Friday Question 255

By , July 18, 2014 11:46 am

When did you get your first digital camera? Do you still shoot on actual film, or all digital now?

Backing up some photos recently, I realized it’s been 10 years since I got my first digital camera (as a gift, from Steven)! And of course, in those ten years, I’ve had three digital cameras, and several phones that take photos too. It’s fun to look back through all of the photos and see how the quality has changed. I wish I took photos more on a daily basis, back then, like I do now. But the phone leads more to that than the camera. 


I wonder what the future of digital photography will hold for me! Ever since Steven got his DSLR, I rarely use my point and shoot. In fact, I took it with me for Bobbi‘s hang gliding trip and found out it has a mark on the lens. And wasn’t even upset. I just thought to myself “Whatever, I’ll photoshop it” (since it’s only larger when you zoom out on the lens).


I am interested in my future including one of these, so I can take action shots during some of my outdoor adventures… 

16 Responses to “Friday Question 255”

  1. Pam says:

    I got my first digital shortly before Christmas 2002 and have had SEVERAL since then. One of those I ditched because it had a big black mark just like the one you showed. I still have one, but it hasn’t been used in a couple of years. It got to the point where our phones took better pictures than the camera!

  2. Pam says:

    Oh and BTW, I highly recommend a GoPro! We don’t have one, but Michele’s hubby does, and we used it a LOT during our trip to the Dominican!

    • kilax says:

      Cool! Did he use it to take photos and videos?

      Isn’t it funny how the phones take better pics now? My iPhone 4 is still kind of crappy with pics but it’s better than a lot of other cameras!

  3. bobbi says:

    We’ve had one since 2003…and we’ve had 3. I keep wanting to learn how to use a fancy dslr camera because I won’t buy one til I can actually use it better than a point and shoot. I can’t remember the last time I used anything other than my phone to take a pic tho – very sad.

    I have been lusting after a gopro….

  4. Can’t remember my first digital camera but GoPro is on my list right now. Camera phone video is great but a GoPro will take it to a whole new level.

  5. Erin says:

    I think I got my first digital camera in…2000? Definitely while I was in college. Jason bought it and it was SO CRAPPY! Oh my gosh. But we were just so excited that we could take pictures and see them right away. I wonder what ever happened to some of those photos. I think I printed a lot of them out and put them in photo albums, actually.

    I’ve had a few since then, but yeah, now that Jason has the DSLR and I have my iPhone we hardly ever use the point and shoot. Sometimes I think my iPhone 5s takes better photos than my point-and-shoot digital camera anyway!

  6. Jen2 says:

    I got my first DSLR in 2002 (I think) butI still have my non-digital SLR. I actually miss photos taken with film. It seems that these days I take a million pictures and never really see them again. Very rarely do I actually get one printed. Sometimes I’ll make a photo book, but really they just sit in folders on my computer. That’s sad 🙁

    I think pictures from film actually have a certain feel to them that you can’t get on a digital camera too. For my first wedding (2006) I actually asked the photographer to take some of the pictures with a film camera and have them developed in dark room/lab. I was supposed to even get the negatives so that I could develop my own pictures from them (no longer a priority).

    Believe me, I use the heck out of my digital point-and-shoot and my phone but unless I post to FB, other people rarely get to see the images. I think this will be a sad thing for future generations to not have physical pictures to pull out of boxes or albums.

    • kilax says:

      Hmm. So it sounds like you really want other people to see your pics or for Declan to be able to see them in the future? Why don’t you make that a priority, now, then? Why does it make you so sad that they sit in folders? If you back that up as technology changes, it’s feasible that someone could still “flip” through them in the future, probably in a digital format 🙂

  7. Michelle says:

    I got my first digital point and shoot (Canon) almost 12 years ago as a gift from my parents when I moved to Alaska. Since then, it’s has been replaced with another Canon point and shoot, and 2 years ago I got an upgrade to my Canon Rebel which I love.

  8. Jan says:

    Would you believe we got a GoPro for a Christmas gift and haven’t tried it?? I really need to get it out and figure out how it works!!

    I am bad about using my DSLR now that I have my cell phone for everything. Plus, my DSLR is soooo biiiiiiig. I really want one of the new mini SLRs like this: It even uploads via Wifi!

    • kilax says:

      I hope you try it soon! I am secretly (not really so secretly) hoping I get one next week as an early bday gift I can use at RAGBRAI 😉

      One of my coworkers was talking about selling her DSLR cause it’s so big and getting something smaller like that!

  9. kandi says:

    I got my first digital camera in 2002 I think. I worked at Sears and got a really good deal on it. I think I’ve had 4 total including a DSLR. I still have a tiny point and shoot and my DSLR and of course use my phone.

  10. martymankins says:

    1997… I had a Kodak DCS (forget the exact model). It’s highest resolution for pics was 640×480. Then in 1999 I moved to an Epson 800, which had 1.2 megapixels.

    I have several digital cameras now that I use on a regular basis. My Canon SD780 is the one point and shoot I use the most. I do use my iPhone 5s for most of my digital photos.

    I also have a Canon Rebel T4i DSLR (which I used last year to take pics of you at the Salt Lake Marathon) but I’ve slacked on using that more often. I really like that camera, but I need to learn more features so I can take better photos with it.

    I shoot all digital. I sold my 35mm Pentax some years ago on eBay.

  11. I got a digital camera for Christmas my senior year of high school, so 2005. I thought it was so awesome, but it took pretty crappy pictures. I still use my point and shoot sometimes. It takes better photos than my phone (although the phone does take nice pictures). I am much more likely to take the time to edit and do something with the pictures I take on my actual camera.

    I’ve been considering getting a DSLR, but I don’t know if it would be worth it. GoPRos look like so much fun. I want one so I can take it skiing!

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