Frost & Fog

By , November 10, 2015 8:03 am

I had a bit of an eventful run this morning! As I was leaving one park to run to another, I saw a tire rolling down a hill toward me. Confused, I looked up and saw a truck skidding off the road, and, yeah – it was missing a front wheel and tire. Yikes! Luckily, the driver was okay. Not so sure about the truck…


Then on the way back through that park, toward home, I saw a coyote! I think it’s the first I’ve seen while running, this season.

Luckily, the rest of the run was uneventful – I was just ohhing and ahhing over the pretty frost and fog (and water and sun) and wondering when the hell I was gonna wake up (3 miles in).

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19 Responses to “Frost & Fog”

  1. Karen says:

    That is crazy the whole wheel came off! Your morning mist shots are beautiful 🙂
    A coyote is cool!

  2. Jen2 says:

    Beautiful pics. Where were they taken? I really enjoyed being out this morning too! I wish I had seen you because it looks like we were out at the same time!

    Glad you didn’t get hurt with that truck incident. Weird things like that can cause serious injury! Happy the driver is ok too.

    Have a Happy Tuesday!

    • kilax says:

      Thanks! The pics are from Fairfield Park and Nipplestink FP 🙂 That would have been fun to run in to you!!!! Hope you had a good run and your hammie behaved.

      Feliz martes!

  3. Joanna says:

    Very pretty!

  4. Alice says:

    those pictures are lovely!!

  5. Pete B says:

    Love the pictures. Bring on the frost!

  6. Beth says:

    Ahh, such gorgeous views for your run! And that’s crazy what happened to that truck. That’s going to be a costly repair…wonder how that possibly happened. Hope you have a Tuesday as wonderful as the scenery on your run! 🙂

  7. Stunning pictures. I live beside a lake in Ireland you are making me want to steal a car at dawn and go get some sunrise pictures

  8. Michel says:

    You need to make a calendar with pics of your early morning runs!

  9. amy says:

    Beautiful pics! Really crazy about that tire – glad it didn’t hit you and knock you over!

  10. Kristina says:

    Wow – love the photos from the run. What a beautiful way to wake up, even 3 miles in!

  11. Anne says:

    I ran at N.Stink a few hours later yesterday and wouldn’t you know, the entire time I was on the lookout for a coyote (or, if T was with me, a wolf haha). I kept wondering why I don’t know what to do if I encounter one! I had your number pulled up on my phone just in case 🙂

    • kilax says:

      LOL! Of course, a wolf. A DIREWOLF!!! LOL! I am happy you had me ready on speed dial. But you were going to take a pic first, right? Otherwise #nopicdidnthappen

  12. ChezJulie says:

    Just think how dangerous that tire could have been if you weren’t already running! LOL.

    Lovely pic. It’s still warm here. 🙁

  13. Mica says:

    Wow, what a beautiful run! Thank you for taking those photos and sharing them.

    Also, glad that the coyote and errant tire were not more dangerous!!

  14. Michelle says:

    These are some really beautiful pics. I am so glad you weren’t hit by the truck/wheel!

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