The only marathon I may do this year

By , January 8, 2015 6:07 am

For Christmas I asked my parents for The Fast and the Furious Collection*, and they delivered!


I’d actually forgotten I asked, and was surprised and excited to receive them**… and eager to start watching! So Steven and I started the movie “marathon” on December 29th. Our New Year’s Eve travels set our “marathon” back a bit (as well as wanting to watch out Netflix disks), but we’re currently on Furious 6 and nearing the end of the series***, which I am actually a little sad about****.

I keep joking with Steven about the “importance of this ‘marathon”” as it may be the only one I do this year. Ha ha. After saying it for about the zillionth time last night, he asked “But aren’t you doing one of those ultra things with Rachel this year?”

That is true. Rachel and I are targeting an April ultra that is 33.5 miles long. But… here is the thing – in my mind, ultras fit in to the “race for fun” category. Actually, to me, every distance BUT 26.2 does, meaning, I would run any of those race distances just for the “fun” of it, and not care what my finish time was, or if I had trained specifically for it (trained enough miles, for sure, just not in a specific way).

I’d also run any of those distances for a goal time, it’s just that the marathon doesn’t fit in both categories. It’s… a purposeful race for me. It’s not something I want to BS my way through. It’s potentially too long and painful for that. If I am signed up for one, I want to have specifically prepared for it, and actually have a goal finish time in mind.

So, I am a bit hesitant to have one on my calendar. Because, at any moment I can choose to run my other “goal” race distances just for fun (yes, I build in contingency for myself to stop caring about goal finish times I’ve had in mind – cause it’s definitely happened), but I don’t want to be “stuck” signed up for a marathon that I no longer feel like doing.

Ha! All of this sounds very negative to write, especially since my last two marathons went so fabulously! But, that is just how my brain works – it’s still hyper sensitive about keeping the marathon “sacred.” Respecting the distance, really. So apparently, it’s the only distance I respect, since I am willing to run most others willy-nilly!

Do you have any race distances that you won’t run “just for the fun of it”? Or are they all that way for you? (Yeah, I am not a very “serious” racer!)

Oops, I thought this post was going to be about movie watching marathons. To which I must say, as much as I love this one, Star Wars will always be number 1!

*Minus the first one, which we already owned.
**Although you’d never be able to tell from this picture! I was still getting over being sick and you could totally see it in my face!
***We’re watching them in story chronological order, not chronological release order, so we still have to get through Tokyo Drift.
****These movies are ridiculous but I find them to be enjoyable and entertaining to watch! Now I’ll have to wait until April for Furious 7!

36 Responses to “The only marathon I may do this year”

  1. I had temporary insanity when I signed up for Disney so close to my last marathon. Any other marathon I’d agree with you and I’d defer or drop down to the half (can’t for Disney) but I felt like if you are gonna BS your way through that distance it’s the race to do it!!
    Halfs I can fun run…to a degree, I still like to have a goal even if it’s a slower time. I once did a 5k charity walk with my lab (you could walk or run) … felt very wrong watching all the runners zoom past lol

    • kilax says:

      Ahh, very good point! It does seem like Disney IS the marathon to do for fun! From what I understand, unless you are in the first corral is very hard to run for a goal time anyway, right? I bet you will have a blast! Have you done a Disney race before?

      LOL; I would feel the same way, walking a 5K!!!!

  2. Yes and I’m a couple from the back so I think I’ll be dodging rather than running, ha ha.

    No this is my first and only Disney race. i just wanted to do one for the experience. I’m even wearing a tutu….not usually my thing but my housemate came back from the Joanns with tulle, and made me one, that matched my shoes and top, it was meant to be.

    • kilax says:

      Aww, how fun it’s your first! I hope the weather is better than the last race they had and I can’t wait to see your outfit! 🙂

  3. Kelly E says:

    Last year taught me I cannot run a 5k for fun. My competitive brain says NO, you are better at shorter distances…GO FOR IT!!
    My next marathon will be in 2016, for my 40th. I must get my lazy brain wrapped around the marathon. It’s my chance to do well, to respect the distance as you say. I’ve already started the brain-training….even though my 40th is more then a year and half from now!

