Like father, like son

By , October 28, 2015 5:06 am

Steven asked me to knit him a tie a long time ago, and I finally did!


I somewhat followed this simple seed stitch Lion Brand pattern.


I say somewhat, because we decided we didn’t like the decreases in the part of the tie that goes around the neck, then the increases where it lays behind the tie in the front. So I knitted this entire tie, then cut off half of it, then knitted the remaining half back to the same length all in one width (still a smaller width than the front, just not getting as small).

It was okay I had that half leftover from my first attempt – I had something in mind for it. When I told my coworker I was knitting Steven a tie, she asked if I was making one for Data, too. Sure! Why not? I added on to the leftover bit until it was long enough for a cat-sized tie.


Ha! Data does not mind wearing stuff around his neck, but for whatever reason, he did not want to pose with his dad last night!


Redoing the second half of this tie (several times) made me more confident in unraveling and picking stitches back up, and knitting from there. I also learned that you can only unravel in one direction (toward the first row, not away from it). Ha.

Now, who wore it better?!

28 Responses to “Like father, like son”

  1. Anne says:

    Haha, I was just going to say “who wore it better?”

  2. Xaarlin says:

    OMG I die. That is the most awesome thing I’ve seen in a while. Data looks so serious too ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Marcia says:

    Hahaha! They are both so handsome!

  4. Jen2 says:

    They are both too handsome! Nice work!

  5. ChezJulie says:

    That is so funny. I love it. The clothes make the man… and the cat.

  6. Chaitali says:

    lol… I love it! The ties look awesome but the look in Data’s eyes… he looks like he may be plotting retribution.

  7. Shelley B says:

    Am dying over the matching cat tie…you are hilarious!!! Steven looks very pleased with his tie, which is all we can hope for when knitting a requested item. Great job!

  8. Karen says:

    OMG, I am over the moon ๐Ÿ™‚ SO flipping adorable lol I love the color choice!

  9. That is adorable! Maybe you should make data a little smoking jacket to go with his tie lol

  10. Lesley says:

    Wow, Data lets you put things around his neck? I’ve never known a cat who was ok with that. Our cats would flop down if we put collars on them.

    • kilax says:

      Yeah, he wears a collar all the time so he’s used to it. He is totally fine with things on his neck. Not so much his head or body though.

  11. Michelle says:

    HAHAHA!!! Data looks very unsure about the tie!!! They make quite the handsome pair!!

  12. Michelle says:

    And did you intend that the tie matches your couch? HA! Love it!

  13. Alice says:

    Heeeeee the matching ties are killing me! So fantastic!! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

  14. OMG! I cannot stop looking at the picture of Data with a tie.

  15. Kim says:

    This is the best!!!!

  16. Mica says:

    Hahaha, this post just got better and better. Data looks so grumpy in that photo with Steven! (I think he looks grumpy, maybe that’s a different expression that grumpiness.) The ties look great–good for you, hacking the pattern to how you wanted it to be. Maybe you should make should a holiday one………….

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