Exciting morning over here…

By , June 1, 2016 6:23 am

… for Data. Ha.


I heard him hit the window and thought “what in the world?!”

Then, “Oh yeah, the chipmunks!”


A few baby chipmunks live in our yard, and one of them was giving Data a show this morning.

Steven loves the to watch the chipmunks. His favorite thing is when they sit on the edge or our patio, and look out over the yard.




We often see them do that in the morning, so I imagine it’s the calm before they start their crazy chipmunk day of running around and up things. Ha ha.

17 Responses to “Exciting morning over here…”

  1. Kathy says:

    Omg they are adorable. Seriously you have so many animals around your house…jealous 😀

  2. Lesley says:

    My parents have ground squirrels, and it drives one of their cats nuts. He will pounce into the window because those squirrels are brazen and will run right across the back patio in front of him. They know that window’s there to protect them.

  3. Shelley B says:

    Awww!!! We have lots of squirrels in our backyard so I’m quite familiar with that window thump, LOL. I love to watch Chip and Dale chase each other round and round, up and down, our oak trees…and I know that’s where the cartoon came from – they really DO that!

    • kilax says:

      They really do!!!! The other day all the babies were at one of the feeders and you could barely see them as they ate… then one would start to chase and all of a sudden you’d see six of them running around and acting nuts! So fun to watch 🙂

  4. Ohhh, I love chipmunks! I think they’re just the cutest. My dog, however, was NOT a fan. They were the bane of his existence (though I think he hated the squirrels more. The chipmunks would run away when he barked, but the squirrels were smarter and knew he couldn’t get to them when he was behind glass, so they’d just sit there and taunt him.)

    • kilax says:

      They ARE! They’re so cute! We didn’t see them often at the townhome and it was always a treat. I love that there are so many here!

      LOL!!! Poor dog!

  5. Xaarlin says:

    Hahahahah Dates certainly has a lively schedule of critters to watch now 🙂 has peoples returned?

  6. Mica says:

    I didn’t see Data too into the chipmunks during our visit! I guess he was too busy looking at me. 😉

    I love the duck photobomb in the second photo!

    • kilax says:

      Oh course! When his favorite person is here, that is all he has eyes for 🙂

      Me too! I totally laughed when Steven text me that pic!

  7. Amy says:

    Oh, chipmunks are so cute! Do you remember Chip and Dale? In Dutch they are called Knabbel and Babbel…

    • kilax says:

      They are the cutest!

      I totally remember them! That is cool they are over there, too. Are they popular now, or more when your boys were young?

  8. Karen says:

    I bet that little critter knows he is driving Data crazy lol

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