Naperville Marathon Race Report

By , November 12, 2013 6:52 am

On Sunday I ran the inaugural Naperville Marathon with Xaarlin and set a new marathon PR! What an experience!


I wasn’t planning to run a marathon this year. And this one was not on the radar – registration for 3500 total spots in the half and full marathon sold out in ONE day (pdf here) when it opened on January 28! But in July, my good buddy Ian asked me if I wanted a free entry for either the half or full! He works part time for Clif Bar (a race sponsor) and they had given him two entries and he thought to offer one to me! What a nice guy! Thank you, Ian!


(Ian and me, who unfortunately, did NOT get to run because he was sick!)

I knew Xaarlin was signed up for the full, so I emailed her and asked if I should pick the full too! Her answer was an excited yes and… the possibility that she could pace me for the race! Woo hoo!

So I got to training. Ha ha. Just kidding. I don’t really train, I just run whatever I feel like.  And by training, I mean I made sure to start doing double digit runs most weeks. I felt really good going in to the marathon. My only setbacks during “training” were rolling my left ankle and consequently irritating my left leg, and getting a cold the week of the race. But other than that, I was very positive, and had a strategy worked out with Xaarlin to run an average pace of 9:30 min miles and hopefully run a 4:10. More importantly, I wanted to run the marathon feeling good, and avoiding bonk… because the not bonking the marathon had yet to happen for me. 

People asked if I was ever nervous for this race. Not really. I tend to only get nervous for 5Ks. And with Xaarlin being my pacer, all the responsibility of nervousness goes to her. Ha ha ha! Really though, after I told her my strategy, I knew she would keep me on track and help motivate me when I needed it. And that is why having a pacer is so awesome. You just follow along, or set the speed and they help you adjust it when need be. 

Being an inaugural race, I was curious to see what the race organization and course was like!* Bobbi was sweet enough to take me to the expo on Saturday (and be my personal cheerleader through all my “training,” and really, throughout life, ha ha!) and drive the course with me. We both agreed that the course looked really neat – a bit commercial, a lot residential and some through forest preserves, as well. Good variety! We were a bit uncertain (FORESHADOWING) about miles 14 – 20.5, though, through Green Valley Forest Preserve. The course map made it look wonky and hilly. But! I trained on hills. Whatever race day brings… no point in worrying two days before the race!

So! Let’s get this show on the road (six paragraphs later…). 

First I must say… two VERY special guests came to watch me run this marathon… my parents!


The pirate get-up will make sense later, when you see my mom’s race sign. 

This was my sixth marathon, but the first time my parents have ever been able to come to one. I was ecstatic about them coming! And! I wanted to make sure to put out a good effort. Or at least fake that I was, when they saw me on the course. Ha! Okay, here we go, for real…

The race was easy to get to from my house – mostly highway. There was plenty of parking, and the normal race morning busyness, finding it. It was easy to find the porta potties and I seemed to be in a fast moving line until three other lines somehow formed around me and the person in the stall I was waiting for took 5 minutes. Ha ha. No biggie. Shit happens (me so funny). Once I got in, I was quick, and never had to go during the race. WINNING!

I easily found Xaarlin, Britt and her husband, Doug (not pictured). 


And as we were walking to the start, Dave (from my running club) ran up and gave me a good luck hug! And Bobbi and Riyanti (also running the full) were right behind him. It was awesome to see them before the race! And amazing they came all the way down just to spectate! Love them!


Let’s talk about the weather. It was almost perfect! Starting temps in the 30s, ending in the 40s. Only issue was 13-15mph winds. But man, not a cloud in the sky for most of the race, and not too warm for the sun to be a bother. I kept my gloves and headband on for almost the entire race (just took them off and on a few times). The shirt was probably a bit much, but eh, whatever. 


The start corral was a bit tight, but they usually are. We wanted to get near the 4:00 marathon pacer and I have no idea where we ended up starting, but since they had a staggered start, the course never felt crowded, not even on the trails!