    • kilax says:

      That is cause you are BUILT FOR SPEED!!!!!!! 😀

      MCM, right?!?!?!?!???!!??!!?!?!?!?! Do start the mental training now. I swear, that’s the hardest!

      • Kelly E says:

        I have a need for SPEED!!
        Yes, MCM 2016. I hope to run with Team In Training. It’s time to run for Ronny once again

  4. I do so few races that when I do them I typically put my all into them. But that is because running and racing are not really linked for me – running every day (even at -15F this morning) is all about the joy of running. Races are ‘checkpoints’ … though I have never really even looked at ‘fun runs’.

    Glad you are done being sick! I have too many friends at work sick right now (or their kids) … ugh.

    • kilax says:

      That is a good method, to use them as checkpoints. Is that why you do a handful of races a year?

      I am excited you were able to get out for a run! Are your roads clear? The dang snow/ice covering my street is keeping me in!

      Gah! I know! This year is HORRIBLE! I am so happy I only had a few days of sickness and that I was still able to enjoy the holiday!

  5. bobbi says:

    Nah, I run ALL the races for fun at some point. And because I tend to suck at the marathon, I’ve run several for fun, just to remind myself that yeah, I really do love this. I see an ultra in my future, because really, no stress and no time goals is my FAVORITE way to run.

    Someday I may get better at pushing myself and really racing. But then again, I might not. I’m ok either way.

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha, that is the same thing I’ve told myself with my weight fluctuations and continuing to run – I must love to do this since I am obviously NOT doing it to control my weight! 🙂 I think you would really like an ultra, obviously! And the food stations are da bomb!

  6. I tend to err on the side of taking running too seriously. Therefore, if I’m not feeling good, I try to give myself permission to run ANY race for fun. Just so that I don’t burn myself out on what is supposed to be a hobby, you know?

    Yay for the Fast and the Furious! I’ve only seen parts of the very first one, and it looked intriguing! One of my best friends has a thing for Vin Diesel. (That’s quite a name, too, eh? Very WWF!)

    • kilax says:

      Oh yeah, I have seen people take it so seriously AND get way burned out, and it is just that for most of us – a hobby! Do you feel like you did a good mix of serious and fun races this year!

      If you like action, cars, over the top drama and cheesy lines, you will like the movies. I think Vin is good looking but they really did it for me when they added Dwayne Johnson in Fast Five. MEOW!

  7. I have never done a marathon for fun and don’t think I would. I think they take too much training to just be ambivalent about my time. Maybe if I stayed in marathon shape or did several in a year, I’d feel differently. I tend to do halfs for fun and sometimes 5Ks but I usually go into most things with a goal. I’m so type A.

    I really think that one day I’ll do at least a 50K. The HUFF is before Christmas again, and it’s one I’d love to do. And even though it’s 31 miles, it doesn’t seem hardcore. Like, yeah, I could fun my way throughit.

    • kilax says:

      We are very similar re: our marathon thoughts, then! Would a goal for a HM or 5K to pace someone else be a goal that suited your type A-ness? Or, even, “I am not at race pace but would be happy to run x:x time?” Just have to have SOME sort of goal, right? (I mean, you do want an idea of how long you will be out there, lol!)

      You should totes do HUFF! Is it fairly flat? Man, this was the year to do it, weather-wise, right?!

      • I just like to know when I’ll be done, mostly. And to have a purpose. Pacing a friend is good!

        The HUFF has had two good years. It was decent-ish warm last year and the trails were in good shape this year. It was cold but not like now. I’ve said that I’ll train as if I’m doing it and then decide when I can see a 10-day forecast. So committed, I am!

        • kilax says:

          Nah, that is the same way I would do HUFF! In fact, I had a friend who ran it this year and did it that way, too. I just… don’t want to do an ultra in deep snow!

