My eyes deceive me

By , June 5, 2014 6:28 am

I encountered something interesting in Data’s room the other night.


Photo in B&W, cause no one needs to see the details of his litter box in color

Next to his litter box was something small, brown, and squiggly. 

Ew. I had three immediate thoughts:

  1. What is that?! IS THAT A WORM?!
  2. I hope Data is not sick!
  3. Maybe I should leave that for Steven to find?! (then, nah, he just cleaned up Sunday’s mess…)

I was brave. I grabbed a paper towel, bent over, trying not to look at it, and grabbed it. I slowly opened the paper towel and peeked inside…

Wait! That’s not a worm!


Any idea what that is?

It took me a second…

It’s Mater‘s hook and tow line! Ha ha ha. 

Luca kept saying that his Mater was broken when he was here. I didn’t realize that piece had fallen off! How it got in there (and just now showed up?!) I have no idea. But I put it inside the one sock Luca left behind so I can give it back to him. 

So, phew. Data is fine. 


My eyes? Not so much. 

25 Responses to “My eyes deceive me”

  1. Heather says:

    I am forever finding little toy bits; between the kids and the cats, stuff gets batted around. It’s not your eyes – these things blend so oddly into the floor!

  2. ha! looked like a worm to me.

  3. Xaarlin says:

    OMG I would have thought worm too and then my mind would go to CB having worms. Ick! (He had worms when I got him. It was so gross)

    Happy Mater will have his hook back!

    • kilax says:

      I will NEVER forget the time one of our childhood (outdoor) cats had worms. THAT IMAGE WON’T LEAVE MY MIND! LOL

  4. Rachel says:

    Ewwww Data’s got worms!!!!!!! Haha that would have freaked me out too.

    I had to rescue Kevin from a giant spider in our dishwasher last night. Later, when I sat down on the couch I thought it was coming back to seek revenge, but it was just a black thread on my blanket. It had me jumpy for a second though!

  5. Maggie says:

    Today I had the opposite happen! I saw something on the rub in the bathroom and assumed it was a fuzz ball or something so I picked it up and threw in in the trash. NOPE! It was a live bug. In my defense, I didn’t have my glasses on since I was getting out of the shower.

  6. I was all, like, why do you have a Mater.

    I would have left it for Mark but that’s because the last time Denali pooped on the floor, I was the one who discovered it – with my foot.

  7. Tiina says:

    Thank god it wasn’t a worm!

  8. Jen2 says:

    Even looking at the close-up I thought it was a worm. Phew! That would have totally skeeved me out! So happy Data is ok. From the looks of that picture, he is more than ok 🙂

    Mater’s injury is not repairable 🙁 Luca may either need a new Mater or be OK with a tow truck without a tow hook. It happens to the best of us!

  9. Marcia says:

    Phew! Happy it’s not a worm!

  10. kapgar says:

    It’s not Yoda’a cane??

  11. Losing Lindy says:

    ok did you really take a picture before? or did you put it back and take a picture, because I would really not think to take a before picture

    OH I am also giving away a race entry..come check it out

  12. ChezJulie says:

    I was really creeped out by this! I don’t know what I thought it was going to turn out to be.

  13. Amy says:

    Oh – phew – you scared me!

  14. kim says:

    Ha! I recognize that hook!

  15. I laughed when you mention Data’s room. I was thinking “Wait, the cat has his own room”?

    Glad it was not a worm or anything weird.

  16. Di says:

    LOL! I have also found that particular piece of toy on my floor. Silly Mater. =)

  17. Mica says:

    Ahhh, totally thought that was a worm too! This reminds me of a time I was walking Bodger in a field that had just been burned off, and I found a little squiggly thing on the ground. I picked it up, thinking it was a strange stick, but OMG, it was a CHARRED-TO-DEATH snake. Ahhhhh, it was so gross, all burned up (and I’m not afraid of live snakes at all). I still have nightmares about it.

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