Xaarlin and I settled in to a nice slow pace for the first two miles. We couldn’t stop talking about how great the weather was, and how awesome it was to be running together! (Okay, we talked about that for most of the race). We started to dial in to race pace around 3 miles in and I felt great. Everything felt easy. I had a slight tingle in my right ankle (which turned out to be nothing) and that was it. We mostly just chatted away, checking in to our pace and how we felt, and enjoying the changing scenery. 

I think my favorite part of the course was the park we ran from miles 5-8, Springbrook Prairie Forest Preserve. I love running on crushed limestone. I loved the prairie. I loved that spectators came in to the park to cheer. I loved all the tiny little signs someone put out there. I loved seeing a horse. I loved it when Xaarlin said something about The Little Mermaid and I got a song from it stuck in my head (then I started singing Into the Great Wide Open and got that stuck in my head).



I LOVED seeing my family, and Erin out there! Erin came to spectate the entire race and helped Steven and my family navigate! It sounds like the four of them made a great team. Ha ha, apparently, at one point, Erin was using the map I printed them, with google maps on her phone and the Glympse** I had sent Steven on his phone to track me/navigate. They were successful! I saw them at the start and finish and three times on course! Spectating is HARD work, and I am so grateful they (and others!) were out there!


Miles 3-18 were all pretty much on pace! Looking back at the course map, I see that 11-14 was one steady incline, but I didn’t feel it. I was feeling good! It helped to have seen Bobbi and Dave during that stretch!

We got in to Green Valley Forest Preserve at mile 14 and I saw my family and Erin again . They were so energetic, and I was all smiles (I had asked Xaarlin to remind me to smile and be grateful to run!). 



And this is where the course chewed me up and spit me out. There was an awful part down a windy blacktop road that looked like it never ended. There were small hills. The wind in my face. Oh, the wind. I am so happy I kept applying chapstick. I just wish I would have applied it to my face. Ha! I was SO wind burned, my face hurt incredibly after the race was over.  Ouch. 

One highlight during this part was that we saw Britt for a split second. Xaarlin kept saying if our timing was right, we would see her! And our timing was right! My pace didn’t start to drop until mile 19, which is such a shame, but no surprise, as 19-21 was all uphill. There was a nice downhill from 21-23 that I had been looking forward to all day. Ha. I should have remembered from the downhill at the end of the Milwaukee Marathon – it just doesn’t feel good at the end of a race. And this downhill was all in to the wind.  I told Xaarlin, “The only thing that feels good is flat!” Ha, ha, uh…

Around mile 21, we saw my dad, and he handed me a bag of Dots (my favorite candy), and even ran with me for a block and gave me some encouragement! Then we ran by my family, Erin, Bobbi and Dave, and it was fabulous to see them. 


But… I completely got off track with my goal pace during miles 19-26. When I look back at it now, that is the longest I have gone with out bonking in a marathon, and that is good for something, right? And, I don’t really think I bonked… I never walked, only stopped once to get more water (and accidentally stopped my watch? oops). I did pretty well! And funny thing, everyone I’ve talked to said the same thing – they were on track until this point then fell apart. Must be partially the course. Riiiight. 

Anyway. The last 7 (okay, 10) miles were really mentally hard and I was out of it. It felt like it took forever. I kept telling myself “only x more miles left!” That never works. Ha. I was trying to talk to Xaarlin and making no sense. She was very encouraging and kept telling me how proud she was of me. 

There was a steep incline right before mile 26 (evil!) then we finished that bad boy in 4:24:56, which is not very close to my goal, but a PR by almost 14 minutes! Schweet!




I cried when I finished. Gah. I was so overwhelmed. I was so happy to be done. So happy to see my family and friends. 


It’s just so amazing to have so much support from loved ones. To get that big hug when you are all sweaty after you finish. To know they got up early (maybe earlier than you!) to drive to watch you race. That they are taking photos and driving all over when they have a cold. That they drove from 250 miles away to see this race. They they screamed and cheered and jumped to get you pumped. That they MADE and carried a sign (or had someone bring it for them if they couldn’t come). That they supported you throughout your training. I felt very special and loved, and my friends and family made me feel proud of what I did that day. 

