Just stop “sliding”

By , May 23, 2014 9:51 pm

In college in 2004 (holy cow, ten years ago!), I decided to be a sub on an intramural indoor soccer team for one game. I played soccer (not well, you’ll notice a theme) in high school, and missed it. 

But I had never played indoor.

So when the perfect opportunity arrived for a slide tackle, I went for it. 

On the turf. 


Oops! Instinct just took over.

I tore up my leg… and maybe got a yellow card. Hee hee.

I didn’t know how to clean up my leg, and we were leaving for a class trip to Chicago the next day. So the morning of the trip, I just put a gauze wrap on my leg and wore jeans. And ignored it.

Not a good idea. I tried to take the gauze off and guess what was stuck inside the scrape? Yeah… pieces of gauze. But, luckily I saw Steven during that trip and he took care of me. Ha. 

So you can understand why he was a bit concerned when I insisted on asking the softball league organizer what the rules on sliding in to bases are. And when I said to Steven “You slide face first, right?”

Well geesh! I remembered not to go face first!


Hee hee.

Honestly, it wasn’t much of a slide. I was running from second, the third base coach told me to keep going, and the ball got there right before I did. It was kind of like a slide/landing. Eh, I tried. I thought it would be cool to score a point. My team cheered me on. Steven said he looked away. Ha!

A member of the other team asked if I was okay. I told him I liked getting dinged up. And that I told our team we’d have a contest to see who got the gnarliest bruise/scrape/whatever from the season.

About that other team! Super nice people. There was a great spirit out there. We all encouraged each other. But they killed us. If we hadn’t run out of time, we would have ended due to a slaughter rule. Part of me wonders why they are in the non-competitive league and part of me wonders if our team just needs a lot more time together. Maybe a bit of both. 

Either way, I had a lot of fun. And I was surprised at how nervous I was! I was first to bat and my legs were shaking. They were shaking most of the night! Ha ha! Can’t wait to see how next week goes! No sliding though… (riiiiiight).


20 Responses to “Just stop “sliding””

  1. Christina says:

    Uhm… Short Dress.. 22 days.. O.O

  2. Dawn says:

    Oh boy….saying “..score a point…” is like fingernails on a chalk board…..we’re gonna have to have a softball 101 lesson: it’s “score a run”! Lol

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha! This is why I should NOT be the team captain. I was going to add something in this post about how I went up to the ump with the other team captain and he listed off all these rules and I had no idea what they were. I am sending Pete up next time (I repeated them to him when I got back, lol). And I need to keep watching movies/games/going to games so I can learn the actual lingo. I am trying!

  3. ouch! that’s why i stay far away from team sports 🙂 don’t want to risk the injuries.

    i love that your instinct is to slide. mine would be to duck and cover 🙂

  4. Amy says:

    LOL – you are a beast! Well, you do have one thing right, Kim, there’s no crying in baseball: http://youtu.be/Xx8cCDthsuk
    At least you’re having a good time – right?

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha! We just watched that movie last weekend to get pumped for the game! Yeah, I had a really good time 🙂 Our team is fun!

  5. Kim, I’m with you. What’s wrong with any of this?! 🙂 There’s always that “Sheer hosiery” spray lotion that you can put on your legs for the wedding… I think I got the Sally Hanson brand. (Spray lotion of skin color).

  6. Maggie says:

    Nice! I played soccer in high school too but have still never played indoor. I do miss it though. I still have my cleats, and I have found places in Chicago to play … but I wasn’t that good then and I’m probably much worse now.

    My brother didn’t even shave for his own wedding! You’ll be fine.

  7. Michel says:

    Maybe you should try a Roller Derby team out!! Lot’s of action!

  8. Heather says:

    Ouch ouch ouch but sounds like fun!

  9. Losing Lindy says:

    lol…I like how Steven had to look away…that is true love right there!

  10. Steph says:

    Youch!! I got a scrape like that falling during a run. Keep that sucker clean!

  11. Di says:

    Ouch! I’m such a wuss. I don’t “do” sports. Well, ok, I run LOL, but there’s no tackling or sliding or getting hit with fly balls. =)

  12. Erin says:

    Admittedly, I’ve never slid into a base or into anything, actually. I’d probably just fall on my face. So the fact that you even attempted it is pretty cool in my book 🙂

  13. Tiina says:

    I really miss playing on my softball and indoor soccer teams. The only team I have left is my kickball team, but they are awesome!

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