- Today I am thankful for internal alarm clocks! I taught my “Friday” 5:00 am class this morning since tomorrow is a holiday, and thought I had set my alarm… nope! Gah! Good thing I woke up in time! I would have felt like a total ass if I slept through a class I was supposed to teach (and especially after moving it to another day of the week!). Do you have an internal alarm clock? For what time is it set?
- Last week I was talking with an engineer who works for the company that designs OFF! bug spray, and he reminded me that mosquitoes are attracted (among other things) to the CO2 we exhale. Of course, my brain immediately started thinking about the increased amount of CO2 we exhale when we start to reach ventilatory thresholds during exercise… and made me wonder if there is any correlation to mosquitoes being more attracted to people who work out. I mean, it helps if you are outside to start, where the mosquitoes are. But I wonder if the higher amount of CO2 makes much of a difference. Hmm. Let me know if you run across a study on that. Ha ha.
- Despite whining about growing my toenails out for a pedicure for my snister’s wedding, I actually really liked the pedicure (it was my first ever!) and have been enjoying having polish on my toes, since then. Maybe this is something I will do more often! (Or maybe I will get my bike shoes on and have to trim the nails <— that may be more likely)

- Ha! After I scratched myself up so badly attempting to slide at a softball game before the wedding, I was careful not to get dinged up anymore. But now that the wedding is over, all bets are off! Ha ha. I “slid” in to a base at the next game, and dove for a ball at the game after that. Who needs pretty legs (I have my pretty toes… and legs that are covered in mosquito bite scars anyway)?

- Does anyone else have the habit of listening to half on song on their music player before skipping to the next one? I notice myself doing this lately, whether I’m in the car or riding the train… I listen to part of a song, sing along, decide I’ve had enough and skip ahead. Ha ha.
- I never got that tattoo I talked about last October. Not that I was planning to. But I am still thinking about getting one, and have a design, location and someone to do it with (not the artist, but someone to get a tattoo, as well), in mind!
Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 63
I have a tattoo already but I have been thinking for a while about my next one. I want to incorporate running but haven’t figured out how yet!
Have you been looking around online for ideas?
I have been. And I have to say some of them are pretty garish! 😮
I know one blogger I follow tattooed her marathon time on her arm recently. I think that’s kind of cool but I don’t know that I ever want to be tied to one race.
I have seen people putting the mileage numbers in there somewhere – I have a dragon/phoenix combo in mind (my current tattoo is a tribal dragon on my calf)) but I’m not sure I want to be tied to a race or distance….running is so much more to me…so I am spinning my wheels!
Yeah, I would personally not do specific times/distances too and get something more about the feel of running… which is why I really liked that image in the post I linked to – the “keep running”! I hope you find something you like! 🙂
I like the one you linked to, it’s very tasteful! I just can’t decide if I want words or not.
And with something like this I am not committing if I am not 100% positive. My first tattoo felt right from the start and it’s so much a part of me that I never think about it except in prayer; I want something like that where it is so right that it feels natural. It’s too permanent to do anything you might doubt!
I love that you love the one you have!!!! 🙂 And yeah, it seems like a decision you want to be 100% sure about, which is why I’ve been waiting. I knew I wanted one, but not exactly of what, and it’s silly to rush 🙂
I’m a night owl by nature, so my internal alarm clock is set for noon… 😉
I have to keep my toe nails super short for my rock climbing shoes, but I still get pedicures. Don’t let short nails hold you back!
I’ve wanted a tatoo for ages, but haven’t taken the plunge yet. I think 2015 may be the year.
Glad I’m not the only one with mosquito scars. I have last years and a fresh batch in the making!!!
Oh yeah, they are all over. Arms, hands, feet, torso too. A lot are from childhood!
I don’t know if I would say I necessarily have an internal alarm clock, but once the sun comes up, I have the hardest time staying asleep, no matter how tired I am!
My sister recently moved to Mississippi, and last week she was passing through Chicago on her way home for a wedding. Her mosquito bites were OUT. OF. CONTROL. I’ve never seen anything like it my life! I don’t know of the mosquitos down there are more vicious than Midwestern mosquitos or what, but she reacted horribly to them and all of the bites were super swollen 🙁 I felt so bad for her (especially since she had to be in a wedding!).
I think they are particularly bad this year because of all the rain we are getting? Or something like that? Your poor sister! I hope the swelling has gone down 🙁
I generally get up by 6:30 am and have a sort of internal alarm clock that I tend to get up by 7am on days when I’m “sleeping in.” My teenaged self would be ashamed of me 🙂
I don’t need an alarm clock–internal or otherwise. I have a cat for that. haha
I’m Jonesing for another tattoo. I’ve got a few designs saved but haven’t decided on one for sure yet though. They’re all animal rescue and vegan related.
Ooo, I’d love to see what designs you are considering! 🙂
Oh man the classic adult softball battle wounds lol. I use to get those all the time until I realized it took me F-O-R-E-V-E-R to heal up.
Oh man I am horrible at listening to songs and skipping half way through. I actually told the DJ at our wedding to only play half the song them mix to the next song…..lol j/k.
I am realizing now that I probably shouldn’t be so careless cause I am scarring… cause I pick at it. LOL
Hope the wedding was fantastic! 🙂
I am usually up at 6am. Unless I go to bed, really, really late then I’ll sleep till about 8am.
I did not know about the mosquitos and CO2. Interesting fact.
I have 3 tattoos. No more for me.
Interesting thought about the mosquitoes. I never have them bother me while I’m running but when I stop and I’m hot and sweaty, it’s time to get INSIDE or get some bug spray!! I don’t really think I have an internal clock but I need one! Happy 4th of July to you!
My internal clock is set for 6am. It’s rare I sleep in. If I’ve been out past 1am the night before, I wake up at 6am then go back to sleep for an hour.
When I’m driving, I skip songs a lot. Usually half way into it. I put my iPod on shuffle and use my steering wheel controls with my thumb to skip the song.
I just talked about my tattoo on my latest podcast. I have one and would like to get another, but it’s been 14 years since my first and I’m not sure what I would get at this point.