And of course, the hardest task of all… being the pacer. Xaarlin was such an amazing pacer, and friend to me, during the race (and all the time). She had asked me during the week how I wanted to run, and what reminders I needed, if I wanted her to carry anything. Damn, she remembered it ALL. She had saved stories to tell me for the last tough miles. She brought up things she knew would get my legs moving. She distracted me. She pushed me. I am so happy she was there. My legs (and body) carried me, but I couldn’t have done it without her! And we had so. much. fun. Even when it was hard, we still had fun. I have so many wonderful memories from this race, even though the end felt so hard for me (as it should at a marathon?). 


  • Thank you to everyone who cheered me on, wished me good luck, texted me, and all that! And! Thanks to all those who trained with me!
  • I wish I could have chatted more with Britt and Riyanti after the race to see how it was for them (we caught up via text, later). 
  • So many people LOVED Xaarlin’s owl hat and commented on it. Fun!
  • I tried to conserve energy by not doing too many spastic arms or high fives (low fives were okay). Kind of lame, but that takes a lot of energy out of me. 
  • I tried to run the tangents – I was only .2 over, so that is not too bad. 
  • Aid stations were pretty well spaced out, and there were two Clif shot stations (mile 14 and 21). I was very happy I wore my backpack and could have water whenever I wanted it. 
  • No chafing, whatsoever!
  • Edited: I had an energy gel (mostly GU, some Clif) every 4 miles then an extra one at 18… then not too much after. I couldn’t chew. That was probably a bad idea. I had even packed a little tortilla with Biscoff on it, and didn’t eat that (until 8:00 pm that night).
  • I ran this race on MucinexD. I was carrying cough drops just in case. My lungs felt fine until the last three miles when I felt like something was stuck in the bottom of them. 
  • The half split was no big deal!
  • I got a short massage right after the race. AHHH! It felt so good, and NO wait! She kept saying how tight my calves were. Must be the hills?
  • My quads were TRASHED after this. TRASHED! I ran a shake out run with my dad yesterday, because I had to teach last night and needed my legs to get moving!
  • My dad said he enjoyed marathon spectating, and that made me happy!
  • There was just the right amount of spectators on the course! And they even went in to the preserves.
  • Packet pickup was easy. The race was really organized. 
  • We saw Michelle all over the course, which was awesome!
  • And last but DEFINITELY not least, holy crap, these guys made the best signs! And one of my friends, Kelly, sent a sign with Dave! I love how personal they all are. My friends and family rock!





*I am including a lot more details about race logistics in here than I normally would, since a lot of people asked my thoughts on the race.
**I sent Steven and Bobbi a Glympse so they could see exactly where I was, at least for the four hours the Glympse app will track me!

97 Responses to “Naperville Marathon Race Report”

  1. Meghan says:

    Ahh! I simply love this recap! I am so happy for you and your PR. I am so glad you had Charlyn there too to help you along! I love those last few pics of the two of you finishing together! I think this comment needs more exclamation points! (But seriously, I am just so thrilled for you!)

  2. Kelly E says:

    Thank you for sharing your experience 😉 I cry every time I see that photo of you and your parents at the finish. Truly heartwarming to see their support for you!!!

  3. Heather says:

    Congratulations – you did awesome and it is so cool your parents came to spectate!

  4. bobbi says:

    LOVED being there to watch you! So proud of you – what a great accomplishment! I was honored to be there to spectate for you all 🙂

    AND! It was super nice to see my sis and to meet your parents and to get to hang with Erin and Steven too! And it was so nice to have Dave with me to help me navigate! I had an amazing day – watching a marathon is one of the most inspirational things out there. You all are AWESOME!

    Well. That’s an awful lot of exclamation points isn’t it?

    Muah!! Congratulations on an amazing PR. You rule!

    • kilax says:

      Thank you! 😀 😀 😀

      And I am happy you had such an amazing day spectating! I appreciate you being there. Spectating is hard work!

  5. Anne says:

    I can’t get over how positive this recap is, from start to finish! Even where you were getting a little off-pace at the end, and even if you didn’t quite meet your original goal. I’m so happy that you had such a good experience with the race, your parents spectating, Charlyn pacing you, and that PR is awesome! Congrats!!!

