- Hummingbirds have been hanging out by the flowers growing out of the hastas! Exciting! I should put out a legit feeder for them. They’re so fun to watch. Here’s a super awesome photo I took of one (circled in red, in case you can’t find it, ha):

- We had friends over last weekend and I was excited to use our new lawn furniture and eat lunch outside! Only, all you had to do was step outside to start dripping in sweat. So… we ate inside. Ha. But I am happy we got some outdoor seating. Hopefully we will have some opportunities to use it next month.

- I finished knitting a bunch of wash cloths. I thought about saving them for housewarming gifts, but decided to mail them to my Grandma to sell at her church’s farmers market booth. The pattern is ZickZack.

- Shelley helped me pick out needles to start knitting socks! August is going to be busy with house projects, so I hope I can give it a try in September.
- I’m sad to be missing the Movin’ Shoes Full Moon Run (5K) tonight in Madison with Rachel! We’ve run it the last three years together! But it just doesn’t make sense with my schedule this year. I hope she has a great race!!!
Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 103
That’s cool that you had a hummingbird by your house the other day! I used to see them all the time when I was in Ohio but I don’t even know if we have them around here.
I happen to have a bird book by my desk (still pondering heron vs crane) and your region does get the ruby-throated hummingbird!
Oh, how wonderful! I love hummingbirds! My parents have two feeders (one in the front and one in the back) and they get lots of hummingbirds. They’re territorial little friends, though, and sometimes get really fight-y with each other! But they’re still so adorable and such amazing creatures. AND, as a bonus, hummingbird feeders sometimes also attract other birds! In the spring time, my parents and grandma sometimes get orioles, and this past spring, for whatever reason, the goldfinches were SUPER interested in my parents’ hummingbird feeders (even though their beaks are too big to get into the sugar water haha).
I’m in the same boat as you with my outdoor furniture. I’m starting to panic because I haven’t had anyone over to eat dinner with me on my porch at my bistro set yet! I was eating meals out there a lot earlier this summer, but with the hot weather, I haven’t been interested in eating out there much at all lately!
I didn’t know they were territorial! That is cool the feeders attract other birds. My Grandma has been telling me how her feeder is attracting lots of ants. EEK!!!!
It’s been so gross outside! I hope it cools down so we can both enjoy eating al fresco!
They are so tiny. I’m impressed that you even spotted that…very cool!
Their wings give them away! 🙂
Those washcloths turned out so cute! And yay for Sock September. 🙂
Thanks! I liked the pattern on the solid and on the pink/coral one!
Sock September! I like that! 🙂
How cool! And I love your hastas (here we call them “hostas”) – I love them but can’t keep them here because the snails love eating the leaves so much, and I really don’t want to poison all the snails. I read some where that hostas are actually edible for humans, too: http://rawedibleplants.blogspot.be/2014/06/hosta-species.html
But I’ve never actually tried them – like I said, the snails get to them first! 😉
Ha! Snails eating them!!! I didn’t know humans could too!
The washcloths look great! I bet your grandma will sell them all super quickly. People love homemade house things!
I didn’t know you got hummingbirds at your house. I love seeing them! I get really excited every time I see one, but I’ve given up on trying to get a photo. My phone is so slow that it’s just not going to happen.
Do you have problems with deer eating your hostas? My MIL always complains about deer eating the hostas and her dog not doing anything to chase them away.
Thanks! She sold three sets! 🙂
I am hoping Steven can get a better pic with his real camera at some point!
I haven’t noticed the deer eating the hostas yet!