Good news/bad news

By , October 1, 2013 7:40 am

What’s your good news/bad news? Or, bad news/good news? (ha ha, I changed the order on some below)

Good news: My ankle was less swollen (looked less butt-like, see picture below) today and I was able to run with no issue!
Bad news: I beat myself up yesterday for not being able to run and break my monthly PDR (Personal Distance Record), as I thought I would. I will try again in October… I only have to run 7.42 miles a day… nbd, right?!


Bad news: Government shutdown.
Good news: … I am going back to bed after I hit publish? I can do a double today?


Good news: My snister and her fiancé are joining us for Halloween!
Bad news: No costume plans. Meh, this isn’t bad news. My snister is über creative. She’ll come up with something!


Good news: I signed myself and my dad up for a 5K on 10/26! His goal is to run sub 30:00.
Bad news: I am not sure if I should pace my dad or go for an age group award. Such a bad daughter, right? Ha ha. I told him he can decide if he wants a pacer. Would you run with family or “race” at a small race with a chance of placing?


Bad news: My mood is only slighter better this week than last.
Good news: My friends are still putting up with me! Actually, they are being very supportive, as is Steven. And Data wants a mention too.


Bad news: It’s supposed to be in the 80s today. Hi. It’s October 1st.
Good news: Meh! I don’t care! I already ran. Ha ha.

All good news: Working out of the new warehouse is fabulous.
A wish: That we lived one town over, in Grayslake – close to the warehouse, Essential Fitness and the train station.


30 Responses to “Good news/bad news”

  1. Marcia says:

    Woot for the warehouse! Glad your ankle is on the mend. I would stay with a family member IF he/she wanted me to and sacrifice the award. But if they didn’t, I’d be all over the award. 🙂
    Struggling with costumes here too!

  2. CourtneyInControl says:

    Ouch for your ankle but hopefully it gets better fast!! I can’t wait to hear what y’all come up with for costumes, you always have the best costumes!! I think you should give your dad the choice- I mean, you did “drag” him into this running thing! 😉
    I will gladly take your temps in the 80’s!! I don’t think our weather knows/cares that it is October 1st either! Boo, I’m ready for fall weather! I am so glad that the warehouse is amazing!! I hope your mood gets better! You know Steven and friends will be supportive (better be anyways!)- unlike Data!! He cracks me up- but, hey, at least he’s honest!! 🙂 And big two paws down- government shutdown!!!

    • kilax says:

      Christina is working on something!!! 😉 You know I will have to tell you ahead of time 😉

      I thought when I wrote this about the weather I shouldn’t complain since you guys have it so bad!!!!

  3. Kiersten says:

    Glad your ankle is getting better. Yeah for you taking care of yourself and taking some time off when you were hurt. Unlike me 🙂

    • kilax says:

      LOL. How have you been feeling?!

      • Kiersten says:

        I am back to doing most things and mostly pain free. But it is frustrating because I saw huge improvements in the first week or two and since then not much. Sometimes it is totally fine and then suddenly it is not and I can’t pinpoint what it is that makes it worse!

  4. Kandi says:

    Bad news: Gov’t shutdown and I didn’t even get to sleep in today. Probably tomorrow though.
    I’ve paced my mom at a small 15k race the past two years and enjoyed it even though I had to give up the hope for an age group award. My dad is running the 5k this year and I almost signed up to pace him but opted to do the 15k by myself for an AG award! It’s this Saturday! I’m looking forward to it.

  5. I’m glad your ankle is feeling better and you were able to run today! I think the worst part about injuries is not knowing when you’ll be able to be pain free again but looks like you’re in the clear!

    Do you think your dad will finish close to 30:00 or a minute or so before? If it was a close finish and I thought they’d need help, I’d probably pace a family member (especially for a 5k… anything to not race one :)) but if I thought they’d most likely hit their pace goal without me, I’d run my own race.