    And everything you wrote about how great of a pacer Charlyn was (which is totally not surprising) is exactly why having a good friend pace you for an important race is so awesome. You just articulated it better than I could 🙂

    • kilax says:

      Thank you! Even when I was struggling in the end, I still tried to keep a positive perspective! I am just happy I can get out there and do this! 🙂

      And thanks again 🙂

  6. kelsey says:

    This was such a great recap Kim!! I felt like I was there! I’m so happy you PR’d and enjoyed the course!!!

  7. I loved seeing your family’s signs along the race! They all looked so happy to be out there for you. To hit a PR on that course is honestly quite an accomplishment, especially with those winds. It was a tough dynout there. So proud of you! Sorry I didn’t stick around post race, I was a hot mess! Would have loved to have stuck to the plan and celebrated like rock stars, but my body said no.

    Glad you liked the prairie too. That’s my usual route. We only hit about half of the miles of trails out there, if that. It’s a nice quiet and uninterrupted running space. That neighborhood we went through afterwards my hood! Thinking back now, I should have staked some signs in the ground to hie you gals something to look at. Guess there is always next time!

    Quads are feeling quite janky myself still. It was the ups and downs. Now we know, stick to flats 😉

    Longest comment ever…but you and Xar were super cute together. The pics of you gals really warm my heart. Love you guys and so happy you took this on together! Nothing like your two most favorite runners pounding out the pavement together!

    • kilax says:

      I am proud of you and Doug! Didn’t you both PR as well?! Gah! Who knew that course would be so sneaky hard? LOL. I liked how they called it the NaperHILLS marathon the day after, on Facebook!

      I want to go back and run that prairie! And in your hood! What a pretty area.

      Yes! Flats! LOL. I am not sure I can ever be a hill runner 🙂


      And really, congrats to you!

  8. Tara says:

    Congratulations! I love your race reports.

  9. Marcia says:

    Congrats on the schweet PR! Sounds like the perfect size race to be able to easily find your family and friends. How ultra cool your parents made the trip out to see you. Awesome.

    • kilax says:

      Thanks! And yes! It was a perfect size! My mom wondered if she needed to carry a balloon for me to find her (very good idea for a big race) but it was not necessary 🙂

  10. Alyssa says:

    Congratulations! It sounds like they did a really good job with this race!

  11. Rachel says:

    You already know how much I love those signs: SO MUCH! You are incredibly lucky to have such wonderful friends and family!

    That’s so funny that you mention wanting to run strong with your parents there. My folks came to spectate my first marathon and I had a slow time and rough second half. I was feeling embarassed that I didn’t do very well, but guess what? They were super proud of me and made me feel like I ran like an olympian when I finally finished. That was so worth it.

    Congrats again on a new PR! Marathons are no joke and to come away with happy memories and a new best time is quite the victory!

    • kilax says:

      I did feel very lucky that day! Spoiled with love!

      Oh gosh, yes! I bet no matter what time I would have finished they would have made me feel that way. Just been more hungry if it interfered too much with lunch hour. LOL!

      Thank you!

  12. Kiersten says:

    Congrats! You ran a GREAT race. It is so nice that you had so many friends and family come out to support you.

  13. Valerie says:

    SO proud of you Kim! Way to go! Loved this race recap…the scenery sounds fantastic– I’m a fan of running through residential areas, especially if they feature really nice homes 😉 What’s next on the horizon for you?!

    • kilax says:

      Thank you! Oh gosh. YES! Very nice homes here. You would have liked that part 🙂

      Just a few fun races to finish out the year! No goals, really. LOL. What do you have planned? 🙂

  14. Congrats on the PR and awesome race! I tried to check on you on Sunday morning to see how you were doing by I guess they didn’t have runner tracking (totally understandable), I’m so glad you had a fun race though! It sounds like a tough but beautiful course too.

  15. abbi says:

    Congratulations on the new big PR!! The course sounds great (with a bit of tough) and all in all a great race and awesome of Xaarlin to pace you!!

  16. Kristina says:

    Great job and congrats on the PR! You look pretty fantastic in the photos too- always a bonus when it comes to a race.

