Forget the bad; see the good

By , September 23, 2013 12:15 pm

Have you ever been in a situation where you received mostly positive feedback, but let an incomparable amount of negative feedback completely bum you out?

Usually, this is not me,* but I am ashamed to admit that it was, yesterday. And what was I doing yesterday? Um, spectating a race. 

Yeah. This is weird. 

I made a race sign very specific for one person, xaarlin. It referenced a very goofy video, and featured the inside joke of calling xaarlin’s dog the “red fox.” I, um, really didn’t expect anyone to get it but her. And I wasn’t exactly planning on standing around holding it up until I saw her.

But! I got to the race a lot earlier than I thought I would. Before the first runner hit where I was at mile 4.5, in fact, so I camped out, held my sign up, and cheered on runners. 

To my surprise, A LOT of people got the joke on the sign. There were many laughs, “thanks for coming out”s, a few people talking back to me about the video, and some even joking with a “Thanks! Now that’s gonna be stuck in my head!” And lots of compliments on how cute Hampton (her dog) is. 

And I was wearing the goofiest hat ever, which people really seemed to get a kick out of.*** Lots of comments on that, too. 


But… there was actually some negative feedback. From runners. The ones I was cheering on. They didn’t like what I was cheering, and didn’t like the sign, um, specifically, how long it was. I was told race signs should be three words MAX.

Um, okay. 

Those comments made me feel bad. 

And then thinking about how they shouldn’t make me feel bad, because so many people were thanking me for spectating, made me feel even more bad. Ha ha ha. My emotions are complicated, ya’ll. 

When I heard the negative feedback, I was thinking, “Am I misreading sarcasm?” But, no, it was general crankiness/unhappiness. 

Maybe some people don’t like spectators? I just hope I didn’t make anyone’s race worse by being there!

What do you want people to cheer when you are racing?

No one EVER wants to hear “you’re almost there!” or “only xx miles left”… right? I tried to stick with the cheers below, and tried to keep in mind that many people weren’t even a quarter in to their race (it was a half, 20 miler and marathon):

  • general whooping and hollering
  • Go Runners!
  • You guys rock/are amazing/are kicking butt!
  • Keep being awesome!
  • Looking good!****
  • Keep pushing!****
  • You got this!
  • Today’s your day!

Next time, I just need to shut my mouth and remember the cowbell!

(Also, I feel like I need to say that I was a bit emotional the morning of the race, um, maybe crying in the car a bit while driving down, because I was so excited for xaarlin. So, yeah. I am not taking this too seriously, but the fact that I did feel even the tiniest bit bad for being there weirded me out.)

*Because I only get positive feedback, duh!**
**So toads kidding.
Some people thought I was this guy, ha ha!
****These are the ones people didn’t like.

58 Responses to “Forget the bad; see the good”

  1. Michelle says:

    I would like to SMACK whomever said one negative word (especially as a runner) yesterday to a spectator. I thanked as many as I could, and was SOOOO thankful.
    Piss on em Kim, don’t let their bad day/negative attitude take away from how awesome you are to be out there cheering people on. xoxo

    • kilax says:

      I always thank them too, so I was kind of like, “Oh. Do some people NOT like having spectators?” I mean, that could be a thing. OR, it could be a thing that some people are just always unhappy. LOL.

  2. Kim says:

    I think it’s awesome you were out there cheering, whether your sign was long or short. You’re an amazing friend.

  3. Rachel says:

    Why would anyone say that? I am annoyed for you. Some things we heard yesterday:

    -“Almost there” Sarcastically, at mile 2 🙂
    -“You guys are awesome” to which I replied “Yeah we are!” and everyone laughed
    -“The river is just around the corner” uhh okay…the river is not at a specific mile mark or anything. It just confused us.

    We also saw some great signs:

    “Blisters are braille for awesome” and “I’m holding out for a 30 mile marathon” 😉

    I, for one, really like when someone says “Looking good”. I know I probably have salt crusted on my face and my hair is going in 30 directions, but I like it. I know what they are getting at. 🙂

    • kilax says:

      Aww! You guys ARE awesome!

      Ha ha ha. Hmm, did they think you were looking for a place to swim? LOL!

      I like looking good, too. Even if it’s a lie. And I mean, it kind of was, sometimes, yesterday. Oops 😉

  4. Anne says:

    Um. What? So you spent your day cheering on random strangers (and the awesome Xaarlin, obvi) who were running a marathon, and some of those random strangers criticized HOW you were cheering? WTF?!

    Personally, I’m always happy to see ANY spectators when I’m running! Who cares what their signs say? Geez. Some people just suck.

    I was an emotional mess all weekend – I can’t even count the number of times I broke down into tears! It happens sometimes (like most times I’m home, and every 28 days….).

