- A stray cat has been hanging at my parent’s place since the summer (first living in their garage, then in the house when it got cold), and they noticed she was getting a bit chunky this winter. Guess what? She was PREGGERS! Now my parents have kittens at their house. They’ll find homes for them, and get the mother cat spayed. My dad has been sending us daily pictures of the kittenz and I love it!

- Speaking of cats… I love the idea of this “business cats” article (pdf here) – a shelter in Florida is placing cats in pet-friendly businesses to increase their visibility and chance of adoption. I hope the program is successful! And of course, “business cat” makes me think of this meme! Data hopes the potential adoptees are wearing their best ties to the office!

- You may have noticed when I post a link to an online article, I also provide a pdf version of it. The reason is twofold – in case you’d rather read the pdf, and for down the road, when the links don’t work anymore. I’m happy I’ve been doing this, because I was just referencing an old post I wrote about flow and the link to the article was super messed up – I was glad to still have the pdf!
- Speaking of blogging… is anyone else getting tons of spam comments caught in their WordPress Akismet spam filter? I have comments on posts automatically close when the post is 30 days old, to help with this, but some robot is hitting my site hard. I went from a few spam comments a day, to hundreds of them. Just lots of deleting from the spam folder. Hopefully I am not deleting any real comments!
- When we first visited our home in August of last year, the mosquitoes were so bad we couldn’t spend much time in the yard. If you know me, you know mosquitoes LOVE me, and will choose to bite me through bug spray, even if someone else is standing right next to me without any on. Ha ha. That we bought the house, with the mosquito problem, is a huge sign of how much we love it! Now, to take care of the mosquitoes. They started biting me in March, and I probably have ten bites on my legs from last weekend! Cleaning up the pond will help, and we think we’ll get the yard fogged, too.
- I did my duty and tried all of the Ben & Jerry’s vegan ice creams. I am surprised to report that Coffee Caramel Fudge is my favorite! (I was surprised since I don’t drink coffee!) The other three flavors (Chunky Monkey, P.B. & Cookies, and Fudge Brownie) are so so – the flavor is good – just not what I go for in ice cream.

- Mica and her husband will be here in May and we’ll get to see them! I am stoked! It’s been way too long since we’ve all been together! Steven and I need to make it a priority to visit them in San Francisco, too. I should start putting money away to get tickets to go out in the fall or next year.
Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 95
I seriously cannot decide whether or not I should show this post to Julia.
I don’t understand why you wouldn’t….? 😛
I could probably be talked into delivering one (or 2 lol) to what I know would be good home…
I will NOT be telling Julia that part, or John will KILL me 🙂
Aww, but it would be so nice to have my parents come visit!!! 🙂
Those kittens are SO CUTE OMG!!! And Data is all business.
Mosquitoes love me too… maybe if you and I hung out together in the summer they’d be confused. Who should we bite first?!
I saw the vegan B&J on Cartwheel last weekend and meant to pick some up at Tar-jay-jay. Coffee caramel fudge sounds awesome! Chunky Monkey is actually one of my favorite of their flavors, but I know banana isn’t for everyone.
I bet we will find out this summer!!!!
Let me know what you think of the flavors if you try any! Chunky Monkey was my second favorite of the four. I don’t think I’ve had banana ice cream before!
Kittens!!! I have a weakness for them…once I was shopping for garden decorations and came home with a “gift with purchase” in the form of a tiny orange and white kitty.
Aww, that is awesome!!!! As if shopping for garden decorations isn’t already fun enough!
Ok, so I am not a big cat fan…I think I get that from my mom. But I love kittens…they are too cute! Puppies too…I am the adopt all the puppies type of person! 🙂
Don’t they have some stuff that is eco-friendly you can put in the pond that kills off mosquitoes before they hatch? Maybe that is just for small ponds though…not sure!
There is probably something like that for the pond! And our pond is fairly small… not sure what we’ll do yet, though! We’re still researching 🙂
Kitties!!! Will Data get a new sibling??
Dates looks like he means business with that power bow tie on.
I hope you find a solution to kill off the mosquitos so you can enjoy being out doors. I hate mosquitos so much and they would ruin my Florida summers. Ugh!!
Data is an only child 🙂 But it sounds like Data’s cousin Dexter (Christina’s fur child) may be!
Our neighbors said they had good luck with fogging so I hope it works for us too! EEK! I want to enjoy my yard! We have several good spots for lawn furniture and outside eating!
Ahhhhhh the kittens! gosh, nothing cuter than babies!
I will have to look for the vegan ice cream. I can’t do the real thing, my tummy says no thank you lol
My probiotics are not rated vegan, so I am not sure if they are. (thought from a few days ago)
There are so many different kinds of vegan ice cream, too! Maybe one of them will work for you!
Thanks for checking!
The kittens are so adorable! My cats have their business attire as well, just in case they’re called for an important meeting 🙂 I had no idea Ben and Jerry’s had vegan ice cream. I’ll have to look for it.
Aww, I’d love to see a pic of them!
I think they just came out with about two months ago! Let me know if you try them!
Oh, how cute! Baby animals – always so sweet…
I’ll have to try the vegan Ben and Jerry’s while I’m in the US…
Aww, thanks for mentioning me. I’m so excited to see you, Steven, and my main squeeze Data! Maybe we can stand out in the yard together, fully covered in repellant, and still get bitten. I also swell up so badly when I get bitten. You do too, right?
Ooh, I haven’t had B&J in so long. Do they cost the same as the regular pints? It makes me sad when vegan food is more expensive because it seems like companies are not making their products accessible. (Even though, like…they’re companies.)
We are excited to see you guys! I really should have made some attempt to get the yard sprayed for bugs before you get here, so I hope we don’t end up all swollen! Yep – I get that way too!
Hmm. I didn’t even notice the price and I never bought their stuff before so I will have to check! Vegan food is almost always more expensive! Well, except fruit, etc. Ha.