  17. Congrats!! An almost-14 minute PR is incredible, so way to go! Glad to hear the marathon itself seemed to go off well, too. Always nice to hear that about first-year races.

  18. Jen2 says:

    Wonderfully written report!! What a great experience! Congrats on the PR and your support “staff” is amazing!!

  19. Steph says:

    Yaaaaayyy, congrats on a PR and another marathon!

  20. Erin says:

    Hey, you made it past the mile 16 curse!! That’s something to be super excited about.

    You ran a great race overall. Especially on what everyone is saying was a really tough course. And you PRed which is fantastic. So proud of you.

    It was also really fun to spectate. I’d get so excited when I saw your orange headband off in the distance 🙂

    • kilax says:

      Yes! I have extended it to 19 miles! Woo hoo!

      Thank you! And thank you so much for being there! That meant a lot to me. Good thing I kept that orange headband on for most of it. Ha ha ha! I thought it might help find me!

  21. Jen says:

    Awesome job & congrats on the PR! 🙂

  22. MILF Runner says:

    Congrats on the big PR!!! Great recap…you actually look like you were having a good time 🙂

  23. Hillary says:

    Congrats on a huge PR on what I’ve heard sounds like a pretty tough course!! I’m glad to hear that the race was such a good experience for you – I’ll be interested to see what kind of changes/improvements are made for next year. So glad Xaar was able to run with you — sounds like she was the perfect mate to have when things get tough. 🙂

    • kilax says:

      Thank you! And thanks for commenting! 🙂

      I am curious to see how they change it too! Maybe just a few tweaks here and there, but not much! I am curious if the course will stay the same.

      Xaar was so awesome. She is the best!

  24. Brooke says:

    I agree about miles 19-26! I was on pace to finish in 4:45 and by mile 24ish I just stopped looking at my watch so sure that I was cruising along fine. Imagine my shock when I stopped my Garmin at the end of the race at 4:50! I swear I have no idea where those 5 minutes went! I never stopped and walked and my individual miles on Garmin never got too bad (I had banked time in the first half). Oh well 4:50 is still a PR for me but not what I wanted 🙁

  25. Pete B says:

    Congrats on the PR. Loved the recap. Awesome that you had Xaarlin as your pacer for the entire race and that there were so many other bloggers/friends and family at that race for support.

  26. I love that sign with Data on it so. much.
    Congratulations on your shiny new PR! You’re the most inspiring runner I know.

  27. Congrats! My favorite part is that you’re smiling in EVERY picture!!!

  28. Amanda C says:

    I love your moms get up and sign, clever and cute. You look truly happy and energized in all the race pictures, what a great experience! Big congrats on your PR. Xaarlin is a rock star pacer.

  29. I love the sign your mom made! Awesome!

    I heard from a lot of people that it was deceptively hilly… so way to go! And a PR is a PR, no matter how much it is 🙂

    I’m proud of you, Kim!!!

  30. Michelle says:

    GREAT job, again! I was so happy to be a small part of that amazing day!

  31. Amy says:

    Great job on pulling through those last few miles. Been there, done that! Congrats on the PR, too, of course. You deserve it 🙂

  32. Michel says:

    I’m so glad that the first race your parents saw you do was something you were happy and PRed with!! yay!!

  33. Losinglindy says:

    awesome job! I am so sorry we didn’t make it out.

  34. Kayla says:

    Congrats!!! Way to go with that PR!! Awesome job and that is great that charlyn was able to run with you and pace you!! It is also awesome that your parents were able to come out as well as Bobbi, Erin, Michelle and of course Steven! 🙂 you had a great crew out there!!!

    I had to quick go check the course map when you said that it went through Green Valley. That is near where I lived for 2 of my 4 years out there and some of my runs went through there. Definitely a hillier area than most in Chicagoland!

    Congrats again!!!!

  35. Ian says:

    Great report Kimbot, really enjoyed reading it and see the photos. So glad you took my extra entry. So proud of your PR and set on a tough (for IL) course. Was great seeing you.

