- Steven and I are dressing up as American Hustle characters for the Oscars this Sunday, and I just can’t stop laughing at his costume!!! Mine… is still a work in progress (hence the crop).

- I told my snister that we visited Goodwill to get costume pieces, and she was like “I can’t picture you two in Goodwill lol!” Ha ha. She knows me too well. I let her know that I was very “TOO MUCH STUFF! Panic!!!” I am not a thrifter, at all. I don’t enjoy searching for things (probably similar to how I don’t enjoy doing research). Are you in to thrift shopping? Okay, let’s get real, I am not in to shopping, at all.
- Speaking of movies (um, two bullets ago), have you ever seen a movie that had an effect on you for days? Steven and I watched Enough Said Friday night and we both woke up feeling sad Saturday morning. I still felt sad Sunday morning.
- I mentioned awhile ago that the Nathan PopTop gloves I ordered were not working and being a total pita. Since then, I have received the new batteries from Nathan and they work now! Just wanted to give an update since I gave them a “meh” review before. The Nathan customer service is great!
- There are a zillion “Kimberlys” on my floor at work. The other day I was asking a coworker if he calls another Kimberly (I know, this is getting confusing) “Kim” or “Kimberly.” He said he goes by Kimberly since that is what her signature says. But mine says that and I prefer Kim. And his says something else than what people call him. Ha ha ha. So… yeah. When I don’t know someone, I use whatever they put in their signature. Do you have your full name or your “nickname” in your signature at work/on Facebook?
- I ran intervals indoors this morning with Kelly. It was nice to wear shorts and a tank (my laundry basket looks so empty!). It’s funny though – I am not sure how long the track is. Their website says 400m but it felt and looked longer than that, and the staff there said 4 laps = 1.3 miles. Anyway. That made intervals tricky (we just did time based instead of the 800s we were going to do) and is messing with my head for calculating mileage. But! We did them!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 56
I use my full name on FB and for my byline, the latter being much to my work husband’s dismay. Everyone calls me Kim but once upon a time, I thought I’d go by Kimberly because it was more mature.
I love that Steven and you are dressing up for the Oscars. I hadn’t thought much about them as I haven’t seen most of the movies. Maybe I’ll rethink it. Probably not dressing up, though. I like to think about food.
Great job on the intervals!
Kim is > Kimmy though. UGH! Sometimes people call me that even though I have asked them not to.
The whole work husband thing is funny to me. Does Mark care that you call him that?
Oh yes, there is much Oscars food planned out too (four types of pizza!).
YES! I hate “Kimmy.” People always used to call me that in the 90s because of “Full House.”
Mark doesn’t mind me having a work husband. I’ve been friends with him for longer than I’ve known Mark. And he’s sort of asexual so that helps.
Love Steven’s costume and can’t wait to see yours!
I use my full name on my work signature but it looks like a nickname (yes, Kandi is my full name).
I feel you … Maggie is my full name. And my sis-in-law’s full name is Robbi.
I’m pretty sure Steven was meant to live during the 70s. It’s almost a little ‘too’ perfect, Kim. Is he a time traveler?
Good job on the intervals! I hate when the track is not an easy distance to calculate. I think the track at the Icebreaker was .27 miles, so we just had to go by lap pace and not mile pace, but it worked out.
Rachel! You SWORE not to reveal his secret!!!!
Thanks!!! Yeah, I wish I had an exact number so I could at least do the math after!
Haha, Steven’s costume is awesome! He really rocks an ascot.
I go by “Anne” pretty much everywhere, though my work signature is “Anne E.” since there’s another person with my exact name in our Leeds office. A zillion Annes pretty much never happens, though the other day there was an Ann on my conference call, which was amusingly confusing. Bob apparently goes by “Robert” at work and on paper, which always throws me for a loop because, um, I forget that’s his actual name.
LOL! The funny thing is, we could not find any ascots so that is a scarf! But even funnier (to me) is that that scarf was on sale at Target like, two months ago (I saw it) and still had Target tags!
Yeah, who is this “Robert” fellow?! It always weirds me out when people call Steven, “Steve.”
It’s funny trying to keep all the names straight, even more on a phone call. But come on, recognize my voice, maybe?! The other Kimberly sounds like Minnie Mouse.
Oh, wow. Stephen should dress like that all the time! He looks perfect.
