Whose fortune was it?!
What are the stories that your family/friends tell over and over? What situation are you in, that makes that story come up?
Steven and the fortune (cookie). This story will never die.
It comes up almost every time we eat in an Asian restaurant (derrrr) with his family.
First, a little back story. Steven is meticulous about everything the method in which fortune cookies should be claimed. When the waiter brings them to the table, don’t just grab one. Steven will tell you which one was meant to be “yours,” based on the cookie’s placement. (This makes him sound like a jerk, but it’s really just amusing).
And second part of the back story, Steven and I used to save fortunes that we liked, with the idea that we’d frame them or do something cool with them someday (yeah… that hasn’t happened).
So. This was way back in the day. We weren’t even married yet. Early 2000s. We were eating at a favorite Asian restaurant in Steven’s hometown, with all of his family (six of us).
The fortune cookies came out. I ignored the rule and just grabbed my cookie to eat. Everyone grabbed theirs to eat.
We were reading our fortunes to each other, and I had a particularly fabulous one. The story would be better if I remembered what it said, but you will see why I don’t, in a bit.
So we’re reading them, and after I say mine and talk about how fabulous it is, I say I am going to keep it and start to put it in my wallet. Steven says that it should have been his fortune. That I grabbed the one that was meant for him (based on the placement, and I am sure, whatever fabulous thing the fortune said). I argue back that it’s mine and I am keeping it.
Then he grabs the fortune out of my hand, puts it in his mouth, and eats it. Claiming it was his fortune.
Everyone at the table laughs hysterically. I was in shock that he would eat a piece of paper just to be funny, but I was laughing too.
And that is the fortune story. You can see why receiving a fortune cookie (after you are told which is yours, of course) at a restaurant would trigger this story. And you can see why I can’t remember what the fortune said – I only had it for so long before someone ate it.
The funny thing now, is that a lot of fortune cookies have eggs in them, so I don’t eat them if they do, and don’t really get fortunes anymore (and sometimes, fortunes are more like advice or a statement, and that is kind of lame). So I’ve stopped collecting the ones I like.
Anyway. One more question. Hee hee. Do you get (sometimes get) annoyed when the same stories are told over and over?
Ha ha. Sometimes it bugs me, to hear the same stories over and over when I have nothing to do with them. I know, that’s awful. Especially cause I know that I do that to other people. And I know that people are just reminiscing. But sometimes you don’t find the same things amusing/entertaining that other people did (and sometimes you do and don’t mind hearing it a few times). And you’re sick of hearing about it. Again. Ha. So tell me if I am doing that to you.