
By , August 27, 2015 6:21 am

Last week was the new water heater, this week was the new kitchen backsplash…



… next up? New kitchen and foyer floor! Muchos improvements en nuestra casa!

I am SO happy with how the backsplash turned out. And relieved. We spent quite a bit of time at Home Depot (three locations), Lowe’s and Menards, and felt like we couldn’t find anything we liked that was in our price range, that didn’t look cheap, and wasn’t too dark/in the right color range. We thought we were going to have to go to a tile shop and custom design something, when we ran across this tile when we were shopping for our new water heater.

It looked good taped against the wall that night, but the real judgement day came this week when it was installed (we contracted out). And… we both love it! Phew!


My uncertainty with finishes makes me laugh, since my title at work is “Interior Designer.” Ugh. What a lie! I had to tell someone my job title the other day, and the conversation didn’t warrant me explaining what I really do, and right away, they responded with comments about how they could use someone like me to help set up their new house, how good I must be with finishes, and so on. That response makes sense given what that title implies!!! But then I feel like a jackarse when I tell them that’s not what I actually do at work. I suppose there is no reason to let on to my lack of interior design skills if it’s not someone I’ll ever see again. Ha ha.


GC Data inspecting the work (before being told to get off the counter!!!)

23 Responses to “Backsplash!”

  1. Anne says:

    That looks awesome! And I love how it coordinates with Data ๐Ÿ™‚

    Also, the word “backsplash” is part of our HGTV drinking game, ha ha.

  2. That looks really good. Did you put up the tiles yourself. I can’t wait until I have a house to do all this stuff but I would probably agonize over all the decisions too!

  3. Chaitali says:

    The backsplash looks great! We had a similar experience looking at multiple home depots and Lowes before finally finding one we liked. Of course it was at the Home Depot closest to our house and we could have just saved ourselves the trouble. I’m glad it has Data’s seal of approval ๐Ÿ™‚

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha! The one closest to our house was NOT the one we ended up with! It was the one across town. Weird that they have somewhat different stuff, right?!

  4. I love it! I feel like backsplashes are very “in” lately – compliments of HGTV.

  5. Erin says:

    Looks great! And I know you’ve been wanting to re-do the floors for a long time so that’s awesome that it’s on the agenda. Do you have tile picked out for that yet?

    • kilax says:

      Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚ We have a tile in mind, but wanted to wait until we had the backsplash installed to make sure it all goes together. So now we just need to check and schedule that! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Lesley says:

    How cute is Data? My parents have a cat who loves to be on the counters. He supervises everything we do when we’re cooking.

  7. kapgar says:

    Very nice!

    Are you still in the townhouse? I’m trying to remember what the kitchen looked like.

  8. Amy says:

    It looks gorgeous – good choice!

  9. Losing Lindy says:

    that looks awesome

  10. Kiersten says:

    I LOVE it! I’ve been wanting to put up a backsplash in my bathroom for awhile…..maybe seeing your great results will motivate me.

  11. Alice says:

    oh woooowwww!!! i love it! We pretty desperately need one in our kitchen, but i keep just covering my ears and singing LA LA LA LA instead of dealing with it ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. jan says:

    I LOVE the backsplash! Awesome choice! You have my sympathies about Home Depot (and other stories like it). I hate nothing more than browsing those stores for JUST the right thing and then second-guessing whether it will look good…Ugh. You did it right though!

    • kilax says:

      Thanks! Too many choices in those places is overwhelming, right? Then we were thinking some items would be so close to what we wanted but we needed little tweaks.

  13. Mica says:

    Ooooh, what a classy backsplash! It must have been picked by a pretty legit interior designer. ๐Ÿ˜€

    I think I’d drive myself crazy with all the colors and style choices for a backsplash. If I ever do one, I’ll have to get your advice now that you’re a backsplash pro.

  14. It does look really nice!!

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