Running rivals
Ha, I love reading running studies and the conclusions they make. The most recent one I read is “To Run Faster, Get a Rival,” (pdf here). Who are these rivals? People similar in age and gender, who finish in around a 9 sec per mile average kilometer pace to your pace (at mostly local races). And as the title gives away, the article’s conclusion is that, “we race faster when one or more people we regularly finish near are in the race.” Definitely faster when one rival is there, but even faster when more rivals are there, or your top rival.
Hee hee. This article made me giggle. Because it’s not very true for me, and because I know it’s SO true for many people. It just depends on the type of runner you are!
I am not a very competitive runner. At the 10K I did a week and a half ago, I encouraged a person I figured to be in my age group as she passed me. She ended up getting second place (the last position to get medals) in front of me. Was I upset? Nah. She was in much better shape than me – she was sprinting up the hills then waiting for the rest of her crew to catch up. The race appeared easy for her. I was excited to see her take on the hills with such gusto! Maybe if I recognized her from previous races as a rival I would have sped up? Nah, I knew I didn’t have a chance.
Now, I did sprint to the finish line so I wouldn’t get passed in the last .1 mile of that race (image below)! So I am not very competitive, but I apparently don’t like to get passed right at the finish. Ha ha. And I had no idea what age group that person was in behind me (turns out she was in the next age group).
But overall, I am not one to care about finish times or ranking. A lot of people I know are really in to the Strava app because of the segment feature – a chance to ride/run/whatever someone else’s route and see if you are faster than them and claim “King of the Mountain.” I think that is cool and fun for the people who get excitement out of that! But it’s not for me.
So… I don’t think I run faster around what this article describes as my rivals – I don’t even think I’ve noticed seeing the same faces in my age group from race to race (I have noticed people in other age groups though). However… the 25-29 female age group doesn’t seem to be super competitive. Maybe I’ll see a change when I get in to the 30-34.
You know what does make me run races faster? Running with a faster friend, or someone who is pacing me. Or if it’s a rare instance where I have a goal pace in mind.
What about you? Do you have local running “rivals”?
I did think it was interesting that the opening line of the article brought up using this study as an excuse to why you did bad at an out of town race – ha ha – your normal rivals aren’t there!