    • kilax says:

      Thank you, thank you, thank you for offering it to me! And being there, cheering us on, when you couldn’t run! I hope you are feeling better! 🙂

      LOL. So true. Tough for IL 😉

  36. J says:

    Awesome job Kim! A 14 minute PR is soo good! I bet it was really great to have family supporting you! Love the signs!

  37. jan says:

    How cool that Naperville has a marathon, too. If I ever do run a marathon, it will be a smaller one like that. I looooove your mom’s costume! That’s awesome! Glad you made it so much farther without “bonking”, too!

    • kilax says:

      Yeah, smaller marathons are fun! This was a great size! Not too small… not too big! Never felt like I was “the only one out there” (well, it helped I had a pacer, too, ha ha!).

  38. Diana says:

    Wait. Your good buddy works for Cliff. You had a free entry from Clifff. You took a GU every 4 miles?

  39. Kim, I’m so excited for you! I was totally stalking the internets this weekend, anxiously awaiting news on you were doing. You are such a great motivator to others, it is nice to see that all that came back to you when you went out there to run! I love all the photos and it looks like you had fun out there (except for at the end, but who has fun at the end of a marathon anyways?)!! Congrats again! I can’t wait to hear more about it in person!

    • kilax says:

      Thank you! And thanks for stalking me! And saying I am a motivator!!!

      Yeah, good point. Why did I expect the end to be fun? Ha ha! Can’t wait to see you Saturday!

  40. Kim says:

    You’re awesome! I was so excited to read you got a PR! You’re an amazing runner and I always love your positive attitude. So cool your parents were able to be there, too. Mine saw my first marathon, which was a bit of an under-trained disaster, so I’d love for them to come to one again in the future, too.

  41. I almost had to stop reading because there were too many “I love this” and i can’t take all that running is awesome stuff.

    I kid.

    Congrats. You did an awesome job in the face of adversity (aka the wind – GRRR) and came away with a great PR.

    I also love your mom’s sign. It’s the best EVA. She should give Mark some tips because, for the record, he has never come to a race with a sign.

    • kilax says:

      Thanks! 🙂

      LOL! Hey, at least he still comes, right? Making a sign is hard work! I don’t have any creative talent! My mom enjoys that sort of thing 🙂

  42. Emily says:

    HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!!! So, so, so, SO proud of you!!! It sounds like the race was super well-organized, that Xaarlin was an amazing pacer, that the crowds were extremely supportive, and that you ran a strong, smart, gutsy race. Perfect formula for a huge PR! WE MUST CELEBRATE!!!!!!!!!!!

  43. Congratulations on your PR!! That’s awesome! And congrats on not walking. That’s a huge feat I feel like. It’s amazing how much power our minds have over us sometimes, and it’s also amazing how much I’d like to separate mine from my body at times like that. Your friend’s owl hat was definitely super cool!

    The Data sign is hilarious, because it totally looks like a legit speech bubble from your cat. And about stopping your watch at the water stop? It’s second nature! I swear it’s a reflex for me to stop my watch when I stop moving.

    • kilax says:

      Thank you! 🙂 The no walking was a big deal for me! I was telling Xaarlin that even though walk breaks are supposed to help you keep your energy up, I tend to have a hard time getting my cadence back, after!

      Ha ha ha! Data probably was home thinking that!

      I am just so happy I realized the watch was stopped and turned it back on! I bet I would have been a little annoyed had I lost all that data. Ha ha.

  44. Xaarlin says:

    I’ve read this post like27 time. I just can’t get enough! It makes me smile so big for so many reasons. First of which was getting to spend so much time with you 🙂 I know those latter miles weren’t easy and I’ll totes blame it on the course. Seeing your family & friends out there was just so amazing. You should feel very loved. 🙂 I miss you! When can we do it again!?!?! I kid, I kid 😉 ok not really…..

  45. Congratulations!! I enjoyed reading your post! 🙂

    Feel free to visit my blog as well if you wish! <3


  46. Sara says:

    This is the best recap. Congratulations!! 🙂

  47. Kimberly – can you email me? THANKS

  48. Maggie says:

    Congrats on the PR and not bonking!!! Glad they were able to pull off a successful race, too! And I looooove the signs, especially your mom’s and Bobbi’s!

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