- My younger brother and his wife received the blanket for James yesterday and sent me a very nice thank you and a few pictures of James using it!!! Made my day!

- I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this before, but when I show pictures of someone’s kids on here, or write a post that says a lot about something me and another person did, or has pictures of them in I’m not sure if they will like, I get their permission to post it. This is my blog space, not theirs, and I’d totally get if they didn’t want their stuff on here! Everything is not for everyone to see. (And I appreciate my friends and family reviewing the stuff I send them.)
- For my next knitting project, I am making some washcloths and cowls to donate for a silent auction and 5K event Gina’s running club is hosting on October 10 for a young girl in their town (in Texas) battling leukemia. If you are crafty and want to donate something for the auction (or work for a business that can donate online services or gift cards) let me know and I will connect you with her! I finished the washcloths last night! Gina requested Christmassy colors and I like how they turned out!

- (Town)house improvements continue, and we recently replaced an old La-Z-Boy couch with some chairs. I really like the pattern – they’re muted enough but with a tiny pop of color that isn’t obnoxious. And Data likes that they’re gray. Although at first I think he thought he wasn’t supposed to sit on them, and was trying to sneak around to do it, which was humorous!

- As part of an anniversary gift, Gina and Steve gave us the Dallas Starbucks mug! Our collection expands! Ha ha, I know, it’s pretty small (for the Starbucks mugs), but I have a bit of a mug problem in general, so that’s okay!

- I hit a one-year streak in practicing Spanish every day, in the DuoLingo app! Once I completed the app in the spring, I’ve been more in a maintenance mode. I would really like to become fluent in Spanish over the next few years. I think that will require classes, a language partner/tutor, and using Spanish in my community. Which sounds exciting, but like a lot of work, so we’ll see what happens with that! (Probably… not much.)

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 75
I love love love those chairs in that space!
Thanks! They are nice for knitting in 🙂
I love the chairs! And I think cats just like sneaking around. Mine do it all the time and then almost get stepped on 🙂
Oh gosh! They sure do! Data is loving it right now, because we are packing a lot of stuff up in our house, and there are so many good places to “hide” (we almost always know where he is, ha ha)!
Ooh, that’s a good point about blogging about people and getting their permission. I should definitely do that!
Look at you–getting commissioned knitting jobs! Someone at work yesterday just asked me if I had ever knit “an octopus costume,” which seemed both random and also, like a huge and complicated project. Anyway, you can’t go wrong with a pack of dishcloths. I bet they’ll be snapped up at the auction.
Yeah! Everyone has different feelings on privacy and what they put out there, and I’d hate for someone to be upset with me because I shared something that we did and they wanted to keep to themselves. I am sure I forget from time to time, though. LOL.
What the heck! That sounds like something you should SEW. Now I am thinking of the octopus costume from Love Actually 🙂
The chairs look awesome up there! Did you get them at La-Z-Boy? Great colors! They match Data so nicely!
Thanks! They’re from overstock.com.
The chairs are a great color combo 🙂
James is mighty cute! Yaaa, for happy, healthy addition to the family.
First—LOVE the chairs!
Second: I understand the mug obsession—My aunt is a Sbux mug collector so I try to pick them up for her on my travels 🙂 My last 2 trips to Chicago I have been unsuccessful in locating a Sbux that has them in stock but I think they re-released the YAH series so keeping my fingers crossed that when I’m back in November I’ll be able to hook her up. (Third time’s a charm?)
Thanks! 🙂
Oh cool! Which ones have you gotten her? I see the Chicago and Illinois one all the time (and Wisconsin too) so let me know if you want me to pick one (or all) of them up for you. And let me know if we can meet up in Nov! 🙂
I will definitely let you know about the trip as I get more details. Just found out on Monday that I’ll be up there but it may be a pretty quick 2 days in the middle of the week—more to come!
Likewise on the mugs—and if you’re interested in Alabama, I’d be delighted to hook you up!
So far I’ve gotten her: Paris, NYC and Houston. Hoping to add Minneapolis this weekend.
Ok, cool!
Maybe we’ll have to do a mug trade-off?
Ooo! Those are some good locations! Ha! Funny you mention Minneapolis – I was hoping to get one when I was there this spring but never (gasp!) went to SB!
Let me look in my stash of already made crochet items tonight when i get home from work and see what i have. I may be able to donate some baby hats if Gina would like them.
Cool! Let me know! I bet she would like them!
Love the chairs! Yay for mugs! Yeah the Starbucks collection here needs its own zip code. It’s fun to drag them out when I have a lot of people over but they take up lots of space.
I love your new chairs – really cute! And the baby blanket came out really well.
DuoLingo – my son just invited me to join this – do you like it? Well, I guess you must if you have a 365 streak!
Thank you!
Yeah! I have fun with it! And they are constantly updating it visually (not the context – wish they would do that, too) – to make it more user friendly. What language are you going to do?
Girl, I would help you with your Spanish if you lived closer. Or if I lived closer?
Yeah! That would be great 🙂