Going for it!

By , March 26, 2016 6:08 am

When we were putting things away in the storage room, I came across my box of one, two and three size too big work pants and jeans and said “Forget it! I am getting rid of these!”


So I did!

And hopefully, I don’t regret it.

Especially with all those peanut butter cups in the house!

(I still need to go through packed up things that still fit and see if there’s anything else to get rid of – I imagine there will be. I think there may be another box or two of things that are too big, as well, that I can donate.)

11 Responses to “Going for it!”

  1. Kiersten says:

    You got this! You won’t need them ever again! I’m always torn between my “I want to declutter and get rid of stuff” side and my “but I don’t want to waste money buying new clothes if I gain weight” side.

    • kilax says:

      Thanks for the encouragement! I won’t need them! And it helps knowing they’re kind of out of style (I know, cheating), lol!!!! I’d really like to stay at the size I am at. Of course, I need to do more than “like” to do that…

  2. Pete B says:

    I need to buy new pants. I should call them “marathon pants” because I seem to always lose a waist size or two in the final high mileage weeks preceding the taper. I can’t out eat my miles. After the marathon they would go back in storage once my miles dwindle and I lift my restrictions on cookies and candy!

  3. Michelle says:

    I was hanging on to a pair of my “lucky” jeans, for nearly 15 years, swearing they would 1. fit me again and 2. come back in style, LOL. I have a better chance of #2 happening since style always recycles itself back in a decade or two, but I didn’t see either happening any time soon so I finally donated them to Goodwill.

    • kilax says:

      LOL! What happened to make them lucky?

      I had a pair I was keeping to fit back in to, and I also think they wouldn’t be in style anymore. Need to find those to get rid of them, ha ha.

  4. joanna says:

    Good for you!! i kept all my bigger pants so that I could wear them during pregnancy. Otherwise I would have thrown them out long ago!

  5. Mica says:

    Do you feel better now that you got rid of them? Do you have any lingering “ugh, should I have hung on to at least one pair?” For me, I may agonize over whether to keep something or not, but I rarely regret deciding to part with it once I’ve done it.

    • kilax says:

      I do feel better and don’t regret it! But it helps that I rarely wear those types of pants to work anymore!

      I got rid of a TON of stuff when we were packing and don’t regret any of it, either. I regret not getting rid of more.

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