The three missing questions…
… from my earlier post. Ha ha. Because three more bullets would have been RIDICULOUS.
- It’s always nice to get a response to a comment you leave on a blog! I’ve been trying to reply to the comments I receive more quickly, to encourage interaction. Do you like it when blog authors comment in a more timely fashion so you can keep the conversation going, while the post is still “current”? Or do you not give a crap?
- So, how annoying is it to have an instructor in a fitness class who tells stories/makes bad jokes? Sometimes I am soooo hyper when I teach, and little stories/jokes just come out. I try to keep it to a minimum. But I also don’t want to teach a silent class. Besides the music playing, I am usually counting (including missing numbers), reminding what the proper form is, and telling people where they should be feeling the exercise.
- One of my BIGGEST pet peeves is when people pluralize/make possessive proper nouns/names that are singular. Ha. I am sure I messed up a ton of English rules in how I wrote that (and probably didn’t even get it right), so let me know if I bug YOU! But anyway, some examples would be calling Aldi Aldi’s, or Panera Panera’s, or JCPenney Penney’s. Why does this make me bonkers?! Grr! Anyway, dear readers, please let me know if you have any incorrectly pluralized/made possessive instances like this for me to add to my list. I am doing research on it, and am going to write a book. Just kidding*. But I was wondering if there are any others I should watch out for and correct people on**. <— me so nice
*But I would be curious to know what is up with that. I understand an older generation doing that, as they may be more accustomed to stores being owned by someone, and the store name being a possessive name. Maybe. But why do younger people do it?! WHY DOES IT BOTHER ME SO?!?!
**Ha ha. So I called my mom’s mom*** out on this, saying “You don’t make things singular that already are possessive, so why do the opposite?!” And she is so funny, she called to tell me, she was going to “Kohl.” Not Kohl’s, but Kohl. So now we call it Kohl.
***She also calls a sandwich at Subway, a subway, not a sub. So I tease her about this, too. She finds it amusing. Thankfully. Ha ha. Because I HAVE to tease. IT’S MY ONLY WAY OF COPING.****
****Note: I am trying to be funny with most of this. Trying.
Thank you for giving me something to read as I try not to fall asleep at my desk!
1. I like responses. It makes me feel special.
2. OMG – I make so many bad jokes during pump. A lot of them revolve around Miles being able to operate an iPhone at a more advanced level than me. I also try to tie into lyrics and realize that sometimes what I’m saying is not appropriate.
3. Meijer is a big one around here. Everyone says Meijers but it is just Meijer.
You are welcome!!!
And I like responses too! Not every comment needs one, but I appreciate them when I get one!
Ha! I am happy it’s not just me! That is a good joke. My playlists have been getting SO SCREWED up through iTunes to my phone. I think I need a toddler to help me.
Meijers! Ha!
I am guilty of number 3. But I never know how to pluralize our last name. Welches? Welchs? Welch’s? So I usually stick the damn apostrophe in there (even tho I KNOW it is incorrect) because it looks better than the alternatives.
Sigh. FWP.
For the record, I love your bad jokes. And bad jokes in general.
Ha! I don’t know how to pluralize it, either! Welches? Maybe someone will read this comment and know!
Yay! I like bad jokes too. Remind me some time to tell you about dad jokes. Or just ask Steven on Monday
I vote for Welches!
My dad is very guilty of #3. Ever hear of the convenient store Sheetz? He calls it Sheetzes. I’m sure he does it for a lot of other places too. He also has a hard time with change (apparently) and if an old store goes out of business and a new one goes in, he still calls the location by the old name! I guess it isn’t always with businesses either. He called the MVA (motor vehicle admin) the DMV even though in MD it’s the MVA. This drives my mom crazy! She corrects him but he purposely says it incorrectly! (He also calls my dogs boys even though they are girls but that’s neither here nor there)
Ha ha ha! I have not heard of that, but I am finding the original name funny, and the pluralized even funnier!!!! You know, I am still calling the Willis Tower by its real name – the Sears Tower. But that is more to be obnoxious.
LOL! And a few friends and I have been talking about the grandparents calling the grandpets by the wrong sex. Data is forever a female to certain people.
The plural thing bothers me only sometimes. Like my best friend would always say Barnes & Nobles. Yet, I’m sure I’ve said Penney’s at some point in my life.
I really hate when someone says (or worse, writes) “a whole nother.” Some people try to “correct” it by saying “a whole other” but the correct way to say it is “another whole.”
My mom always corrects our grammar (her pet peeve seems to be making sure we use “I” properly, like “Robert and I” instead of “me and Robert”), however, she has some things she says incorrectly. I forget what it was … “seen” instead of “saw” or something like that. I tried correcting her a few times and it didn’t stick … yet she’s still always interrupts with “ROBERT AND I!!!” Frankly, it’s annoying as hell. She’s done it to my friends too.
Ha! That is a good one! I have heard that one. As least Borders really was, Borders. Until it wasn’t.
Ahh! That is a good one. I bet I do that. Do all the made-up words make you nuts too, like irregardless? Ha ha
Oh man, that would irk me to be corrected all the time then have her make silly mistakes. Sounds like the “and I” mistake happens a lot though? Not many people get that right!
It bugs me less to see someone use “me and Kim” than for them to use “Kim and I” incorrectly! Kim and I are going to Barnes and Nobles (ha!): correct. Maggie went to Barnes and Noble with Kim and I: INCORRECT! But I see it all the time!
Ha! Good point! That makes me cringe, too.
