- Storage room update! Someone worked very hard on putting in conduit, replacing the light, and adding outlets (not all shown below)! A lot of our boxes are in there, and now there is much more free space in the rest of the basement. We still need to adjust the shelf heights – and get the rest of our stuff from the warehouse. We’re getting there!

- I read a lot of blogs, and often read the comments, and usually, all the commenters agree with the author or encourage whatever the author is doing. It’s true that we’re more likely to read blogs we relate to and comment when we relate (I am not trying to encourage trolling!!!), but please, please, don’t always agree with the author or encourage them when it seems like they are doing something unhealthy or harmful to themselves. It’s okay to ask if they’ve considering something else or if they are sure that’s a good decision. I try to… until I give up and stop reading the blog because of the repetitive bad decision and then “why did this happen?” cycle. Horrible, I know. And of course, please leave those types of comments here.
- Two years ago I wrote about a Runner’s World article about uncertainty speed workouts – not knowing what your speedwork would be until you were doing it, and how that uncertainty helps you mentally train for the uncertainties of race day. I thought it was a good idea, and still do. From time to time, I just go out and do whatever speedwork comes to mind. Well, Runner’s World is repetitive if nothing else, and they had a similar article with fresh ideas a few issues ago. I was waiting forever for it to come online to share with you – here it finally is (pdf here)!
- Ahh, I miss these days, and knew I would when I wrote that post. We’ve been go go go since the move and I am T-I-R-E-D. Which I also knew I would be. I look forward to when contractors aren’t coming in and out of the house most days. And I am looking forward to some visits with family and friends that will slow things down. And someday, a nice long nap! (I am very grateful we can have work done on our house and that we live in this home, period, I am just tired and in need of a recharge).
- I was in work training the first three days of the week, and I got to take the class with one of the first coworkers I ever worked with! She moved on to a different division soon after I started but we really clicked, and sitting next to her, well, may not have been the best idea in class. Ha ha. But it made it fun. I love how she laughs at ALL my stupid jokes. I tell a lot of them, guys. They don’t all deserve to be laughed at. I am not even sure 50% do. But it sure feels good when I make people laugh.
Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 91
So we aren’t just supposed to agree with everything to gain massive popularity and love??? Damn! lol! I like that you added that, I have noticed it too. I just usually stick to reading stuff where people keep it real. There are some of the really big blogs that I notice comments doing a great job of kissing some booty! I like the good and the bad. I screw crap up and if someone doesn’t call me out, I may never realize it.
Ha ha! If that is your goal… it might work?! Ha.
I like the blogs that keep it real, too. And somewhat build a relationship with their readers. My goal for my blog, after it being a place to speak my mind, is to build relationships.
I wish I would have blogged more when I started running and that someone would have warned me that I was doing it wrong (doing my long runs at race pace and not strength training). Knowledge sharing FTW!
Right! I know that it is few and far between someone says “hey Staci….don’t do that!!!” So I’m either better at not screwing up or people are shy. I am open to all opinions and advise, there is so much to learn about so many things the more people that are willing to share the better.
I definitely agree with you about the not agreeing with everything. See what I did there 🙂 Just kidding. If people feel like I’m writing about something that’s not so well thought out or doing something which might be a mistake, I definitely want to hear about it! The articles about uncertain speedwork are interesting. I’ve never tried that before.
I like what you did there. HA!!!!! I mean, don’t agree with other people but ALWAYS agree with me!!!! 😛
You seem like a very logical person, so I can’t imagine you getting many of those comments. You rest when you have soreness and don’t over do it. 🙂
It’s such a different idea for speedwork! Kind of like showing up at the track after school and having the coach tell you what to do… my friend and I were talking about how we’d try that, but texting each other right before speed work and telling the other what to do, but we never did. Ha ha.
But if you don’t agree with everything then you are a HATER! Didn’t you know that? I disagree that you should disagree. hehe.
I hope you get some time to relax and recharge soon! If you need to escape to Wisco anytime soon, I have a place I can hide you once you get past that fence we are building to keep the FIBs out. 🙂 hahahahah
I am not sure you can disagree to disagree because by disagreeing to that you are saying you should agree. Ha!
Sadness! Am I still a FIB even though I am thisclose to the border?!
Your storage room looks fantastic! I can appreciate that you are ready for a serious break – you and Stephen have been so on top of getting the house ready, but it must be hard to balance that along with everything else. Hopefully you can ‘recharge’ soon, get in a nap and have some time with friends and family!
Thank you! I am very happy with how it turned out! Steven thought maybe it wasn’t enough light but it’s SUCH an improvement from before 🙂
Thanks, I really hope I can soon, too. It’s so funny – I have tomorrow off and had this epic nap planned but we have some huge doors being replaced so I doubt I can do it. Wah wah wah, right?!! :p
More than 50% of your jokes deserve to be laughed at! How dare you spread such lies!!!
