut and ream conduit. I liked that I was learning something. I’m sure Steven loved that I slowed us down so much at first. Eek.

Reusing old conduit (after we cut it). It’s white because we painted all the old conduit with Kilz.

New, never been peed/pooped on conduit!

Let there be light!
Ductwork Taping
I taped up all the ductwork insulation (and installed one piece we missed) on Saturday. I now hate all tape. I wrapped a present Monday morning and was super frustrated. I need a tape break!

This tape is actually neat, everything’s just a pita to do in the attic. And as suspected, taping the supply vent ducts was a TOTAL PITA.

But it’s done, yay!
Subfloor Blocking
The contractors will be putting new subfloor in the attic space above the dining room (our roof slopes down, hence there being an attic there), and we put in blocking so they have something to attach the floor to.

This is where Data went to go skydiving
We’ve actually done A LOT of work in this room and I’ve barely mentioned it. The rafters going down to this space had a TON of insulation, nests, and animal droppings in between them that we took out. I vacuumed it about four times. We sprayed it with Kilz. We had to re-route our internet cables through here. And we removed the ceiling below it (over the dining room) due to animal damage.

And, the big project, which is what we didn’t finish – a catwalk above the attic. The attic was a pain to get in to before, and a pain to get around in. So we added a big opening to get in, and are installing a platform (“catwalk”) to crawl around on when we need to do work up there. We hope that will make future attic work less of a pain. I also hope never to be in our attic again… ha ha, I kid, I kid.

Opening to the attic

Platform when you get in
We laid down the supporting 2x4s on Saturday, then started prepping the 2x4s that go vertically next to those. The vertical 2x4s all varied in length to go around conduit.

We did as much as we could Saturday, while still leaving a space open to get the huge platform boards in to the attic space. We finished putting all the 2x4s in Sunday, and installed the platform in the guest bedroom area.

Data observing catwalk work

The guest bedroom side had a lot of special pieces since that is where the access panel to the attic is located, and we wanted there to be a little platform to use to get up and down.

View toward the south (over guest bedroom). There are sides on the platform because insulation is going to be blown in to the attic.
We also installed the platform over the rest of the attic on Sunday, but didn’t finish the sides.

View looking north toward master bedroom

View looking south back toward the guest bedroom and bathroom
We called it quits with the catwalk early (around 11:00 pm, ha) so we could clean up the second floor and garage. Our contractors came on Monday and we wanted them to have room to work. And we wanted the huge pile of sawdust off of our garage floor.
So, still left to do this week – finish the catwalk and install attic lighting. But probably install the lighting first so we can see what we are doing while we finish it!