    • kilax says:

      I think that is exactly it. Some people do just suck. I would appreciate a sarcastic response, but, yeah. This was… not that. LOL.

      Ha ha ha. Yeah, this is an every 28 days sort of deal… 😉

  5. I can’t believe people criticized your sign for being too long. Um, you were out there to cheer them on. They don’t have to read it! You’re amazing for being out there and supporting your friend!

    I like any spectators but don’t like the “you’re almost there”, “only xx more miles”, or the worst “the finish line is just around the curve” <– because it never is!!! But if people are out and cheering, I appreciate it and I just choose to ignore the cheers I don't like. No big, I'd still rather have them there.

    • kilax says:

      Yeah, exactly! Just ignore the ones you don’t like! Ha ha ha. And really, by the end of a race, we usually KNOW where the finish is. Don’t lie to us! LOL!

  6. CourtneyInControl says:

    Wow, that is absolutely amazing that people were criticizing the sign you made and the cheers! (I mean, honestly, the sign wasn’t for them!) And like Lindsay said, if they don’t like it, don’t read it! And I if they don’t like whatever cheers you are cheering, they can ignore them!! I think that having people cheering, no matter what they are cheering- as long as it is positive!, would be super motivating!! Some people… just really suck!!
    I know what you mean though about having tons of positive comments and then how a few negatives just totally override all the positive. I hate that people were mean to you this weekend- especially when you were out there to support them!

    • kilax says:

      You always leave the best comments! And don’t worry! It didn’t sour my whole day! Just made me wonder if I was being more annoying that, um, I don’t know, helpful? Motivating? But then I was just like, yeah, they were obviously not having a good day. Or something. Maybe they were in a lot of pain. That was really early for that, and if that was the case, I hope they finished okay!

      • CourtneyInControl says:

        I’m glad the Negative Nancy’s didn’t ruin your day!! And you are a much better person than I am… I would have been thinking- you can go to hell for not liking my sign or my cheers or I hope you don’t break a leg… ok, I would have probably been thinking a lot worse stuff than that! I vote that you were being motivating!! And awesome!!!
        I forgot to tell you in my last comment, I am really pissed at the Negative Nancy’s for the way they were acting!! Ah ha, maybe they were mad because they didn’t have anyone there cheering them on so they took it out on you!!

  7. abbi says:

    Why in the world would anyone be negative to anyone out there trying to encourage people. They were probably just cranky because they didn’t train and were in pain. Seriously, signs of any sort are just best thing ever. Such a nice distraction, even if I wouldn’t have understood it, it would give me something to try to wonder ‘what the hell does that mean?!’. Haha!

  8. Xaarlin says:

    BEST SIGN AND SPECTATOR EVER!!!!!! Maybe i’ll hold a sign while we run Nville and be your spectator/cheerleader for 26.2?

    Maybe the people were being sarcastic?

    And I cant really believe those people took the time and energy to actually criticize your sign. I mean C’mon, dont they know who CB IS?!?!?!?!?

    • Xaarlin says:

      PLUS, it was the FOX valley marathon, so that song is infinitely more funny! hahaha

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha, you are going to run and hold the sign? I think we have to add Data. Him and CB belong together! <3

      I thought, this must be sarcasm! But there was such a negative tone. It was... weird. Maybe it's hard to have a "I am being funny sarcastic" tone when you are working so hard?

      LOL, I was just surprised that it made me FEEL bad. LOL. Something like that should NOT, whether the comment was serious or not!

      Don't tell CB! He'll be so mad!

      P.S. I saw a dog chasing a squirrel on the Lakefront Trail today and thought of CB. LOL.

  9. Diane says:

    Wait, what??
    Did these people complain while they were running? Or did they come up to you after the fact or what?
    Were these people you know, or complete strangers?
    What a stupid, STUPID waste of energy!! I know I would have felt like you–upset and bad, and I am sure I would struggle to put it in perspective. That also makes me really sad that people could be so rude when you were there to CHEER and SUPPORT!! I was not aware there were rules to cheering someone on. Good thing I don’t watch too many races. Yeesh. :p

    • kilax says:

      They complained as they ran by, and I did not know them. So, yeah, I figured they were just having an off day but it made me feel crummy. Sigh.

  10. I think the better question is- who is the person who can only read 3 words max?

  11. Runninglaur says:

    I liked your sign, but it did get the song stuck BACK in my head!
    I think it’s great to have a personalized sign for the person you’re there to cheer for. It’s so much more motivating for them! And special! If you’re going to be out there for a long time / lots of other runners, you could always put a more generic cheer on the back and flip the sign over when your friend is getting close 🙂 I suppose someone is always going to complain though!