    • kilax says:

      Yeah! I was worried I would have to take closer to a week off, like the last time I rolled my ankle so bad. I was lucky this time. You know how silly I am with the miles 😉

      Hmm. Based on his training lately it seems it will be a close call. So I should maybe pace him! If he wants. Thanks for your input! 🙂

  6. Pete B says:

    Glad to hear your ankle is feeling better. I would pace a family member for a PR, especially if it’s only a random 5k. However, if it was a goal race that I had spent a long time training for, I would go for the AG award. Please 80 degree temps – go away (especially before Oct 13th)!

  7. Erin says:

    Hooray for being able to run on your ankle!

    Boo for the government not getting it’s act together. I hope this doesn’t go on too long. I’m sure it’s making you anxious!

    Lindsay’s suggestion about deciding whether or not to pace someone is a good one.

    • kilax says:

      It is making me anxious! You know me well. It’s just the whole unknown and all the speculation. And… everyone’s opinion on it 😉

  8. Xaarlin says:

    Ankle get better. Mmmmm k? Xoxo

    So you don’t work when the government is being all silly like this?

    Hmm. Tough call on pacing your dad. I’d go with Lindsay’s suggestion. Especially if you can AG place. 🙂

    Bad news: I’m stressed the eff out at work & currently have nightmares about marathons. I thought that crap was supposed to happen before an event, not after. Smh.

    Good news: all I can say is YAY 😉

    • kilax says:

      Nope! I am non-essential, so I am furloughed.

      WHAT THE EFF? Why the marathon nightmares NOW? That is weird!!! Will work get better soon?!

  9. Here’s hoping this shut down is short lived!

  10. Don’t beat yourself up – beat up the ankle! Wait. Counter intuitive. Take care of yourself and do what you would advise others to do.

    Bad news: My child swallowed a demon pill and spends his mornings crying and screaming, “Don’t yell at me! Mama, don’t tell me no!”

    Good news: I’m teaching double tonight and can eat dinner with no one on my lap or throwing juice cups at my head.

    Bad news: I had a dentist appointment his morning (along with PT M+W and ortho on Thurs).

    Good news: Dunkin Donuts is on way to work from dentist and I ate a bagel the size of your ankle.

    • kilax says:

      LOL! But where did he get said demon pill, hmm? Ha ha.

      I hope you had a fun time teaching tonight!

      Do you like Dunkin Donuts bagels? Well, you must, if you ate one. I… have issues consuming them. Maybe your town has better ones! Or maybe I am just spoiled forever from NYC bagels.

  11. Heather says:

    Glad your ankle is healing!
    I’d run with my fam. I just enjoy those types of races more. Personal preference I guess! 🙂

  12. Michelle says:

    Hope that ankle feels better soon! Bad news-hubby is ‘unemployed’ due to the furlough. Good news? We just stocked our pantry.

    • kilax says:

      LOL! I got groceries today too 😉 (after my nap, before my second run, before helping at the warehouse… lots of time today)

  13. Valerie says:

    I love this post! Do you guys typically go as a themed four-some for Halloween? Perhaps Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Or husbands/wives from Duck Dynasty?! And congrats on the new warehouse space! For what it’s worth, I think you should move to Grayslake too…because it’s closer to me hehehe! Hope your ankle is feeling better!

    • kilax says:

      We usually do a theme with my mom and dad, and last year, my aunt joined in! Christina was TMNT last year so I doubt she will want to do that again. LOL! Duck Dynasty is such a good idea.

      Anything to be closer to YOU!!! xoxo 😉

  14. Losinglindy says:

    Ack! I missed what you did to your ankle, glad it is feeling better.

  15. Declan says:

    hi! I am with Data JUDGING ALL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES to find out who is essential or not.
    I stopped by just to say those are rocking ankle tan lines!

    Dress up like a banana again, pace your dad, win fastest banana award #TWSS

  16. Kim says:

    How’s the ankle feeling?

  17. Michele says:

    Government shutdown. Meh.

    I went balls to the wall last weekend at the small race, so I’d say, “run till you puke!!!”

    How is the ankle?

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha. That is my 5K motto – if you don’t feel like puking, you’re doing it wrong (when you’re racing).

      The ankle is good! It only feels weird if I twist it a weird way. Which makes sense! I was able to do my long run yesterday, no issues 🙂

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