- My day job is in the design (interior architecture) industry. That means going to NeoCon, a several day design exposition and conference for commercial interiors at the Merchandise Mart in Chicago (I only went one day this year). All that intro is to tell you I saw this office jungle gym yesterday at NeoCon and ME LIKEY!!!! It’s called the BuzziJungle, by BuzziSpace. You basically climb in, and sit wherever! Don’t you think your office needs this?! Mine sure does!

- I ended up completely starting over with the dishcloth I started Tuesday (I was only 14 rows in, so, no biggie d) so it would be more tightly knit. I thought I was going to finish it last night but I had to do work when I got home. Maybe I’ll finish it on this morning’s train ride! Or maybe I’ll nap. Ha.

- Work has been frying my brain something serious lately. Pair that with days in training where I am trying to get my regular work done and pay attention to class, and I am SO brain dead. Blah. I can’t wait for vacation! I really need a reset.
- It’s too hot out (for me) to wear pants or jeans to work (and not suffer from my sweatiness). Time to bust out some of the last few boxes I haven’t unpacked since February – summer skirts and dresses! Woo hoo! Let the legs breeeeeeeeeeeathe!

- Ugh. The bugs out here. Those are NOT moles on my neck in my post run picture below. It’s not so much that the bugs gross me out, just that I wish they’d stay off my body/stop flying around my head. And summer hasn’t even started yet… muah ha ha.

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 102
Ugh, I hate bugs getting on me like that too. I was running down a stretch of road the other day and it seemed like there was a horse fly convention going on. Drives me nuts.
YES! Those stupid flies! GAH! JUST LEAVE US BE! Go bother a horse! LOL.
I hate the bugs. I joke that when I run I am a walking bug-suicide provider 🙁
That office jungle gym is crazzzzy!
Ha ha ha – that is a good term for it!
I can only imagine that going in an office like Google or some tech start up!
I like that dishcloth pattern a lot! And I see you got a row counter to keep track. I still haven’t gotten one but probably should. I usually make tally marks in a book, ha!
I like how much cooler skirts and dresses are, but I wish you didn’t have to wear dressy shoes with them. I destroy flats from walking to work and back. Do you wear walking shoes and then change at the office?
Thanks! It’s ZickZack by Knit Picks. I got that counter last summer when I made my nephew a blanket, and I love using it! I was doing the tally method before, too 🙂
Yeah, I typically change shoes at the office, save for the ONE comfortable pair of flats I have!
The bugs are the worst. I’ve had bad experiences with getting them in my eyes while running. It’s one of the negatives to running in the evenings when they are out in full force and you aren’t wearing sunglasses. Blech!
Yay for summer skirts and dresses! Sadly for me, my office cranks the AC up so high that it gets cold in a skirt/dress. It’s like going in between the oven and the freezer!
That is what I was worried about this am – I left the house just after 4:30 and figured I didn’t need my glasses… oh no – they were in my eyes RIGHT away! Lesson learned – ALWAYS bring glasses!
That’s the worst 🙁 So sweaty walk then freezing in your sweat at your desk?!
I am alllll about the dresses – so comfy, so breezy, so much better than having a waistband constricting my giant bump 😀
Yes! Let the bump breathe, too! 🙂
I’ve gotten my dresses out, and I bought another one to add to the collection. It’s very lightweight so it’s a great summer dress already.
I’ve been wearing almost nothing but skirts to work lately, too. Dressing for work during the summer is such a pain, though. I think there must be some sort of OSHA regulation that all offices must be kept at 62 degrees, because that’s about how warm it feels in my current office, and my old office wasn’t much better. I have to wear lightweight clothes (and skirts/dresses) to not die of heat stroke on my commute, but then I FREEZE all day in the office. I have a fleece there that I pretty much wear full time because it is SO cold. But I guess at least wearing summer clothes keeps me from getting sick of my winter clothes, even though I could definitely wear them year round inside the office haha.
Ha! There you go – you’re rotating your wardrobe 🙂
It’s interesting that some buildings are kept so cool. Like, freezer cooler. I keep a jacket in the car in the summer for when I shop inside Target, so I don’t freeze!
I wondered if you (or Christina) would be at Neocon! I loved that they set up stuff in the common areas so those of us who work in the building could see some of it. Also, what do you think of the remodel of the Mart’s front entryway with the new staircase??
I like that they have stuff set up throughout too! And I liked the remodel – I saw a lot of people using it!
That BuzziJungle looks odd, but inviting.