- I can’t believe how much (Royals) baseball we’ve been watching. I find it enjoyable until it gets too stressful. Then I just feel anxious and want it to be over. Ha. I don’t know how regular sports fans do it! I am not talking it down, by any means, but it just seems so anxiety-inducing to be invested in a team full time. But, not everyone is anxiety ridden and can probably just watch the game for the fun of it… right?

- Did anyone else read this article (pdf here) about the airport in Japan that installed a “track” for wayfinding purposes, and feel disappointed it wasn’t for running on? Ha – I totally thought that was what the article was going to be about when I clicked on the heading to read it!
- Gah, I realized I have four partially finished knitting projects going on – a scarf I started last winter and almost finished, a dishcloth (I’ve been using up all the extra cotton yarn and have made quite a few), a cowl for Steven, and a hat I started for my mom (photo below). I need to finish those up! I also ordered yarn to make this for Steven’s dad, and bought yarn to make Steven a tie!

- I am just now noticing that the Playtex Sport tampons packages have… what should I call them… motivational messages? Fortunes (ha)? on them. I find this amusing, for some reason. Are they supposed to pep you up when you have your period? Giggle.

- This Data cuddling Beaver (the stuffed otter) pose is totally set up, but I have to share it because it’s so cute. To me.

- I just realized that a 5K I am thinking about going for a PR at is on Friday the 13th. Um, that’s a sign of good luck, right?
- Steven and I have taken a ton of stuff to Goodwill and a lot of other stuff to a storage unit, and our house feels so uncluttered and tidy. I love it.
Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 77
I was to touch Data’s little furry paws! I love kitty paws but most cats hate having their feet touched. sigh.
I’ve always thought of Friday the 13th as a lucky day. Go get that PR!
You used to have an edit feature but I don’t see it anymore.
Of course this reply is allowing me to edit or delete.. hmm.
He doesn’t mind… if he is in the right mood 😉
Hmm, the edit feature still shows up for me! I will log off and see what happened.
that picture of Data, so cute, what a heartbreaker!
Thanks 🙂
Following sports teams in the playoffs is CRAZY stressful. I’ve been so nervous during Hawks games that I was ready to cry. Honestly, though, I think that’s part of the reason folks get so into it! It’s a way to step back from the everyday stresses of life and focus elsewhere momentarily. Insane as it is!
LOL at the inspirational messages on the tampons! Wonder what marketing and design team spent hundreds of hours enacting that initiative?
That picture of Data is TOO CUTE FOR WORDS.
That’s so true! And I can see why people get so in to it! 🙂 (I still don’t like it when people get so angry though, lol)
I am seriously wondering whose idea that was!
Thanks 🙂
That track in the airport reminds me of IKEA.
Love the photo of Data – as others have said, it is SOOOO adorable!
We love to set up our dog, Gus, for photo ops. He is agreeable at times, and then other times, it’s a difficult process. But always fun for us!
I think the photo of Data is cute too. 🙂 The 13th is for good luck on your race!!
Inspirational tampons, now THAT is something I haven’t heard of. I think I might have seen it all now. I guess maybe they figure you need more motivation during your period. LOL!
I know we’ve talked about this; I feel the same way about sports. It’s really stress-inducing to care about them! I really don’t understand Harrison getting upset about sports game outcomes when he can do nothing to affect them. Then again, I was getting super stressed about the ending of a trilogy I was reading even though I can’t do anything about that. Pick our battles, I suppose…
I love that knit tie. It’s so cool!
Ha, good comparison to a book. It just seems silly in general, to get upset about these things that are so arbitrary!
Sigh. That tie … is not quite turning out.