I’ve definitely seen movies that affected me for days. I would say The Crying Game and Dead Man Walking both had a big impact on me. Also American Beauty.
Man! I have not seen either of those! And don’t remember American Beauty. I will have to rewatch.
OMG Steven! Perfection!
I am SO not a thrifter. I went into Goodwill once just to see what goes on in there.
I loved that movie Enough Said. Great, thought-provoking flick that stayed with me too. I love thrifting!
Aww, I am happy to hear someone else loved it! It really made me think. I know people who treat others like the man character treated that man. Does that make sense? LOL
I love Steven’s costume
re: #3–We have strict policies about what I can and cannot watch and what times of day I can watch certain movies because I get WAY too empathetic and sometimes it freaks Paul out. (this is why I haven’t seen Gravity, and we had to go have a drink after Argo so I could actually sleep) Not sure if I’ve told this anecdote before, but for some reason District 9 hit me REALLY hard. I guess I expected it to be more sci-fi campy and not so serious? (there are specific scenes I can reference but I don’t want to give anything away) Anyway, I was sick to my stomach the whole night after I saw it and proceeded to cry for three days. Yeah, I’m not allowed to see that one again!
Ha. Don’t see Gravity. It’s boring.
I have seen District 9. Yeah, that turned out to be SO different than what I thought to. It’s really well done and parallels what went on there irl!
It’s good you know those rules about yourself! We haven’t watched a few of the Oscar nominated flicks because I am already so stressed I don’t want to feel overly sad, too.
Love Steven’s outfit!!! Can’t wait to see yours!
I used to be a big thrift shopper. It was just so much cheaper. Now I prefer secondhand stores that are more curated (so, not like Goodwill where they accept everything, but like Clothes Mentor, however these stores generally don’t support charities). The selection is much better, the prices are similar to Target (but more expensive brands and better styles) and it’s a “greener” way to shop. Lately though I’ve been doing much more online shopping for clothes.
I don’t have a nickname, since my name is a nickname. But from time to time I encounter people who assume my full name is Margaret. (Hence my occasional online handle “Not Margaret”.) Also, I’m sure I’ve mentioned this, but I have name confusion within my own family. My husband and his dad are both named Robert and his sister is Robbi. They call the dad Bob, my husband Robert and his sister Rob or Robbi. And it’s definitely caused confusion. It took me awhile to realize “Rob” was the sister and not my husband. Anyway, my point being, I know how sensitive names can be, so I always address people based on what they call themselves (based on their email sig, or if they close their emails with “Thanks! -Nickname here- above their signature, or based on however they are introduced to me).
Wow, I have never even heard of that place (Clothes Mentor). So you look at secondhand places online, too?
Oh gosh, that is WAY confusing in your fam! Ha ha. I had to read that 2x!!!
I would be annoyed if people assumed my name was a full name for something else! I think that happens to Bobbi, too.
There are some secondhand options online (ebay, threadflip, poshmark) but I lately I’ve been buying directly from Gap.com and thelimited.com. Buying clothes online is so tricky, I usually only do it if I can return it for free via mail or in-store.
Steven really nailed that costume!! I’m looking forward to seeing the full pictures.
The Goodwill in the West Loop is pretty nicely organized. Everything is by type and then color and then by size. It’s also not huge so I don’t feel overwhelmed when I go in there. The thing I don’t like is that you basically have to go every day/week in order not to miss out on something great!
There are a few movies that when I watched them I was like, “eh, it wasn’t that good.” But then I found myself thinking more about them later. For example, the original Last House on the Left (which you should NOT watch) did that to me.
I have a weird thing about people who name their kid one thing but call them something else. I don’t understand it. No offense to you, Kimberly 🙂 I just figure if you wanted to call your kid Chris you would name them Chris and not Christopher and call them Chris. Maybe it’s because my name cannot be shorted at all that I don’t get it!
Do you think the track is 400 meters on the inside lane and longer on the outside lanes?
I think that is how this Goodwill is organized too! I just, ugh, too much stuff!!!! LOL. Too many things to look through!
Me and my siblings all have names that can be shortened. Because I am used to that, I am the opposite – it seemed odd to me that people have names that can not be shortened (or, I guess, made it to a nick name). Maybe they just want to give their kid’s options. Ha ha.
