My Robot best friend

By , February 4, 2014 11:53 am

We were watching a movie last week and I noticed that the main character’s children called a family friend “uncle” as adults. I watched it and thought, “Ooo! I wonder if Luca will still call me and Steven ‘Aunt Kim’ and ‘Uncle Steven’ when he is old enough to know better!” Ha ha. I hope so!


Do you have anyone close to you that you call aunt, uncle, mom, dad, grandma, sister, whatever… that isn’t actually a blood relative?

When I lived in Rome, I called my friend Rixa nonna, which is Italian for Grandma. She was like a grandma to me when I lived in Rome… well, what I imagine a German grandma would be like (she was a German, living in Rome). Sigh. I still miss her! Anyway. Moving on. 

Since one of the points of this blog is to document my memories, I had to share some of the funny Luca stories from this weekend!

  • While Steven and Luca were inside the convention center, waiting for us to finish the race, Luca said, “Where are they?!” Steven thought Luca was asking where Mom, Dad and Aunt Kim where, so he told Luca we were out running and would be back in a little while. Luca says, “No! Where is DART?” Ha ha ha. Luca didn’t care where we were! He wanted to know where the DART train was! He looooooves trains (and airplanes and most vehicles) and was so excited he could see the DART train from the convention center. He just wondered where it was, from time to time. Duh, Uncle Steven.



  • Luca remembers so much and knows many words, letters and numbers! I was very impressed! I loved counting with him and asking him to point out colors and “find” things with me. We got him this shirt about his “robot best friend” (since I love robots, and want him to too (ha!)). He must have remembered that his shirt said his best friend was a robot, because after the race, we asked him if Uncle Steven was now his best friend since they hung out for a bit. Nope! He let us know that Robot is his best friend. We were laughing so hard (Steven was his #2 best friend, by the way, and the list switched throughout the weekend (had to keep asking him) but Robot held pretty steady toward the top!). 


  • At one point during the weekend, Luca shouted out “P-O-O-P!” I was very impressed with his spelling skills! I tried to teach him to spell L-O-V-E yesterday, but that must be less fun or something. 

And… that is probably enough mushy stories. We just love Luca and I am so happy we are a part of his life! Being around him brings me a lot of joy. And I especially love being the aunt who is a bad influence, heh heh heh. 







22 Responses to “My Robot best friend”

  1. Gina says:

    There is nothing fake about you guys. You truly are his Aunt and Uncle and apart of our family! We love you!

    Love that story! I always remember the two BFF holding hands at the starting line! Steven was so good to L!

    • kilax says:

      Aww, thank you! We love you, too!

      I think Steven would be really happy if he got to that #1 spot. What did Robot ever do for Luca, anyway?!

  2. Melissa says:

    When I was growing up I called my parents’ best friends Uncle Steve and Aunt Lisa/Uncle Jim and Aunt Donna 🙂 I didn’t know that they weren’t actually my aunts/uncles until I was well into elementary school when I asked how we were related! lol

  3. Rachel says:

    Awwww what a cutie and a sweetheart! How old is Luca? I’m sure when he is grown up he will look back lovingly at all the great memories with Uncle Steven and Aunt Kim! (Except maybe that time you strangled him in the car with your scarf???)

    I called a lot of my cousins ‘aunt’ and ‘uncle’ because they were so much older than me, and really filled that role moreso than a typical cousin would.

    Many of our friend’s kids call us Auntie and Uncle and we love it! Except whenever I go visit Kim by myself her kids always ask why I didn’t bring Uncle Kevy with me! haha They love him!

    • kilax says:

      Luca will turn 3 at the end of April! Ha ha ha! Should I destroy all evidence of the scarf pic?!

      Ha ha ha. Uncle Kevy is the fun one. You are bringing him Friday… right?!

  4. Anne says:

    AWWWW! This is kind of how I feel about Melanie’s kids – they’re so stinkin’ adorbs and like me and Bob most of the time (because, you know, kids can be fickle). They call us Miss Anne and Mister Bob, because that’s how they address all grown-ups. But it still feels special. 🙂 When we go to their house for dinner, it’s pretty sweet when Melanie’s son wants Mr. Bob to play Wii with him, and her daughter invites me up to her room for bedtime stories – it does make us feel like we’re extended family. And sometimes I do think “meh, we don’t need our own kids, we already have kids who love us!”

    I call my mom’s best friend “Aunt” because she started calling herself that LOL. And I call one of my first Chicago friends “Mom.” She’s 12 years older than me and kind of took me under her wing when I was new to town.

    • kilax says:

      Aww! I love what they call you! And I love that you get to be a part of those special moments! Ha ha ha ha. Your “we don’t need our own kids” comment cracks me up 🙂

      I haven’t heard much about your “Mom” here, have I?

  5. How cute is he? I love that he randomly spelled out poop. At dinner the other night, at a restaurant, and yelled, “I farted.” Over and over and over again.

    Miles calls my work husband “Uncle Corey,” who has promised to corrupt him with Coca Cola and bad words.

  6. Pete B says:

    Great pics. Have you imparted any of your love of Star Wars to your “nephew”? 🙂

  7. Pam says:

    I’ve never even called my ACTUAL uncles Uncle. I grew up calling them both by their first names only. Then after I was an adult, my dad found out he has a sister, and I just call her by her first name too. 🙂 We’ve never been a real formal family. haha

  8. What a cutie pie! I’m an auntie to my best friend’s little girl, and no one can tell me otherwise. 🙂 I think that aunts and uncles not related by blood are just as important as those that are. Cheers to you for being a great aunt!

  9. kim says:

    He’s so sweet!

  10. Amy says:

    Aww, Luca is so cute! I’m with Beth above – aunts and uncles not related by blood are very important too. We have very good friends whose kids call our kids their Belgian cousins, and my godson calls me Aunt Amy. I think it’s all great and the most important thing is to be a loving, positive influence in a child’s life. Which you and Steven are definitely doing for Luca!

  11. SOOO Cute! There’s definitely a few people who we call Aunt & Uncle even if they are not relatives. Those terms are for the family friends from my early childhood… there have been others who probably would have had that term had we known each other at Luca’s age.

  12. Maggie says:

    When we were teenagers, my neighbor’s house was the hang out house – they had three kids around the ages of me and my bros, and we grew up together. Anywho, a lot of the kids called the parents at the hang out house “mama” and “papa.” I refused to address them as such, because, um, I already have a mom? Plus … well, there’s more to the story. I never referred to anyone else as Aunt or Uncle, but some of my friends who have kids will sometimes refer to me as Aunt Maggie.

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha. It’s funny you say this, because I think my in-laws expected me to call them mom and dad, but there was no way that was happening.

      You’re always teasing me and making me ask for more information! 😛

  13. Mica says:

    That’s so cute that he calls you Aunt/Uncle! My dad has some friends with small children, and they used to (not sure if they still do) call him “Uncle Ran-ny” (“Randy”), which always cracks me up. I still call refer to my aunts/uncles (and fake aunts/uncles) with that title, but to their faces, I just say their names now.

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