2013 Racing Statistics
Woo hoo! I am done racing for 2013! What an awesome year! I participated in 27 races (6 more than last year!) and ran a new race distance (20K), and set a few PRs!
Like last year, I created a fun (for me, really… I wish my job involved using Photoshop) infographic to display some racing stats. See below for the infographic, and further below for some analysis and a link to a form for you to fill out your stats, if you wish!
- I “raced” a lot more this year (8.5 races vs 4 races in 2012 – that .5 is when I raced the first half of the SLC Half then decided to run the second half for fun) – meaning I ran a race for time or to try to place, rather than just for fun. However, I did much less speedwork this year. Ha ha.
- But I still ran most of my races for a FUN TIME not PACE TIME. I think 2014 will be the same!
- I ran more 5Ks (12 vs 10 in 2012) and HMs (6 vs 4 in 2012) this year. I also PR’d the 5K twice (something I failed to do in 2012) and PR’d the Half Marathon and Marathon (which I did not try to do in 2012), both the half and full with pacers. AMEN for pacers!!!!!!!!!!!
- This was my first year running an 8K (I had previously walked one) but due to route conditions, I couldn’t “race” it.
- I thought I ran in less states than 2012, but I actually ran in the same amount – and two were new to me – Kansas and Utah!
- The amount of races run per month was similar to 2012 – summer racing is not really my thing! The chart indicates that fall racing is my thing. And again, in 2013, I failed to race in January.
- For the hottest race, I went by the temperature, not temperature + humidity. So it was a midday half on June 9. But the June 21 half with Anne was two degrees cooler and a lot more humid.
- I paid for races for 6 people last year and only 2 this year! I spent more than last year (+$264.28) but raced more, so it all evens out… right?
- I placed in my age group 3 more times in 2013 (7 vs 4 in 2012) including being first woman overall! I only place at small races, and I’m not in a super competitive age group (25-29) but… I still get a kick out of it!
- I ran more races with people this year, than by myself! 17 (63%) races in 2013 vs 12 races (57%) in 2012 (okay, it seems small when you look at percentage). And I did three relays in 2013 (10 Miler, Half Ironman and Sprint Triathlon) vs one in 2012 (10 Miler).
- And the COOLEST NEWS OF ALL! My dad started running in July of this year, and we ran two races together. He did three races – all 5Ks – in 2013 and got faster at each one! I am so proud of him!
- SECOND COOLEST NEWS (for Kim) OF 2013 – I became a trainer at Essential Fitness and ran a lot (16!) races wearing an Efit top! Go Team Efit!
WHOA! That is a lot of text! Especially for being after a huge image! Happy Monday!
Did you make it this far? If you did, I have a potential reward for you (ha ha ha) – if you are interested in me making a graphic like this for your 2013 stats, just leave a note in the comments and I will draw one person at random on January 1st!
Or, if you want to list our your stats, here is a link to a google spreadsheet where you can copy and paste it!
I LOVE this graphic! How cool!! I’d love one!
Cool info graphic, I don’t race all that much. If I did I totally would want something like this.
I win! I win! Most races with you this year! Eat it, Anne!
Your year was awesome. So glad I got to spend so much time running with you! That Double Down race might win for favorite race of the year…mostly because you and Bobbi made it so fun!
Nooooooooo! Get ready to throw down on Saturday. I even had a chance to tie that this month, but it was a night race and I had to work late
Hmmm. If she’d added in the races where we hung out at the start and finish and ran at the same time but not together, pretty sure I’D win. Muahahaha!
Then I guess Rachel and I need to challenge you for your title next year!
I am happy we got to run together so much too! And two halves, at that!
The Double Down was SO fun! Are we doing it again this year? Will it be as fun without the mud and standing water?
Another great year! It’s awesome that you accomplished so much on top of becoming a trainer! And get ready to join the most competitive AG this summer – better get all those wins in before July
I had fun running with you this year, even if I had to make you do races with me once our Monday night run dates went away. Hope we can make something work again soon, I miss those! And maybe we can run a race together next year where I don’t want to die in some way or another (heat, flu, whatevs). As long as you run more races with me than with Rachel
Ugh! I know! I think I will be done going for AG placements after I turn 30, unless I am racing in my hometown or in Round Lake!
