
By , September 16, 2015 6:44 am

I like it when…

… I’m brushing my teeth and get toothpaste on the outfit I’m going to wear to work

… I pull things out of the washing machine to put in the dryer, and they fall on the floor

… I reschedule a work meeting to meet a specific person’s schedule (per their request), and they are a no show

… I put something on my desk, and it rolls right off

… I’m serving cous cous and get it all over the counter and floor

I’m knitting and find a knot in the yarn

… the same guy without a muffler on his car visits our neighbor at 11:00 pm, 1:00 am and 3:00 am (all in the same night) and keeps his car running

… the train conductor punches my ticket, then I (try to) take a nap, then he wakes me up 20 minutes later to ask to punch my ticket again

… I tell someone I don’t want to talk about a specific topic and they keep bringing it up

… I turn off every setting I can find to get my phone to stop playing music off the cloud, and it still does it

Eh, life is pretty good!!!

Sometimes, instead of cursing and getting mad about the small things that bug me, I’ll sarcastically say “I like it when insert whatever meaningless thing is making me mad here” to try to make it … what? Funny? Make me feel like I have some control over things, or at least, how I react?

Ha, sometimes it works. And sometimes I just need to curse. The important thing is knowing when which is appropriate!

What’s your sarcastic “I like it when…”?

11 Responses to “Sarcasm”

  1. Chaitali says:

    I’m glad it works sometimes! I try that at times too so that I at least feel I can vent about it and then let it go. The one thing that I’m horrible about is sitting in traffic. Definitely have bad road rage then.

    • kilax says:

      Ugh. Last night we were sitting in traffic and I told my husband I was just going to get out and run home. He said, “Okay! And can you take me and the car with you?” ha ha.

  2. Love this! So funny! I agree with all of these!! Well except the knitting one, since I don’t knit.

    I like it when someone on the bus notices that it is super crowded and standing room only, but still won’t move their bag off the empty seat next to them.

    I like it when I’m trying to walk back to the office with a cup of coffee and it starts splashing up through the lid.

    I like it that I always seem to be wearing light colors when the aforementioned happens

    • kilax says:

      Ha! That seat thing is the worst. People do that on Metra A LOT. Only, it’s their bag that needs a seat. AYFKM?!

      Ha ha, you must not be getting coffee at Starbucks where they have those stoppers!

  3. Jen2 says:

    Good strategy, but cursing is good too 🙂

  4. Karen says:

    ha! when I am going out the door to an appt. have exactly enough time to get here and step in cat puke and soak my socks….ugh. That was my yesterday 🙂

  5. jan says:

    Oh no, the cous cous! I bet that is not easy to clean up. Sarcasm always helps lighten an annoying situation, right?

    • kilax says:

      It’s not, because we use the very small cous cous and when you try to wipe it up, it just smears around! Ha ha.

      Yeah, a lot of times it does! 🙂

  6. Mica says:

    I use this construction a lot, but now I can’t think of a single example! Oh wait, here’s one: “I love it when the people in my building call the elevator to go down one floor.”

    (I am also annoyed by clean clothes falling on the floor even though it’s, like, 100% my fault for trying to grab too-big armfuls!)

    • kilax says:

      Ha! That is a good one! And it’s usually my fault when my clothes come out of the washer on to the floor – moving too fast/being impatient.

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