  8. Furious marathon, really?? First one was ok, downhill after that lol, cars are awesome though.

    I try to respect ask the distances, the moment I take one lightly I feel it will kick my ass lol

  9. I don’t think I’ve ever been able to run a 5K just for fun. I’m not usually fast enough to actually be competitive, but man, I’ll be darned if that doesn’t mean I’m not running my behind off. I can’t even tell you how many 5Ks I’ve signed up for the exclusive intention of having fun, and then ended up treating it as if my life depended on it. Those stupid races… Hahaha

  10. I feel that way about ultras. I just need to draw the line. I guess my inner competitor can’t just run a race for fun. Even tho my motto is to have fun, I do take it pretty seriously. An ultra is just too far for these old legs…as it is I’m only planning on marathon #3 this year. I really have to limit my races to avoid injury.

    • kilax says:

      Do you think if you slowed down and truly did it for fun you could do the longer distance (of course, if you wanted to)? I only ask, because not running fast has helped me be able to run farther, but I also am not competitive!

  11. HoHo Runs says:

    I take it way too seriously. I might tell myself its just for fun, but then I get to the race and see the competition…I can’t just hand it over. I’ve got to at least try.

  12. Kristina says:

    I have a hard time with the ‘run for fun’ races. This past year, I really planned on running a half marathon for fun and told myself to not worry about my time, but as race day came, I totally threw that plan out the window. And then, during the race, I changed my ‘goal’ with about 3 miles to go (which meant that I had to really book it at the end).
    That said, I sometimes think that all of the tri’s I do (except the long course ones) are for fun because I’m just not very competitive on the swim or the bike…

    • kilax says:

      I remember that race report! Pretty impressive that you could do that, and speed up so much in the end! 🙂

      Hmm. So would you say the tris are 100% for fun since you don’t feel competitive in those areas? Or, that you are less worried about the goal time? Because you seem to typically have a goal time in mind, right? (at least, for each segment)

  13. Salt says:

    All my races are just for fun pretty much because I’m never going to be some crazy elite athlete that will make money for running. But I can still get a little competitive from time to time. Just part of the fun. 🙂

  14. Michelle says:

    I can’t run halfs for the fun of it…the distance has kicked my butt far too many times and I am determined to beat it, LOL!

  15. Pam says:

    I mentioned to my husband just last night that I was thinking of running a small local marathon in March just for fun. He’s like, “You don’t have time to train for a marathon in March, do you?” I was like, “So?” lol I figure I’m already running up to 13 miles. If I toss in a few longer runs over the next couple of months, I could totally do a marathon mid-March, no?

    • kilax says:

      Yeah, you could go from 13 now to 18-20 for a long run 🙂 But it probably be better to do them weekly over “tossing” them in! LOL! 🙂 Which one are you thinking about running?

      • Pam says:

        haha that’s what I meant! It’s called the Andrew Jackson Marathon in Jackson, TN, which is like an hour away. It’s teeny tiny. Like a couple of hundred participant. So there’s no major commitment or loss if I decide not to do it. No travel expenses, and I wouldn’t even have to register in advance and risk losing the registration fee. It would totally just be for fun and to rack up miles for that fundraiser thing I’m doing.

  16. Jessica R says:

    I got The Fast and the Furious set from my mom, too! Pretty exciting times here. I’ve finished 4 of them so far. 2 more to go!

  17. Mica says:

    I’m so far behind on this, but 1) I’m so glad you also love F&F! Harrison does too. In fact, we only own, like, two DVDs, and one of them is “Tokyo Drift” (which most people don’t like, I realized). Which one is your favorite? And 2) I see what you mean about taking the marathon distance “seriously.” I’m the same way because, like you said, it’s too far and potentially too painful to not really take it serious. Then again, I feel like it really stresses me out to only run a marathon for a time goal! I kind of wish I could “run it for fun.” Maybe if I got a lot better at running, I could run it for fun and pace a friend or something.

    • kilax says:

      Aww, fun! More F&F fans! You know, I don’t think there is anything wrong with just loving a movie for being mindless and fun. Hmm, I really though Fast Five (in Brazil, actually Puerto Rico, lol) was my fave! But I am not sure, now that I have rewatched them all! Which is yours?

      Gah, yes! And that is the crux of it (pretty sure I am using that word wrong) – I also don’t like to be SO focused on a goal time because I do want to have fun at each race I do (dammit! ha ha), but… it just seems so long to do and not have a goal time. Pacing someone for it is a great idea. I think it would be fun to be an official pacer someday, too!

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