Specific skill set – always a good thing?

By , September 25, 2013 6:24 am

Hee hee. 

What is your specific skill set at home/work/whatever? 

You know, that thing that not a lot of people around you seem to know how to do, so you are the “go to” person for it?

My specific skill set is putting together awesome running outfits and taking amazing selfies:


Buah ha ha. I joke. I have actually been thinking lately, how nice it is to run in the dark and not have to worry about wearing something that matches. 

Seriously though, in the architecture/design field, I know a few programs that do sort of set me apart as a “go to” when someone needs help with these things. 

Which is good, right? Having those skills makes you valuable (that is what we are told, anyway)!

But what about when you get a bit overloaded, because you are one of few with those skills? 


It’s good to be busy, that’s for sure!

Friends and family have been asking me strength training/exercise related questions, now that I teach/am an ACE certified personal trainer, which I think is really cool. I enjoy sharing what I learned, or doing more research to help them figure something out!

10 Responses to “Specific skill set – always a good thing?”

  1. I completely agree with you on not feeling like you have to match while running in the dark. Some of my winter running color combinations are atrocious but it doesn’t matter if no one can see what I am wearing!

  2. Social media maven/T-Rex thingamajig finder.

  3. Declan says:

    When being a complete spaz is a skill set, I will come back and answer this!

  4. Erin says:

    At my old job I was the go-to person for anything to do with microfilm because I was the only one who knew how to use the machine 🙂 Now, though, I don’t feel like I’m the go-to person for anything at work. Maybe that’s part of my problem…

    Although, I love it when people ask me for outfit advice!!

    P.S. I went to the gym this AM but forgot to lay out my clothes last night. Getting dressed in the dark meant I pulled out the first pair of capris and the first tank I could find. Purple pants with our blue & yellow “Athletes Run” tank? You bet.

  5. Kandi says:

    I am considered the office ‘expert’ on a particular variable we use in our calculations. I like being an authority on something (most of the time).
    Outside of work (and to my running coworkers), some people come to me with running advice.

  6. Rachel says:

    I am the one everyone goes to when a piece of office equipment is broken or they are having issues in excel/word/outlook. Me. Not the useless IT guy we have. hahahah.

    Winter running=fashion out the window. Bright blue tights with a highlighter yellow jacket and orange shoes? Don’t mind if I do!

  7. Losinglindy says:

    OK..bad friend over here..as I just told you I wouldn’t notice weight loss/gain unless it was a lot..*inserts foot into mouth*

    Ok..you look like you have lost weight..not sure if it is a lot..but you look awesome. *pulls foot out of mouth*

  8. Heather says:

    I always get asked to help with the jump rope – I’m now known at the gym as the girl who says “jump rope is my jam”. Lolol!

  9. martymankins says:

    From my 28 year old IT career, my specific skill set is Exchange Server. I do also have a good intermediate level of skills with VMware and managing virtual servers.

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