- I love it when I am trying to learn more about a program at work by reading a brochure about it, and find my name listed under contacts, as an expert on the program. Um…
- It feels like Steven and I haven’t seen as many movies in the theater this year as we have in the past – only ten so far! On Tuesday we saw Interstellar on the IMAX. I enjoyed the story (minus one hokey bit) and liked the acting and the music (when it wasn’t too loud <— old lady alert). And it was a MILLION times better than the last thing I saw in the IMAX – Gravity. Uhhh. Shudder. Ha ha. I hope Interstellar is an Oscar nominee, so we have a head start on seeing the movies on that list. Ha ha.

- I’m going strong with re-learning Spanish – I am on a 53 day streak on the Duolingo app! I finally hit a snag, though, when it came to re-learning verbs in past tense. The app started me off with all of the irregular verbs and I was having a hard time remembering how to conjugate the normal ones! Luckily, I bought this book that xaarlin recommended, and it’s helping me! A few people have recommended I use a Spanish tutor (for conversation) as well. Hmm… maybe if I keep it up! Right now, it is really rewarding to work on it a little bit each day!
- The hardest part about getting a tattoo (for me) was not soaking it under water – luckily that ended a week and a half ago! I LOVE taking way too hot baths and it was hard to go without one for two weeks (ha ha, I still showered!). (And okay, okay, not scratching it was hard, too – it got pretty itchy!)

- All the pictures in this post blow, so here is a fun one! Can you believe I didn’t buy that sweater?! Did I ever tell you guys about the person who contacted me last year after I posted this, asking me to sell that sweater to them? They told me they contacted every Target and they are all sold out, so I should sell them mine, cause they really need it. Um, what?! No one needs a cat sweater. Not even me!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 67
I am so disappointed you did not buy that sweater. We can’t be friends anymore.
Unless…unless you got it for me for my gift????
Is the tat still itchy?
I thought you might be! I actually got you this! http://www.amazon.com/Crafting-Cat-Hair-Cute-Handicrafts/dp/1594745250/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1415294721&sr=8-1&keywords=cat+hair+craft+book
It’s not anymore! 😀
What. The. Eff. I can’t tell if the reviews are real or jokes! For example:
“With the help of tis book, my wife has made all of the Christmas gifts for our friends and family. She has made 4 pairs of socks, 2 scarves, 3 hats, a toaster cozy, slippers, a winter jacket and carpeted the family room. I highly recommend tis book to anyone who, like my wife, has 14 shedding cats in their house.”
Ha ha ha. I can’t imagine that being a joke. At all 😉
lol… I love that sweater! I’m going to have to go look for it now and find someone to sell it to me 🙂 That’s hilarious that you found your name listed as an expert on the program you were trying to learn about. I guess you better learn fast.
I read the brochure, so now I am an expert. Ha ha ha. At least now I know more 🙂
Um, can I borrow that cat sweater? I’m sure I’ll have an ugly sweater party and/or day at work.
Ha ha! Sure, the green one? 😛 Don’t you have your own collection of cat xmas sweaters?
Puedo escribir todas de mis observaciones en español si piensas que te ayude (maybe? ayudarte? ayude? It’s been awhile since I’ve used subjunctive). Estudí español en la universidad (y durante el colegio también), y aunque tengo problemas con conversación en “la vida real,” todavía puedo leer y escribir en español. Me gustaría tener más oportunidades para usar la lengua, especialmente porque la estudí por ocho años, pero es difícil para encontrarlas en mi trabajo y vida normal.
That was fun! You should say you’re brushing up on your Spanish more often! Haha.
I like how you’ve “only” seen 10 movies this year. It’s “only” literally been a year since I last saw any movie in theaters 😛
And if you’re into electronic music, may I recommend some Big Gigantic? They’re my fave. I’m also a big fan of RL Grime, if you want to venture into trap (hip hop + EDM). And Flume, who is my FAVE FAVE, but his music tends to be a little slower — perhaps more suited for a recovery run than a 5K 😉
Si, por forvar! Lo ayudame! Ha ha. I am not sure if I said that right – still have a lot to work through 🙂 But I understood everything you said. Maybe you need a tutor to work with, to keep it going! Eight years of it is awesome-o!!!! 😀
We really like to go to the movies and there is a theater nearby where you can see any movie for $5 a ticket on Tuesdays… so it’s surprising we haven’t gone more 🙂
Yes! Thanks for the recs! Please send me any specific songs, too! 🙂
I wish I was interested in Interstellar. But I’m still having Gravity flashbacks, and don’t want to waste any more time watching space stories. On Halloween, we saw Gone Girl, which even Jakre liked. It was really good!
If you are still having flashbacks, then don’t go! But do now, this movie actually features mostly competent astronauts, and not all of the time is spent in space 😉
You definitely *need* that sweater. For reals. Just saying.
I haven’t been to an actual theater in almost a year and now suddenly I saw two movies in less than a month! I’m obsessed with all things space so I absolutely want to see Interstellar. And of course I’m one of the losers who wants to see The Theory of Everything about Stephen Hawking’s life. I’m sure it’ll be grossly inaccurate but I can’t resist!
What did you see? There is nothing wrong with wanting to see that! See it and report back!
You know, sometimes, seeing a somewhat fictional portrayal of someone’s life or a period of time gives me the kick to look up the real facts 🙂 I think that is a good thing!
I saw Gone Girl and Birdman. Loved Birdman!
Oh cool! We want to see Birdman 🙂
I saw two movies this year..and both kids movies 😉
Fun! 🙂
Yay!!! You have Stromae on your list!!! He’s Belgian and makes us proud!
I LOVE that song. What other songs of his do I need?
Seems I really like the artists from your area of Europe!
P.S. What did you wear to the concert?! 🙂
Chef is number one in regards to the movies I’ve seen in the theaters…so much so, I bought the blue ray when it came out. 🙂
I can send my 8th grader over to help with convo Spanish! I never took Spanish yet she is amazed how much I can whip out (or guess) by osmosis. I think all the years of French have paid off!
Please do! Bobbi was telling me her eldest sometimes has Spanish questions… I told her to ask me, that it would help to get me thinking! Ha ha! And my friend using the tutor is really good in French and he said that is totally helping him learn Spanish! 🙂
That’s cool you know Mr. Little Jeans. Cool band. I know of a cat named Mr. Little Jeans that lives in San Francisco.
I loved Gravity, but haven’t seen Interstellar yet. Gravity did very well in the Oscars this year. Let’s see what Interstellar can do next year.
I despised Gravity, and refused to vote for it on my Oscar ballot, ha ha. I am curious to hear what you think of Interstellar if you see it! 🙂