Not a Peeker! / I Believe in the Blerch Socks Giveaway WINNER

By , December 19, 2013 12:01 pm

Are you a peeker?! Um, let me clarify that. A holiday gift peeker?

Ha ha ha. I am NOT a peeker. I love surprises. I don’t want to know what I am getting for gifts! However, I know a few people who are peekers. Don’t worry. I won’t name any names… 

It’s been hard not to peek at some gifts this year. Steven’s family is coming here and they are sending some packages ahead of time, directly from the store! I have been working really hard not to look at the labels. Luckily, Gina was here one day and could bring in the packages and read the labels to us. Thanks, Gina!


Ha ha ha. I feel like that is the only goofy pic we took that is blog appropriate. 

When I have to bring the gifts in, I carefully look at the label, just trying to find a name. Ha! I am such a dork, but I really don’t want to know!


 The winner of the I Believe in the Blerch Socks Giveaway is Erica! Erica, please email me your mailing address at and I will get them out to you. Thank you to everyone who entered!

23 Responses to “Not a Peeker! / I Believe in the Blerch Socks Giveaway WINNER”

  1. Erin says:

    I actually already know what one of the gifts Jason’s got for me is but I refuse to unwrap it! I still like the suspense and the tradition of opening gifts 🙂

    • kilax says:

      How did you find out? People keep asking me “what is Steven getting you?” How am I supposed to know? I don’t want to know!

      • Erin says:

        Jason was ordering it on Amazon when I walked into our office and he said, “DON’T LOOK AT THIS!” So of course I glanced down on reflex and he wasn’t fast enough to close the window. So, I know it’s a nice wooden step ladder to keep in the kitchen so I can reach the upper cabinets 🙂

  2. Kiersten says:

    I used to be a peeker as a kid, but now I like the surprise. Last night I needed something in the office, but the BF had told me not to go in the there because my unwrapped presents were there. So I went in with my eyes closed and bumbled my way over to my desk to find the tape.

  3. I am a terrible peeker! I used to unwrap my gifts as a kid and rewrap them.

    I know what I’m getting this year because a near splurge blew Mark’s cover, and he had to dish. BUT, in my defense, I was supposed to get nothing this year since I got my bike.

  4. Heather says:

    I am very good at not peeking, but this year my husband told me my gift. I was going to get an elliptical for myself and he decided to use that as my christmas gift and get me a slightly nicer one, lol.

    I do have to yell at him not to shake presents to try to peek haha – this year I told him since I did all the christmas prep for the family myself that if he ruins a single gift or accidentally tears a single bit of wrapping paper he can count on spending the night at his parent’s 🙂 I wouldn’t do that, but he got the message, lol!

  5. Gina says:

    Steve and I just had this conversation! I’ll let him tell you what he was like as a kid during Christmastime.

    I can’t tell if that’s my “where is my package” face or my “look what I had to bring in” face or if that’s just how I usually look, hahaha.

  6. Rachel says:

    Total peeker, but I already confessed that to you. 🙂 Either Kevin hasn’t got me anything yet this year or he is doing a really good job of keeping it from me!

  7. Losing Lindy says:

    well, V knew what he wanted to get me…and then I guessed it..and paid for it. He has it wrapped under the tree with some sort of craft with it.

  8. Amy says:

    Not a peeker – I prefer to be surprised!

  9. Heather says:

    I saw an email come in for my husband while I was at the computer and wish I hadn’t seen it! I always tease him that I want to know, but I love being surprised. 🙂

  10. Anne says:

    I’m a peeker, always have been. But I’m trying to reform. I had to use amazon on Bob’s computer the other day, and considered checking his orders before logging him out, but didn’t do it. So I guess that’s progress? I also skip to the end of books and often read TV spoilers because I just HAVE to know. Then regret it.

  11. I am not a peeker. I like being surprised. I don’t even want to know what anyone else is getting. My sister on the other hand wants to know what everyone else is getting 🙂

  12. I am definitely a peeker! 🙂

  13. jan says:

    I would have a REALLY HARD TIME not looking in those boxes!

  14. martymankins says:

    Not a peeker, but I sometimes know what I’m getting anyway, so I try to find the best way to be surprised when I open the gift 😉

  15. Kristina says:

    I’m not a peeler but a shaker!!

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