- My chest and arm muscles have been so sore lately. But not from anything I am doing on purpose. It’s all from functional training – yard work!

- Steven has been wanting to try Red Robin takeout, and I kept telling him that defeats the point of their bottomless fry offer – you can’t ask for more once you get home! Ha ha. We ordered it once in April and didn’t get many fries (NOT the end of the world – we were plenty full), but Steven ordered it this week and told them he didn’t get many fries last time, so they sent him home with all this awesomeness. Ha. We had LOTS of extra fries. Fries for days.

- My dad heard through the grapevine that there was an accident on the bike trail where we wiped out – a friend of his mom’s saw an ambulance and gurney there! And now they’ve put up cones and signs. I hope no one else wipes out there!
- My website is running really slow and I don’t know how to fix it. Eek! Sorry if you’re dealing with it on your end! I always assume it my pos host messing things up, but maybe it’s actually on the wordpress side this time. Which means I probably won’t take the time to figure it out. Which means bye bye blog. Update: the tech guy I talked to today actually told me the truth – there is a slowness issue on the host’s end.
- I am not a yoga person, but I would definitely try this kind of yoga – kitten yoga (pdf here)! Aww! I saw this on Facebook because a college friend of mine is actually in the article! I wonder if there is something like this in Chicago.
- Today is my mom’s birthday! I snuck a special surprise in her birthday gift. Muah ha ha. She found it right away.
Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 101
Wow, Red Robin really made it up to you guys on the fries! I would love to try kitten yoga 🙂 But knowing cats, they would do their best to try to knock me over.
They did! We still have a lot of them! YUM!
Ha ha! In the article, they said they used certain poses that were less risky for people to fall on the cats, but said that some were still on the mats. AWWW!
The only thing better than fries? Lots o’ fries! Anyway, your site is working fine on my end. Hopefully, it was a temporary glitch!
I am happy it is. I am still having lots of issues here. Now I am not sure if it’s our internet, though! LOL. I should just take a break for the day.
I always like to think of my yard work as training…makes me feel better about it :). When the zombie apocalypse happens you will survive the winter lol and we’ll both be able to run!! Thats a lot of fries..nom.
Yoga is a weird thing for me with the right teacher (aka style) I love it and then other classes I hate and can’t get out of there fast enough. Kitten yoga looks adorable!!
It totally is! Steven is super sore from it too! And that IS what I am secretly training for 😉
That doesn’t seem weird at all – for yoga or ANY class! You gotta click with the teacher!
Oh my gosh – I want to do kitten yoga!!
Like, right meow, right? 🙂
Your site is working fine on my end. Wonder what is causing the issue for you? So mysterious.
I totally understand the bottomless fries strategy! I never want to do take-out at any of the all-you-can-eat buffets because it defeats the purpose of “all you can eat,” LOL. That is really awesome that Red Robin loaded you up with fries when Steven gave them feedback. =)
They had it “fixed” by 8:30 yesterday am, so hopefully that was it! 🙂
RIGHT?! WHY DO THAT?! LOL. Oh, self control. I was really excited when he came home with all those. Haha.
Red Robin fries are the shiz!
Nice of Red Robin to give you more fries. I love them! And your kitchen looks beautiful.
Thanks 🙂