    • kilax says:

      That’s a good idea! 🙂 Although… I probably still would have wanted to reference that goofy song. Maybe with a “real” fox 😉

  12. Alyssa says:

    It seems these people were a bit grumpy on race day! I love when people are out there cheering and really only get annoyed when people say “almost there!”. I like to yell, “Looking strong!” I always like to hear that when I’m running because I can convince myself to fake it a while longer.
    It also irks me when people are just standing/sitting there and looking bored and ONLY cheer for their one runner. Couldn’t they at least clap a little bit? When I was at Ironman Wisconsin, there were people standing up next to the barrier just standing there and I wanted to tell them to either cheer or move back so others could get in!

  13. Meghan says:

    Wait. So there you are, cheering on and supporting runners – and people have the nerve to criticize? Ugh. I am sorry their selfishness made you rethink your good intentions. If ANYONE supports other runners, it’s you!

  14. I enjoyed your sign. So much so that I watched that video today. Think it’s one of those videos that just need to grow on you a bit, there was so much going on that I had a hard time keeping up!

  15. One local coach gave guidance on what we should and should not say to his Ironman athletes. Bite me, I say. I really like for people to be there. Love the funny signs (like “Worst parade ever” or “Run like ya stole something”). Only time it really bothered me was when some obese guy, chomping and smoking a big fat cigar, stood at the top of hill yelling “You can do it!” and “Give it some effort”. First of all the cigar smoke was wafting right into my nostils, second – how the f$%# would he know what I could or could not do? It was 10 or 11 miles into a half-marathon with hills – so I know I was hurting and probably not tolerating much of anything at that point. How about when I run by – you cheer or shout or wave a long a$% sign? I’ll appreciate the fact that you are an athlete who knows exactly what I am going through AND your energy will only help me take that next step. You’ll get a sweaty hug at the end – because I’ll know that my effort was only better because you cared enough to help me along.

    • kilax says:

      Oh gosh. NO! NO smoking at races! GAH! That makes me nuts. And when people smoke in the forest preserves too. NO! I think they are banning that in LCFPD? I hope so!!!

      I’ll take that sweaty hug! You will see me at MKE this year!!!!

  16. Losinglindy says:

    It was so awesome to know you were there.

  17. I loved your sign. LOVED it. Who knew there was a rule for signage length. Oh, wait. There’s not. And, it was made for a specific person and purpose, so I feel like unless you were that person you have no business commenting negatively about it. Sheesh. I’m annoyed, you’re fabulous : )

  18. Christina says:

    Those runners sound like assholes. Don’t let it get to you!

  19. Amy says:

    Gosh, I can’t believe how mean and sour some people can be. Don’t let it get you down, Kim!

  20. Maggie says:

    Eeek sorry you heard negative feedback! I would just chalk it up to them being miserable because they were running such a long distance and maybe they weren’t in their right mind. I think sometimes, when you are so focused on one thing, you get tunnel vision and don’t realize what you’re saying or how you are acting. At least, I hope that was the case.

  21. Amy says:

    wow. If I were a runner, I would NEVER 1) give negative feedback about a sign and 2) take the time out of my race to say something. I usually see signs and then run a block before the signs make sense to me (if I even get them-I can be a bit slow with pop culture references).

    I am so sorry you had that feedback and know that MOST runners are not like that! I love it when I get cheered on and told how good I look when I know I look terrible.

    • kilax says:

      I was thinking that – it takes me awhile to “get” something too. But I appreciate having something different to think about for a bit! 😉

  22. J says:

    That is just mean. WHO SAYS stuff like that to spectators! I don’t understand people in this world. WHO cares if you sign is long! You made a sign for someone! Ugg this really upsets me and kind of pisses me off. I hate when people are mean to other people they don’t know.

  23. bobbi says:

    I just proves assholes are everywhere. BUT! I loved your sign (and I was still amazed at HOW MANY PEOPLE commented at the end, “hey!! I saw you and your sign before! and I still have that song in my head! and I love your hat!”)

    🙂 You are the best spectator!

    • kilax says:

      Aww, thanks!

      I was amazed how many got it and liked it too! Woo hoo! Spectating can be so fun. I can’t wait for MKE! We have to start thinking about signs! 🙂

  24. Marcia says:

    Who’s got extra breath in a marathon to criticize a sign? Not me for sure. I’m the one who, when I approach, people stop clapping and look on in silence and ya know what? Yes you do: I DON’T CARE! Hahaha!
    I even like when they say ‘almost there’!

  25. EmilyJ says:

    People can be such jerks! I’ve never been anything but grateful to spectators for coming out and I think anything they yell at me is appreciated (except when they laugh and yell “you’re last there!” about half mile into a race….). Don’t take it personally. