Always brush your tongue

By , January 9, 2015 8:27 am

One day in February last year, I woke up with a dark spot on the back of my tongue, and when I brushed my teeth, I was spitting up something dark, too!

I actually took a photo of my tongue, because I was worried something was wrong with it (ha, I won’t force you to look at that photo). But then I noticed the more and more I brushed my tongue. The more the spot went away.

Then I remembered I ate about a zillion of these the night before:


Ha ha. So. Apparently, if you eat a bunch of truffles and don’t brush your tongue very well, you will think you have some crazy disease when you wake up in the morning.


I was thinking about that incident yesterday as I cleaned out our “junk” shelf in our pantry (some stuff went to the trash, some will go toward the “office dump,” some was kept), because I didn’t realize how much chocolate I had. I keep it all in a box and forget about it. There were four dark chocolate candy bars, a new box of truffles, half a box from before, and all of Steven’s milk chocolate. Geesh! No one needs that much chocolate in their house! If I were to eat it, I would definitely think I had some tongue disease again, ha ha.

Did you see the “report” (pdf here) this week that people start to amp up their purchasing of junk food toward the holidays, and continue to a bit in the new year? And that, yeah, that would make it harder to lose weight if that was a “resolution” of yours, because you are still in some sort of junk food purchasing auto-pilot.

We actually did fairly well not buying a lot of junk for the holidays this year, but mostly because we were traveling. If we were hosting, I would have had a few candy items around the house, and baked something. The only items I purchased were for Steven’s family’s stockings (And I forgot to get my snister her favorite treat! Sorry, snis!), and of course, I received a few things. Apparently enough to make me do a purge of the “junk” shelf!

Mostly… I am happy to have the holidays behind me and get back to my typical eating plan! It’s fun to eat treats around the holidays, but my body can only tolerate a little bit, ha ha!

Are you back to your normal eating plan after the holidays? Or do you feel like you are still buying some “junky” items, like that article suggests?

16 Responses to “Always brush your tongue”

  1. diane says:

    How funny, I thought that was a picture of falafel and I was cracking up at the idea of you gorging on falafel. 😀
    I didn’t have time to bake at all over Christmas, and Jewel was out of the marshmallow creme I needed to make fudge. My parents had lots of cookies and carb-os around the house, but I feel like I ate tons of fruit at their house too. The incredibly bizarre thing (don’t hate me everyone, I have a million theories on this) is that I actually LOST 5 pounds the week of Christmas!!
    The jumpstart to my metabolism was a nice encouragement to get back into healthy eating. Plus, whoa–cookie overload.

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha! Funny you say that because we made falafel last night! I did think the truffles looked weird in the pic!

      That is awesome they had so many healthy options, too! Was it always that way? 🙂 And I don’t hate you (ha ha, the same thing happened to me, but that is because I was too sick to eat, ugh). My next question was going to be if the weight stayed off (since that is quite a bit to lose in a week), but it sounds like it did and it’s kept you going with healthy eating! Woo hoo!

  2. HoHo Runs says:

    I made candy and goodies (as usual) over the holidays and it’s all gone. But, I didn’t use all the ingredients. It’s like the chocolate chips, pecans, and butterscotch are calling to me from the cabinet…make more candy…or just eat me plain…

    • kilax says:

      Ooo, what did you make?

      They don’t want you to make more candy or eat them plain… they want you to eat them all mixed together! Ha!

  3. If you need someone to take all of that extra chocolate off of your hands, I’d be happy to lend a helping hand. 😉

  4. Anne says:

    “I didn’t realize how much chocolate I had. I keep it all in a box and forget about it”

    This would never happen to me. I’m happy to not have a ton of holiday parties to be eating at again, but I can’t quite break myself of all the holiday sweets (and I’ve been baking this week just to heat up the apartment, which probably isn’t helping!).

    • jan says:

      Yeah that rarely happens to me either. Even if I try to do it on purpose.

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha! I do think it’s weird that I forget about it! Something about it being in a closed box, I guess!

      That does sound like a really good reason to use the oven, to me!!! 🙂

  5. Amy says:

    How can you possibly forget about chocolate???

    • kilax says:

      LOL! It’s in a box and I don’t see it, so I forget! Same with things hidden behind other things in the pantry… is that weird? 🙂

  6. Michelle says:

    I’m happy to say the only chocolate in our house is the double dipped Milano cookies my husband LOVES, and some chocolates received as gifts. I am not a sweets person tho, so this is a totally unfair brag. Now as me how many bags of crackers/chips/pretend to be healthy spinach snacks I have, and yeah. Busted. LOL

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha! We keep that stuff on the same shelf as the chocolate. I got a little overexcited at Trader Joe’s in November and bought a ton of yummy sweet and salty snacks because they were “different”… then ended up taking a lot of them to work or giving them away cause there was no reason to have them all in my house! Then I go to those at snack time instead of fruit and veggies!

  7. Mica says:

    I sometimes eat chocolate before bed and then freak out when I spit out the brown residue while brushing my teeth. I’m glad someone else does too. 🙂

    Also, fun story abut tongue brushing: when we were staying with a friend, I noticed he had a bunch of metal U-shaped devices in his bathroom. I thought they were weird, so I kept picking up and asking Harrison what he thought they were, and he didn’t know either. When our friend came back, I asked him about it, and he told us they were Indian tongue scrapers (instead of for brushing). Of course, I had been touching all of them and thinking they were weird collar stays or something. WHOOPS!

    I feel kind of stressed with the glut of sweets in the house after the holidays, especially when people give us things like hot chocolate mix or, yeah, candy. I try to donate what I know I won’t eat or will be weirdly tempted by, and then just replace my normal purchases (of say, some dark chocolate bars) with things that I’ve gotten for the holidays. So the balance is the same? This makes me sound really neurotic, I guess.

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha! I am not alone!

      Ha! Did you let him know you touched them all?! I used to have a plastic one that you used over and over (just wash it). I forgot about that thing. It’s a good idea!

      Doesn’t sound neurotic to me, but that is probably because I am doing the same thing. I just can’t have such an overabundance of it, you know?

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