The lines in the sidewalk

By , October 21, 2013 6:20 am

There’s a route through a neighborhood I seem to run quite often with a group of friends. It’s about two miles, and the road just winds and winds. We all agree, that despite each other’s wonderful company, man, do those two miles ever seem to drag!

Well, as a group we almost always run in the street, including on that route. When I run solo or double, I prefer the sidewalk, unless it’s covered in snow or super uneven.

So, I’d never run that route before, on the sidewalk. Always on the road. But during yesterday’s long run, I made it part of my route, and took the sidewalk.

Holy crap! It’s like I was on a new route! Being closer to the homes meant I was paying closer attention to them and what was going on between them and the street – the (Halloween!) decorations, the cars in the driveway (or blocking the sidewalk, grr), and especially the lines in the sidewalk.


Why the lines in the sidewalk? Well, first of all, since I hadn’t run the route on the sidewalk before (and since it was dark), I was watching for uneven spots. And secondly, the lines made me feel like I was making measurable progress. Running this route on the road always felt like I was on some endless winding path, but passing the lines in the sidewalk and crossing side streets told my brain I was making progress. It made the route seem shorter! So interesting (maybe only to me)!

Oh course, I do all my deep (ha ha) thinking on my early am long runs, and I started thinking about how the lines in the sidewalk – the “progress lines” – reminded me of how the best way to meet a goal is with little bits of progress, here and there. Not all leaps. Not all sprinting. Small and measurable.

If I was really cheesy I would talk about SMART goals and how uneven spots in the sidewalks could be “rough patches” in your progress, but haha, I won’t go there!

And, I promise, I am not trying to make this about running. I just happened to think about it then. 


When do you do your “deep” thinking?

It’s kind of funny for me to call it deep, but, I guess it is my deepest thinking (ha ha) and it happens when I am running solo, especially in the dark. I think it’s because I am free of distractions, and my body is going on autopilot, so my brain just gets to wonder and ponder. 

11 Responses to “The lines in the sidewalk”

  1. Interesting post. I rarely run on the sidewalks because they aren’t as nice as the one in your picture. But I often like to think about how different a run can seem from the other side, like running it backward. The trees seem different, the landmarks not the same. It’s as it is in life, a change in perspective can change everything.

    I sometimes think deeply when I run but usually when I’m somewhere that will trigger the memories – like running past my high school in Cincinnati and the field where I walked the mile. I always have lots of thoughts there. But then if you take my 20-miler from Friday, I cannot tell you one thing I thought about except when I was going to fuel and how I should have brought Nuun and water not just Nuun.

    By the way, you should totally do a post on SMART goals. Yay!

    • Erin says:

      Oh, man, running a regular route the opposite way is WEIRD! I ran the same 5.5 mile route every Monday night for like a year and then I ran it the opposite direction and kept thinking I missed a turn or got lost!

    • kilax says:

      I suppose one of the benefits of living in my cookie cutter neighborhood is the nice sidewalks! That, um, some of the houses never shovel in the winter. LOL.

      Yes! And I think that change in perspective is important! Not just to keep us interested, but to show us another view point 🙂

      LOL! Sometime my long run thoughts are like that, too 🙂

  2. Heather says:

    I drive 30 mins to and from work so that’s where I do most of my deep thinking. It’s really the only alone time I get!

    • kilax says:

      You know, it’s interesting that you and someone else mentioned driving. I totally don’t mind driving solo and having a chance to think.

  3. sizzle says:

    I do my deep thinking when I’m driving or when I’m on my solo walks.

  4. Marcia says:

    Yep, deep thoughts happen on solo runs. But I don’t usually run in the dark and we have no sidewalks so the street or trails for me.

  5. martymankins says:

    My deep thinking is me, by myself, while sitting outdoors. Sometimes during lunch. Sometimes just sitting at a park or walking around where there’s less people.

  6. I totally do my best deep thinking during my long runs. And then completely forget. LOL

    By the way, was this post inspired by what happened in the second post today? I can see how you would think about how far you’ve come after what happened!

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha! I was worried I would forget this.

      I wrote this post Sunday and posted it Monday am, so the Monday afternoon incident didn’t come in to play 😉

  7. Losinglindy says:

    I really pay more attention to the unevenness now as it is getting dark so much earlier.

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