There were no lanes at the track. It was the main floor where all the courts are (you just run around them). It looked bigger than a 400m track to me.
OH MY GOODNESS!!! Steven looks ahhhh-mazing!!!!!! I seriously cannot wait to see you!!!
So a movie I’ve seen recently that had an effect on me for days…Well that would be Pompeii. Kit Harrington (AKA John Snow on Game of Thrones) had me drooling for days. He is shirtless the entire movie. I love him in GoT, but he’s always covered up…cause you know, he’s from Winterfell.
I have no clue if you even watch GoT…but it’s amazing. Just sayin’.
BTW, Pompeii is not a great movie, but since John Snow was in it, I was able to tolerate the entire 90 minutes.
Oh gosh. Ha ha ha. I saw a preview for that movie last week and said to Steven “Pompeii was boring enough when we visited it! I am not seeing this movie!” I can see the appeal though…. 😉
I have not seen GoT but a lot of peeps have recommended it to us!
I go by my full name, but my old boss calls me Mo. Actually, the majority of emails I send are from a generic mailbox, so people call me all sorts of fun things.
I can’t wait to see how your costume turns out! Steven’s is HILARIOUS, haha.
Ha ha ha. You mean, like “sir” or “madam,” right?!
That made me think how our business website says both of our names so people email “Dear Kim and Steven,” to Steven. Makes me smile 🙂
Thanks! Did you see that flick?
Love Steven’s costume!!! I can’t wait to see what yours looks like, too! I am not a great thrifter – I don’t have the patience to go sifting through racks and racks of random items, trying to find a hidden gem. But when you do find something cool at Goodwill, it feels like a huge victory!
Sigh, running intervals on an indoor track sounds like heaven right now! I am dreaming of being able to wear shorts and a tank for training. Hopefully soon! I remember when I was in college, there was a really small indoor track where you had to run like 15 laps to equal one mile. It was brutal trying to keep count, and you’d get dizzy after awhile from literally running in circles!
Yeah, I don’t have the patience, either! Although, I did find something schweet in the scarf rack – a running hat from Target that was full price there in Dec! I got it for $1.49!
Oh gosh. I do not think I could stand running on a track that short! Gah!
I hate it when movies leave me with that sad feeling. HATE it! Give me a happy movie!! As for thrift stores, I shop at them all the time. Love them!
I think I am turning in to my mom, because she prefers all the happy movies, too, and I am starting to! And I REALLY cannot do sad if it’s about an animal!
I don’t know anythything about American hustle movie, but Steven looks great! And he seems to have taken on a persona too 🙂 can’t wait to see your outfit.
Nope I don’t thrift. And like you I go into panic in a place where it’s just all the things all over the place. Just can’t handle the clutter!!
I’ll have to google “enough said” … Or not. I think “big fish” was on my mind for a few days after I saw it.
Funny about all your Kimberlys at work- I don’t think I’ve ever worked with a Kimberly, but we do have a Kim. And your name is unique enough that I’m surprised you have more than one at work 🙂 Some people call me Char (our EVP at work does now) my Daad calls me Xa’ar. Other than that I go by my real name… L and I have a load of nicknames for each other that don’t have to do with our names.
Yay for intervals!! I’m happy you felt good during them 🙂 but what an odd track! Does their website have better info about the distance? maybe you just need to pretend its 400m and push harder to make your interval times? I kid. But I did watch some documentary on a Kenyan runner who built his own dirt track and it was too long so he ran harder to compensate.
And yeah, panic mode ensues! I need organization. All the same thing on one rack. LOL!
Actually, I think you would enjoy the message behind Enough Said. It’s really about accepting people, and not letting others affect your judgement/tell you how to think. Kind of up your alley, as we talk about that a lot!
I am surprised we have more than one, too! At my last job there was even two of us (with like, what, 12 people?!) so I was “Kimberly” and she was “Kim.” Aww, couple nicknames are the cute. And animal ones!
So, Kelly looked it up and the website says it IS a 400m. No way. It’s a bit too long. But funny thing, she did 400s there last week and said she felt like she was going to throw up. Well, because she was running way faster than pace to make time!
I use my real name on my Facebook account. I rarely use my nickname anymore on the internet (except of course on my one blog, Chillywilly.org)
Oh man, I hate thrifting too. I get so overwhelmed by all that stuff. Steven’s costume is prettttty dope though. 🙂