What fun would races be if one person running it didn’t want to die? Ha ha. Just kidding. Hopefully there is a lot less of that this year. And I also hope my car schedule will work out better, soon, so we can meet up more!
I love these graphics you make. I actually have Photoshop and am pretty handy with it…I need to work on something similar! What a great year you had!
Thank you! What do you like to make in PS? T-shirts with crazy loose cougars? Wait. It wasn’t a cougar… a mountain lion?
What an awesome year!
Hopefully in 2014 we’ll do a race together!!
Yes! I haven’t even worn my cat hat yet. I keep forgetting about it, I think since we never used them as planned, lol.
Yaaaaaaaaay I <3 this post. I did this survey last year (and am doing it again tomorrow!) and I honestly think it's my favorite post of the year that anyone puts up. Stats nerd + running nerd = OBSESSION with this kind of post. Congrats on all you accomplished this year!
Awesome! I am happy you like it so much! I can’t wait to read yours
(been sick and away from the computer for the past few days, ugh)
That is pretty cool! LOL I don’t think I have anything to graph! So don’t include me!
Awesome year for you! Hopefully one day we can run a race together.
This is SUCH a great ‘end-of-the-year-wrap-up’! I especially like the categories, such as community. I’m also super impressed that you ran in 27 races – WOW! I think that I’ve started to race less with each year, so that’s kind of a depressing stat!
I don’t think that is depressing. In fact, I was thinking yesterday that I would purposefully like to do a lot less this year
This is awesome!! Love it! I am going to try your link and add to my zany 2013 recap.
Can I be a pacer for you in 2014 in the half?!? Or whatever distance?
Ooo, that sounds fun! My half pace may be kind of slow and boring for you though
I think on a good day, I could get you the sub 1:50. Late spring early fall maybe?! Prairie State. Nothing boring about 8:30s for me!
I love this infographic and how much fun you have with running. What is an Efit Top though? You ran a lot of races in it! I think I ran fewer races this year and raced a lot more than I did last year. 2014 will be the year of the Ironman for me. It’s so wonderful that your dad started running! If I could get a family member or my husband to start running with me that would be the highlight of my year as well!
Efit is what we call Essential Fitness, for short, the studio where I work. So my Efit top is a running top with the studio logo on it.
Your sister, right?!
Oh, and I’d like to be entered to win the infographic.
I’ve decided to draw the infographic for you! Go ahead and fill out the google form (definitely add the events for the other sports too) – https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hrJspgvn40KSqPpW35FVOYn5OU4anyUYagEJAwZO54g/edit – and then I’ll start putting it together
You have mad photoshop skillz! I love your infographic
What a great year you had! So proud of all you accomplished (and you are the best trainer evah!) and it’s so fab you got your Dad running (I want to get at least one kid to run with me in 2014).
That sounds like a really fun goal for 2014! I bet you could get more than one
And P.S. My dad already signed up for a race for next year!
What a fantastic year Kim! Your infographic is amazeballs…you are a true Photoshop genius! I LOVE all that data…I’m such a nerd
Hopefully we can do some races together this year (or at least some long runs in the summer…I had such a blast with you!)
I think the data is a lot of fun, too. A lot of work to compile by hand! LOL. I think I need to make some new spreadsheets.
Yes! I bet we will at least race together
A cleverly disguised year-end recap…but I’m on to you. #bloggywatchdog
Thanks a bunch for swinging by! Always fun to see fresh faces
Ha ha ha! But! No recap of 2013 personal life, list of boring links or goals… so I am in the clear, right?
I just freaking love this. You are so organized with all the details- trail/pavement/temps/ cost it just blows my mind.
I also love that your dad is a bonifed runner. That is totes awesome. Maybe he will be the next Ed Whitlock? 
We didn’t run ANY races together this year??? We need to change that in 2014!
I agree! We kind of didn’t last year, either (I mean, we ran that Muddy Monk race with Alyssa and Lindsay but it’s not like you can chat on single track like that).
Your running ALWAYS inspire me!!!! Looking forward to SF in May!
This graphic is amazing! Congrats on a stellar 2013!!