Mother Nature’s a day late

By , April 2, 2016 8:42 am

On her April Fools’ joke!


Snow?! Good one!

Ha ha, snow isn’t uncommon here in April and it will all be gone tomorrow. I’ll enjoy looking at it while it lasts today!

And I still have all my cold weather running gear handy, so it’s allllll good. To think, though, I was tentatively planning (earlier in the year) on racing for a half marathon PR today if I got my shiz together. I wonder how that would have gone in this weather – besides the snow it’s supposed to be REALLY windy. The cold temps would have been nice though.

Speaking of having all my cold weather outdoor gear still accessible – do you pack up winter and summer items when you aren’t using them? I didn’t at our townhome since I had a walk-in closet, but I think that’s something I might (have to) start doing now, to free up some closet space.

12 Responses to “Mother Nature’s a day late”

  1. Jen2 says:

    I don’t trade out my clothes with the seasons but I probably should. It would definitely help with space issues and likely be conducive to purging. I’m just too lazy.

  2. Pete B says:

    The snow was cool today it looked like little Styrofoam balls and it hardly stuck to the ground in the city. Also, there was thunder! Yes, the wind would have not been conducive to a PR, but the temps would have been ideal!

  3. Kristina says:

    I’m learning that spring in Colorado is totally unpredictable – like your weekly recap, we had a bit of everything: snow, winds, and then some gorgeous days (topping out at 75 degrees). Crazy!

  4. Alyssa says:

    I woke up, looked outside and said “April Fools was yesterday!” The snow at our house melted pretty quickly but then it snowed again, then that melted and it snowed some more haha. I didn’t mind the snow but we went for a walk and the wind was cold! I was regretting not wearing 2 pairs of pants!

    I do usually pack up my winter/summer items and keep them in my suitcase in the other closet. But my winter running items stay out till about May! You never know with the midwest weather!

    • kilax says:

      Wasn’t it the goofiest day ever? And the snow was really weird – it looked like little pieces of styrofoam! I didn’t mind the snow but could do without that wind 😉

      What do you do it you need to use your suitcase? Just put the stuff out? I do have a suitcase full of bags and that is what I do with the bags. Ha ha, yeah, I will keep the winter stuff out – I think I will need it today!

      • Alyssa says:

        The snow did look weird!

        I really don’t use the suitcase that much so when I do I just put all the clothes on the guest bed. I mostly use my duffel bag when we are going to Iowa for the weekend anyways.

        I wore a winter hat this morning to work because it is cold!

  5. Erin says:

    Oh man, I saw some pics from the South Shore Half and it looked miserable. However, I did run 10 miles in the sun/snow/sun/snow weather and, yes, got caught in a mini-blizzard at the halfway mark. Chewie was not a fan of getting snow up his nose!

  6. martymankins says:

    Ahh.. spring snow. We get snow here in Utah well into late May. I recall a few years ago, it snowing on June 2nd. That’s just wrong.

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