OMG — I’m in your blog picture! I feel so special! And its not annoying to have an instructor telling stories/jokes during class, no matter how good or bad…unless of course you are miscounting during burpees! Then we have a problem
I am happy it doesn’t bug you. I REALLY need to work on my counting though. Gah!
2. I like it when the instructors tell stories. I run alone, so I like my classes to be really interactive. And it distracts me from my pain.
If someone asks me a question in a comment I try to respond as soon as I can so that they aren’t waiting forever (okay, like 24 hours). But I admit I sometimes just respond to them in a big batch the next morning. Either way, I LOVE getting a response! Lets me know the person actually read what I wrote.
Hmmm, I think I prefer to be in my own little world when I’m lifting so trying to pay attention to form/etc might be more difficult if the instructor is telling a story. But if I’m doing a plank or similar I want to hear a story! Distract me, please!!
Okay, I admit, I know I’ve said Penney’s. I rarely refer to it by its full name and saying “I’m going to Penney” just sounds weird!
I try to respond within 24 hours too, if not sooner. But gosh, sometimes I hit post then run out the door… for a long time. Bad! I NEED TO BE AVAILABLE ALL THE TIME! (not)
The stories were during plank. Okay, then I had to tell a farting story when we were on our backs for some Lebert Bar pull-ups. Ha ha ha.
Shhh, I have said that too. Now I just say “JCP.”
Ooh, I TOTALLY agree with your pluralizing pet-peave! It really bugs me too! I had an aunt that did that ALL the time growing up and my sister and I would just shudder!
Second, I love your stories during class. It allows me to focus on something other than the agony of what I’m trying to do. Other classes that I’ve taken in the past had instructors that did the same thing and it made me feel more like we were friends than just I was a student in a class. You and I ARE friends so it’s not the same thing, but I don’t get to see you that often so it’s nice to hear what’s going on in your life
Ha ha ha! You should do it to your sis, now, just to make her cringe.
Aww, thank you for saying that!
First, I love when you ask blog questions, because THAT also makes things interactive! And I always appreciate a comment back, since it means that you actually read all of my 5,000 comments.
And I love stories and jokes when I’m working out – it’s a good distraction! Katy and I used to shoot the sh*t and joke all the time when training, and she and Ryan will both joke around in class (Katy moreso with certain people, she can be really serious sometimes too). Or maybe this just happens because I’m constantly making fun of everything?
Ha ha, for the last one, Bob worked at Barnes & Noble during and after college and told me once how annoying it was when people called it “Barnes & Nobles.” So I ALWAYS refer to it as that to annoy him. Good to know that will also bug you (and apparently Maggie!)
Thank you! I am happy you like the questions.
Brian and I used to chat most of the time when I did one on one with him. Well, sometimes it was mostly him. I really like that! It would feel really impersonal, if not!
BUAH HA HA! I love that you still say that to Bob! Almost as annoying as having glitter in your eye!
Just kidding, it’s totally funny. And definitely not as annoying as me purposely saying things wrong. Bob’s dad is from this tiny town in South Dakota, which is home to The World’s Only Corn Palace, so I always call it the “Corn Castle” just to bug Bob and his dad. It’s really a wonder they let me join the family.
LOL since moving to this area we are now doing the same thing…Jewels, Costcos, LOL!
LOL, I know-terrible, right! HAHAHA!
I have a spin instructor who has the sense of humor of Melissa McCarthy in Bridesmaids. I swear she should charge admission.
I especially love when people go to “the Jewel’s”.
Ha! I want to go to that class!
I always love your questions. And your replies to comments!
Thank you!
hmm it’s Kohls but not Targets kwim? lol. Odd. Aldi’s, Wendys or Taco Bell not Taco Bells….
Yeah, they are very choosy. Some just DON’T make sense, come on
I want to figure out how it pops into someone’s inbox when I respond to a comment. I think that would be extremely helpful
Do you mean when you respond to someone, you want your response emailed to them as well? I am not sure if blogger does that, but there are plugins for WordPress that do. I just copy and paste my comments in to emails.
I really enjoy the fact that you are so good about answering comments and also sending an email reply – I think it’s great you do that!
And you make me laugh with the pluralizing/making possessive of names!
Thank you!
Ha! I am happy you laughed. Do people do that in Belgium?!
No, they don’t do that, but it occured to me when I was thinking about it, that they do something kind of similar which I’ve always found wierd: when they call a person by name who is a close relative or friend, they add the word “our” before the name. Like my mother in law refers to me as “our Amy”. Which is also kind of strange but cool in a way.
Ahh, so when she says hi, she does that? Or when she is talking about you? Kind of sweet
They say it when they are talking about the person to someone else. I think this is done in Austria and parts of Germany too.
Oh my, I just had to go back and edit my Aldi post I made a week or two ago. I had “Aldi’s” in there twice. LOL
Ha ha ha! I remember reading those and thinking they were actually possessive! Were they not? When you were talking about Aldi’s brand? Then it makes sense
1. Yes, I like getting comments. Especially from you! If they’re way late I’m usually not that interested anymore.
2. I like jokes and stories during training or classes. It makes the time go faster. I remember an aerobics teacher from many years ago who used to always joke about working out so could drink more margaritas. Dumb, but it’s nice that she had some humor and personality.
3. Victoria Secret’s? I’ve heard that one, though maybe they were trying to be obnoxious.
Thanks for saying that! I noticed if I get a way late one, I am like “What was I even commenting on?” It helps when the notification includes your original comment. For me, anyway!
Have you been doing Nia still?
I thought of you a lot when I studied it for the ACE exam.
HA!!!!!!! Victoria Secret’ss’s’s’s’s lol.