😀 Look at me not agreeing with you! Hahaha. I totally agree (oops…) with what you’re saying, though. Unlike the comments sections on news sites, which seem to solely exist for the purpose of disagreeing with the article, comment sections on blogs seem to exist exclusively in an echo chamber. Unless someone is specifically asking for advice on something, it seems to violate a very strict unwritten rule of Blogland to disagree with whatever the blogger says…which kind of makes you wonder about the value of comment sections in the first place! If all we’re doing is patting other people on the back for…whatever it is they’re doing…is that really a necessary thing? Now I have all sorts of deep, existential questions about blog commenting. Haha.
Buah ha ha! I like that disagreement 😉
That is mostly what blogging is – validation. It just is. Unless, people write stuff so polarized that people DO argue with them, but then again, they’d just lose readers! It’s tricky. Especially when you want to write “have you thought about…?” but don’t want to sound like you are being a jerk, but really are concerned for someone! Because we do care about these people – why else would we read their blogs?
Is it bad I don’t do speedwork? I just like to go out and run. I’m not looking for a PR at this point, and I need to build strength and go slow for now.
Every runner is different and you don’t need to do speedwork (unless you want to get faster, which you don’t)! It doesn’t seem like a good idea for you since you’re injury prone. 🙂 Keep doing what you’re doing. 🙂
Looks AMAZING! Would you guys like to come out and work on our the basement in our about-to-be-ours house?! 😉
Sure! We need another trip out there 😉
That storage room looks so nice! Well done!
The groupthink on blogs is seriously scary. So many times I come across running blogs where the person is clearly injured and still running and the comments are all “you’re an inspiration” and I’m all WUT!? Where’s the common sense!? Tell them to stop before they can’t run anymore for good! But if you were to comment any sort of concern for them and their ridic behavior They would likely get defensive and label you a jelly hater. Smh. People.
That speedwork article is great! I’m so glad they finally posted it 🙂 I might employ some aspect of the roulette recovery tonight.
That is what I see, too. And so many times, people running through pain… for what? So we don’t lose money on races we signed up for? So we feel better about eating and burning it off? It scares me!
I might, too!
Oh man, that storage room! I need that! haha.
Totally agree with you on commenting – I’ll read a post and want to leave some constructive criticism, but all the comments are so positive and just go with whatever the author wrote about. It’s hard to go against it! And if you don’t agree or try to make suggestions, you’re a “hater” or whatever. I wish more people would speak up in a nice way – I know I could use it from time to time!
Everyone needs it!!!! 🙂
I wish more people would, too. I read those comments and wonder, would they say these things to people in real life – like, would they not bring up their concern? Some people really don’t want to rock the boat… especially on blogs, it seems.
The storage rooms looks so good! I’m jealous! And relieved that we aren’t the only people who seem to have a lot of stuff that needs to be stored! I totally hear you on the missing having free time. I feel like I’m either on one end or the other: bored or crazy busy.
Thank you! Oh gosh, I bet MOST of us have way too much stuff! And we got rid of so much. Eek.
And you have it so much worse with nursing school! I applaud you! Keep it going, girl!!! 😀
That storage room is what dreams are made of! It looks so clean and spacious and organized. Adam and I only have a storage locker in our condo building’s basement, and it’s about as disorganized as can be. We’ve got packages of toilet paper and paper towels and other stuff haphazardly just stuffed in there, LOL.
Thanks 🙂
With a limited storage size, it would be hard to keep it organized! I imagine you have as much in there as possible, right?!
I have some bloggers who I have tried to gently call out, or suggest a change, when they do as you wrote; but mostly, I end up not saying anything if I disagree (at least I’m not being a fangurl “OMG you’re so right, I want to BE you!!” ugh that I see other bloggers get – barf).
Your storage room looks lovely. I am jealous.
Ha ha – those comments ARE barfy.
I get to the point where I don’t say anything too, and mostly stop reading. It gets so redundant, right?
Thanks! 🙂
Wow – really nice storage room! Our storage spaces (basement, garage, attic) are all such a jumbled mess. Too overwhelming to get started on. Where does all the stuff come from anyway???
Thanks again for checking in on us this week. Things are slowly starting to get back to “normal” but of course we all know that things will never be the same again. We just have to keep plugging along.
Thank you! I swear, this stuff accumulates on its own! And I bet even more if you have kids?!
You’re welcome 🙂 I know you have the right attitude to find a good new “normal”! I hope you find that your friends and family there do as well. Hugs!!!