Things I’m excited about in April!
- My mom being in Chicagoland for a conference (this weekend)! I’m hoping to see her once or twice.
- Star Wars: The Force Awakens coming out on DVD on April 5!
- Teaching fitness boxing, and teaching an outdoor cycling interval class with a fellow Efit instructor.
- Using my “dump cart” to do some yard work! (I really enjoy picking up sticks… and we have A LOT in our yard.)
- Dates with friends.
- A visit to Dallas to see Gina, Steve and Luca, and to celebrate Luca’s fifth birthday!
- A visit from my snister and her husband at the end of the month!
- Contracted housework being done… maybe? Hopefully?!
- Maybe hanging some artwork/photos up around the house!
- That as of April 1st… I still have five weeks left to train for the Wisconsin Half Marathon. Phew!
What are you excited about in April?
I’m also looking forward to Star Wars, though it looks like I have to buy the Blu-Ray package to get the DVD. I only want the DVD and nothing else.
I haven’t looked to see what is in the package, but I am excited about seeing the deleted scenes and any “making of” features!
#10!!!!!!! Eeek!
I hope you get to take lots of dumps. (Yes, I’m reusing a joke…I can’t get enough!)
You are ready for WI meow!!!!!
Ha ha ha. I will give up an update each time I dump!
Ahhhh sounds like a nice April for you
so happy you get to see your mom and everyone too 
It was really fun to see my mom the last two nights! But now I am so tired from being up late. HA!