- Hmm, so much for a no chip manicure. My thumbnail chipped on the fourth day. It has a crack in it though, so maybe that’s why? The other nails are still doing great.

- Ha ha, I am such a liar!!! I wanted to give the MBP bracelet to Mom or Christina when I saw them last weekend, but I didn’t want them to suspect it, so I asked Bobbi to text me when she was checking in on Data that she saw him playing with the bracelet at the house. Only, I sent her that photo and actually had the bracelet with me the whole time. Ha! My mom and snis were totally tricked when I showed them the text from Bobbi, and I laughed really hard when I got a text from my snister when she found the bracelet in her purse on Monday at work. Buah ha ha. Ha. Ha.

- Still no close date on the house! It’s all dependent on when the appraisal comes back, if it requires any repairs, the seller signing some clause, then a request for clear to close. And all those timelines are up in the air. I kind of feel like we’re just going to get an email that says “Your close date is tomorrow!” and I am going to respond with “I can’t go tomorrow, I’m in training/with a client!” Sigh. But we’re moving forward with some stuff, like deciding on appliances. And getting quotes from movers. Whatever. I am chill about it. It is what it is.

- This tiny little pink hat didn’t even fit Bobbi’s youngest daughter’s head! Gosh, I really messed that hat up. Bobbi’s daughter said she’d like a hat, in purple, if possible, so I made her one, in hopefully the right size. Look how fun the yarn pattern turned out!

- The super awesome thing about our new house is that it’s 5 miles/a 10 minute drive from Bobbi’s house. We’re practically neighbors!!! YAY!
- Did you guys see this article (pdf here) about the new Mio trackers that will track your steps, as well as your heart rate and give you a combined score they call PAI – Personal Activity Intelligence? The idea is that people need more than a goal of 10,000 steps a day (did you know that goal is from a campaign from Japan… from the 1960s?!) – they need to focus on getting their heart rate up, too. So these Mio wearables track both and give you the PAI score, which you want to keep above 100. It’s cool that you’ll actually get credit for things that don’t include steps (like riding a bike). I am not surprised to see something new from the wearable/trackable industry. I see so many people wearing these things, it makes me wonder when the bubble is going to burst, and people will lose interest. Gotta come up with something new to track, to keep people engaged!
Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 82
NEIGHBORS!!!! I am so excited about that part 🙂
ME TOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, Kim. I enjoyed your randomness!
Lol! Thanks! And hi! 🙂
Ugh, nothing annoys me more than a chipped nail! Seriously, nothing. Have you tried a gel manicure? I think that’s different than no-chip. Melanie and I got those last year and I was chip-free for 3 weeks!
Not to stress you out any further, but the “you’re closing tomorrow” email could totally happen. That’s exactly what happened with the condo refinance! It was similar in that they didn’t know a date, didn’t know a date, and then suddenly, it was happening the next day. Hopefully you’ll get more notice than that!
The 10,000 step thing is from the 60’s? HA! I do obsess over my metrics, but know that just getting that many steps doesn’t necessarily mean I’m being super active (because it’s actually pretty easy to hit 10k if you think about it during the day). I’ve always worn a HRM when doing any kind of exercise, so heart rate interests me a lot too.
It really makes me bonkers – I keep nail polish at work in case it happens, so I can remove the polish from each finger. Hmm. I haven’t one gel. Maybe I will try that next! I was able to peel this entire nail off and just repaint it to be similar, so that helps.
Don’t worry, it’s not stressing me more! At this point, I am seriously ready for anything! I know I will have some tired days ahead when we final get the close and I have to pack up everything here 🙂 Makes me feel better that it’s not just me 🙂
Crazy, right? I was looking that up over Christmas (Andrew and I were talking about it) and this article mentioned it too! We wondered where the 10K number came from. I think it’s a great start, for sure, but there is just so much more to think about. 🙂
I hate when it happens at work, or if I’m out or something – I get so fixated on it! Gel is good for not chipping, but it’s a pain to remove, so I guess that’s the down side.
Well, it’ll be worth all the annoying, long, tiring days once you’re in your new house!!
I think 10k is a good start, and the trackers in general are especially good for people who aren’t overly active to start moving more. And they’re good for nerds like me who like numbers and quantifying everything 🙂
MORE than 10,000 a day? Sheesh. Working from home + winter makes that a major fail. I get that it’s a big motivator for a lot of people, but I feel like we are getting tracking obsessed in this country. Plus it seems like the people I see wearing them are already super active people. I still figure if I get up and exercise 4x a week and generally have energy, I’m doing good. 🙂
The new metric actually combines steps and heart rate so you aren’t as focused on the 10K number – you might have 5K steps but never got your HR up, so your PAI would be low. But if you had 3K steps and got your HR up, it would be higher. I think. Ha.
Oh yeah, we are TOTALLY tracking obsessed, and most studies say it’s not doing much, for people. I just focus on getting some workouts in, too 🙂
I’m sure if I tried a no-chip manicure, I’d chip it. I’m the one who destroys shoes that are supposed to be indestructible, so I’m sure I could chip no-chip nail polish.
I do not get manicures anymore, not even clear polish works on my hands – they are a disaster!
As for the waiting game with the house, it is so hard, but you definitely have the right attitude. I hope that it does go through soon though!
Ohhh boooo, chipped the fourth day. I still like that color though:)
I like the hat you are wearing.
I wear a Mio Link that pairs with my Garmin, I use it ll the time, but I don’t track daily with the app. I sit all day lol it will depress me.
Thanks! 🙂
Ha ha ha! I sit SO MUCH too. If I wear my Garmin after I run, it will still beep at me to move! I’m like, “Did you forget we worked out a few hours ago?!” Ha ha. I know we all need to get up and move more. I try to drink a lot of water to at least get me up every hour to pee! 🙂
Oooh, that’s interesting about the 10,000 steps! I actually started re-wearing my fitbit recently, and have plans to research and do a post about WHY 10,000 is the goal we’re all supposed to be going for!
Too bad your thumbnail chipped. That has been my experience with gel too: when there’s a chip, it’s pretty epic.
I realized that I have worn my fitbit every single day since I got it almost three years ago. I don’t care about it as much though, and Harrison and I were just talking about how it’s probably a fad that will go out of fashion (because yeah, people just stop caring after awhile).
Bobbi’s purple hat turned out really well. I always like seeing how the variegated yarn will turn out. My life is obviously very exciting.
Yeah! Luckily I could peel it all off and repaint with my own polish! My right hand pointer finger nail polish came off last night.
Every single day?! That is cool! I do think people will stop caring soon, too, but also am happy it’s gotten people to think about moving!
Thank you! I thought it turned out so cool!!!!