Friday Question 242

By , September 27, 2013 4:24 am

Have you ever woken up and felt guilty from a dream you had, or, mad at someone else for something they did in the dream?

Yes to both. Last night, it was the guilt. 

I have a recurring dream that I am moving to Italy, and I am usually moving there by myself, and feel awful about it. 

When I lived in Rome in spring of 2006, I had a plane ticket to come home in May. I did go home. Then I went back a week later, and stayed until August. 

And I sometimes still feel guilty about that (in real life, not dream land). Really, just guilty about “ditching” Steven for an entire summer, even though I know he supported it. 


So the dream often comes up, and makes me feel awful again. 

Only last night, Steven was coming with me! And it was more of an anxiety filled dream of “We have to leave to catch the flight, and my bags are not packed yet!” What was I worried about packing?

Workout attire


Ha ha. 

11 Responses to “Friday Question 242”

  1. Kandi says:

    I’ve definitely woken up feeling guilty and mad before. It can be interesting, especially if you have trouble remembering whether or not it was a dream.

  2. I had a dream earlier this week that made me feel extremely guilty and sad when I woke up. I often have really strange and vivid dreams but they don’t often leave me with feelings like this. In my dream I did something to my husband (that would never happen in real life) that hurt him. I felt so sad because of how sad and hurt he was in the dream. It was one of those feelings that stuck with me all day. I hope I don’t have that dream again!

  3. Rachel says:

    Kevin had a dream once that dinosaurs were trying to eat him and I didn’t really care. He woke up mad at me! haha

    I am already contemplating how many running outfits I need to pack for our weekend away next weekend. 😉 Hmmm 3 days…so at least 3 outfits. hah

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha! In the dream, you would just run away, right?! 😛

      AT LEAST 3! Plus, it’s a weird time of year for weather, so you need a jacket, and arm warmers, and all that stuff… 😉

  4. Amy says:

    When I pack for trips, it is embarrassing how much stuff is for working out. I really hardly ever remember my dreams, unless I am about to run a marathon and I have a ton of bad marathon-running nightmares.

  5. CourtneyInControl says:

    It’s funny (ironic?) that is your Friday question for today! I woke up mad at David this morning because of a dream! And then, the bad part, sometimes it’s hard for me to be like, it was just a dream, it didn’t happen!! It’s weird/crazy that dreams can have such an effect on you, I mean, they are JUST dreams right?!?! 🙂

  6. Heather says:

    I’ve only ever been mad when Jay woke me up in the middle of a good dream! Lol

  7. Erin says:

    I’ve woken up scared before! In fact, last night I had to force myself awake a few times because I was having scary/anxiety-inducing dreams.

    One time my mom dreamt that Jason was planning to open an Einstein’s Bagel shop and then she asked him about how it was going later that day and I was like, “Mom! That was just a dream!”

  8. jan says:

    Oh that’s hilarious!! My running wardrobe is much nicer than my actual one, too, even when I’m HOME. LOL

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