I have a lot of fun things going on this week, but one I am SUPER excited about is picking out a mylar balloon for Steven to carry at the Wisconsin Half Marathon. We’re thinking a Thor balloon this year!!!
Last year’s pick!
Wait, huh? Why does Steven need a balloon?!
It’s not to use while running the race… it’s for photographing it!
The first marathon I ran was Chicago, in 2010. A lot of people run it (I know, derr…) and I wish I would have known, at a race like that, it’s better for you to find your spectator, than for them to find you in a sea of people. I mean, yes, of course, you plan out where you are going to see each other, on what side of the street they’ll be on, what you expect your pace to be, and so on. But, things go amiss in races… especially in marathons. And while I was running with a phone then, it wasn’t a smart phone that could track where I was and tell Steven. In fact, it couldn’t tell him anything, because I broke it during the race. Oops.
Anyway! I ended up missing Steven at a few of our planned spots, and it really upset me. And one of the reasons I didn’t see him is because there were so many spectators and I couldn’t find him.
I didn’t have this issue at my next two marathons because of the scale of them – it was easy for us to spot each other. But I knew that the NYC Marathon would have even more spectators and runners than Chicago, so I asked Steven and the spectating crew (Christina, Will, Gina and Steve) if they would carry a mylar balloon so I could find them on the course.
Look for your balloon flying high and find your crew!
Local and virtual spectators! In NYC (clockwise from top left): Gina, Luca, me, Christina, Will, Steve and Steven. And virtual (clockwise from top left): Grandma Pete (IA), Grandma Tiger (IA) and Courtney (TX). How lucky I was to have so many people spectating for me in person and virtually at NYC, and other events. I am really grateful Steven and family and friends like to come to the events I do!
And I saw them. At every. single. spot.
The balloon method is a success!
But wait, Wisconsin is not that big! Why does Steven need a balloon there?
It’s not exactly for me. It’s for all the people we know running it, to find him. There are just under 20 people running the race from my studio, and probably 10-20 others I will know there. Rather than tell them where he’ll be on the course so he can take their photo, I can just tell them to look for the balloon and get his attention. He’s renting a fancy pants lens again this year, and enjoys taking the photos and sharing them, so, the more people to photograph, the better!
Have you used the balloon method to find people at a race?
I must also mention the Gunther method. I mean, “giant stuffed animal method.” Ha ha ha.
Speaking of Gunther, today is Luca’s 4th birthday!!!! Which means he opened* his … drum roll please … Rhinoceros!
Luca named him Rantha!
I wish I could see Luca in person for his birthday, like the last two years! But FaceTime was a nice alternative until we see him again in June! And, of course, I have to end this post with sharing this image of him I came across when I was grabbing the NYC Marathon pics. Aww, baby Luca pie!!!
*And by “opened,” I really mean, saw for the first time with a bow on it (I am not sure how you’d wrap that!).