I actually thought of an instance where I’d use one…

By , July 23, 2014 12:07 pm

Would you wear a bracelet that allows you to instantly send Facebook friend requests to people you just met? Or would you use one at an event… for funsies?

Don’t worry, this bracelet can do other things as well. Like allow you entry to places. Or you can make payments with it.

Confused yet? Or maybe interested? Ha ha.

It’s funny that on the same day I was thinking about how fantastic it is to have Facebook to stay in touch with people I might never see again (like my snister’s fabulous bridesmaids) that I read this this opinion article (pdf here) about how these bracelets being used for a festival in Belgium allow you to instantly Facebook “friend” anyone you just meet (and also gain access to places, and so on). Simply stand next to them and press your “heart” button at the same time, and BOOM!, you’re Facebook friends (of course, after linking your account to the bracelet). IT’S SO EASY!!!

Wait, why can’t we just take the person’s name and search for them on Facebook later or the next day?


Hee hee.

This reminds me of the Bump app that (before it was shut down) allowed people to share contact information and files, by “bumping” their phones together. Nifty (I never used it). Of course, the difference between that and Facebook is that right away you are connected to a lot of information about that person, and somewhat guaranteed future encounters – if the Facebook algorithms show you their posts. 

When I first read that article on Friday I was thinking I would never use something like that. That I can just take someone’s name and look them up later (I have before). 

But then it dawned on me – this would actually be useful for my RAGBRAI ride this Saturday! Everyone’s ride kit included this little license plate to hang on the back of your bike, to spark conversation. I am sure it will, and I look forward to meeting lots of interesting people. And yes, maybe some that I would like to keep in touch with in the future!


Hmm, hmm, what to put for hometown?

And I am not going to want to get my phone out and mess with it (or drain the battery). I will want something quick and easy. Of course, NOT to use while riding. That is just a bad idea. Both hands on the bike for me, at all times!

8 Responses to “I actually thought of an instance where I’d use one…”

  1. Rachel says:

    I could see people using it in a bar when they get all drunky and suddenly have 20 new best friends that they seriously loveeeee. hahah. Not that I would ever do that…

    You should use really cool pretend hometown for RAGBRAI – like Nome, Alaska or Perth, Australia and then when people strike up a conversation you can say “No, I’m actually from Chicago – but I’d love to talk to you!”

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha. The article was saying you would get all drunk using it at Lollapalooza (or similar) and spend too much money, if your CC is linked to it.

      Ha! I better use Rome, since I’ve actually been there. I am not sure what to write. It won’t be Chicago – I don’t consider that my home at all. It will have to be Evansdale or Round Lake!

  2. When I did the Circular Logic Marathon in March, they gave us a back bib to wear that had our name (or nickname) and hometown on it, to spark conversation. Since we saw each other 27 times, it was neat to be able to cheer on others.

  3. I do like the idea of having that kind of technology at races. I’ve made some race friends while running with a pace group and sometimes it would be nice to be able to get in contact with them, like when my husband snaps a photo of me that also has that person in it. Athletebook, maybe? 🙂

  4. Pam says:

    From what I see, people at races (and pretty much any other public place where social interaction could potentially occur) are too busy texting and posting on Facebook to the friends they already have. No one has time to make new friends and be social anymore! They’re too busy being “social”!

  5. Hmm, I’d rather look them up and send a friend request.

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