That time of year

By , November 20, 2014 4:18 pm

On Monday, Steven said goodbye and was heading out the door for work when I called to him, “Wait! Don’t I get a goodbye kiss?!”

So he walked over for one. 

And shocked me on the lips. Ouch! 

Ha ha. It’s that time of year. It’s dry. We’re all picking up static electricity. Poor Data has it the worst. You can see his fur light up if you pet him in the dark. 


And my hands! What the heck! Every year. EVERY DANG YEAR! The right one is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more dried out than the left one. Gosh, it hurts so much. 


What do you people do so you don’t get all dried out when the humidity and temperature drop? Use humidifiers? Actually use lotion? 4za <—-added text from Data

Hmm, maybe the lotion thing would be a good start. Muah ha ha. 

23 Responses to “That time of year”

  1. Erin says:

    I keep hand lotion on my desk at work and in my purse and on my nightstand and in the bathroom and….yeah, you get the picture. It kind of helps. Kind of. My cuticles are so dry they split and hurt and bleed.

    And our house is SO STATIC-Y! I need to know what to do for indoors!

    • kilax says:

      Yeah! Lotion does NOT seem to cut it for me, either. 🙁 I hope you figure out something for the house – do you guys use a humidifier?

      • Erin says:

        We don’t. It might be something to look into, though. Although, just thinking about remembering to refill it with water annoys me 🙂 I wish we had a whole house one hooked up to the furnace!

  2. I rub lip balm on my hands on the worse days. I try to be good about lotion but I forget at home. At work, I’m not too bad.

  3. I have the same problem with my hands! My skin gets so dry, and then when I start sweating, it burns. Lotion kind of helps, but not a whole lot.

    • kilax says:

      Ugh, yes – that burning is awful! Sometimes when my hands have been so cracked I’ve put cheaper, scented lotion on and that burns in the cracks!

  4. Pam says:

    The same thing happened with me and D a few days ago. He zapped the crap out of me! lol

    I use lotion and chapstick in the winter like it’s going out of style.

  5. kandi says:

    I hate the feel of most lotions but last winter I discovered one that is awesome and not greasy at all. Eucerin intensive repair hand lotion with alpha hydroxy.

  6. Amy says:

    OMG I found the best hand cream at Lush this year – I love it and it smells so good that I’ve gotten in the good habit of putting it on every night before bed and my hands have never looked and felt nicer (I always used to have dry scaly hands and it’s completely cleared up). It’s called “Handy Gurugu” and it comes in a pot – I love it!

  7. I have a mild case of eczema and it takes constant monitoring to keep from having a break out. Lotion is a great start and make sure to use after you wash your hands, the water and drying usually does a number on my hands.

  8. Marcia says:

    OMG look at that snuggly cat! I use foot cream (yes) on my hands at bedtime. Wonder why your right is more dry than the left??

  9. Rachel says:

    oooh your hands look painful! My mom used to have the same thing when she was working – she washed her hands dozens of times per day, which made her skin so dry and cracked. She used ‘udder cream’ on them. Have you heard of that?

    I feel so bad when I go to kiss Leo or Soxie on the nose and I give them a shock. They must think I’m mean! hahah

    • kilax says:

      I have heard of that cream! Runners use that too, right? To prevent chafing? Maybe I am thinking of the wrong thing. I bet it’s totally how much I wash my hands though. Derrrrrr.

      Just follow each shock-kiss with a treat! 🙂

  10. Chaitali says:

    Yeah, that happened to me when my husband kissed me the other day too. I keep lotion at work, in the kitchen and in the bedroom but the trick is remembering to use it! I usually only remember after being shocked.

  11. Losing Lindy says:

    Eurician (sp?) is the best

  12. jan says:

    My students’ desks at school are made out of some plastic that builds up static when they slide across them to get up. Then, they come up to me and shock me when they hand me something. My new rule is I refused to help anyone who electrocutes me when asking a question. LOL! My hands look just like yours, in the same spots. I HAVE TO HAVE lotion after I wash my hands, every time. I also try to only wash my hands after I go to the bathroom and before I eat and not any more than that. I know it kills germs but it also makes cracks in my hands and talk about a perfect entrance for germs!!! We don’t use a humidfier at home. Some furnaces have them built in. Wish ours did! Oh the joys of the Midwest…super humid all summer & dry as a bone all winter! Geez!

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha. Do the kids laugh when you tell them they can’t shock you?

      Gosh, we so wish our house had a built-in humidifier! Sigh. Someday!

  13. Pete B says:

    What a kiss! Electrifying! 🙂

  14. I wash my hands eight bajillion times per day – had the first crack a few days ago. It’s a rough life. Sometimes I lotion my hands like crazy and then sleep with gloves on…it really does help!

  15. Mica says:

    Haha, I laughed about Data’s addition. He’s such a helpful kitty!

    I found that my hands always crack a lot more if I do dishes. I started wearing gloves in the winter in Illinois when I had to do dishes. I didn’t find that lotion helped very much, unfortunately. 🙁 Maybe put on lotion and cotton gloves while you sleep? That might help it soak in more.

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