Training Week 302

By , August 2, 2015 5:17 pm

Highlight of the Week: Racing in Madison with Rachel!


Monday | July 27, 2015: teaching strength class
Strength: Arms of Summer workout, Difficulty: medium, Felt: good
Tuesday | July 28, 2015: 10 m run
Loc: Millennium Trail / Nippersink FP, Temp: 81°/80°, Time: 1:41:11, Pace: 10:07 avg, Difficulty: easy/medium, Felt: good
Wednesday | July 29, 2015: 3 m run
Loc: Millennium Trail, Temp: 82°/82°, Time: 27:48, Pace: 9:15 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good but thirsty (didn’t bring water)
Thursday | July 30, 2015: 5 m run + Full Moon 5K (w/Rachel)
Loc: hood, Temp: 77°/82°, Time: 48:52, Pace: 9:46 avg, Difficulty: hard, Felt: too hot / weak (hungry?)
Loc: Madison, Temp: 80°/76°, Time: 29:22, Pace: 9:27 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, but thirsty!

Friday | July 31, 2015: teaching strength class + 1000 meter swim + 4 m run (incl. 10×1:00)
Strength: Arms of Summer Workout, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, got a second wind
Loc: Grayslake Pool, Time: 24:35, Pace: 2:28/100 m, Difficulty: easy, Felt: fluid, strong
Loc: hood, Temp: 84°/84°, Time: 9:42, Pace: 38:47 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: hot/pushed around by the wind
Saturday | August 1, 2015: rest!!!
Sunday | August 2, 2015: 16 m run (miles 2-7 virtual w/Kelly) + 10 m ride
Loc: around town, Temp: 75°, Time: 2:44:33, Pace: 10:17 avg, Difficulty: mostly easy, Felt: great, until last two miles (typical)
Loc: hood, Temp: 79°/82°, Time: 41:53, Pace: 14.3 mph avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good but SO ANNOYED by the wind


  • Being on the go so much last week seemed to catch up with me this week! On Monday I slept in instead of running and took a nap after work before teaching! (Okay, that’s not too uncommon…)
  • I did something CRAZY on my Tuesday run. I ran by a deer and DIDN’T stop to take a photo. I know. Ca-razy!!!. I have this idea to do a little more running and less photo taking… we’ll see how that goes! It’s crazy when I look at my overall time vs moving time on some of my runs, eek! Get moving, Kim!
  • I am not signed up for any races past Labor Day! Woot woot, free schedule… for now!
  • Ha, so last week, when I got so much sun on RAGBRAI, my weirdo inner elbow runner tan lines went away. And all it took was three runs for it to come back. Darn! The dermatologist actually told me I have psoriasis there, so maybe I should get that looked at – it’s really itchy in the winter.


  • July recap time! I ran 178.3 miles, and cycled 187.7 – probably the first time ever I’ve cycled more than I’ve run in a month! I taught nine strength classes and swam laps three times! I hope I can keep swimming in August, but outdoor lap swim closes in early August at the local pool, so I will have to find a new place or do some open water swimming.

Link to Training Week 301

12 Responses to “Training Week 302”

  1. Chaitali says:

    Great training week 🙂 I’ve never been able to get a photo of the deer I see on runs since they’re so darn quick! They’re usually gone before I can even think about getting the phone out.

    • kilax says:

      Usually, what happens is I slowly get my phone out of the double plastic bags from my bra and right when I am about to take it, they run away. LOL. Not always though!

  2. Who goes out and doesn’t take pictures….what?!?! That is a ton of miles right there, wow!!

  3. Marcia says:

    Wow! Lots of miles for you! I swear the deer around here don’t even bother to stop chewing when I stop to take a pic of them.

    • kilax says:

      My goal for the year is to average 40 miles a week, so that’s the driver behind the miles 🙂

      Ha ha! On the trail Monday there was a young deer who was running along me then stopped on the trail and just stared! I was going to take his pic, then some forest preserve people came by on a four wheeler and scared him :-/

  4. jan says:

    So funny about the deer! I so rarely stop & take photos while I run…I need to be better about that! There’s so many interesting things worth remembering/sharing. See, now we’re all feeling left out about not getting to see your deer! 🙂

  5. I totally have the weird inner-elbow runner tan, too. Argh!!!

    Woo hoo for not having any races on the calendar after Labor Day! Isn’t that the most invigorating feeling!?!?!?

    You totally deserved the day to sleep in and nap!!!

    • kilax says:

      Yeah! I like not having a full calendar. Ever. With anything!

      Thanks. I need the sun to set earlier so we get back to a normal bed time and I can get up early to run before work again! 🙂

  6. Is that what it is? Psoriasis? I have something similar on my back and in other parts in my body? I have an appointment at the end of the month so we’ll see what I’m told about it.

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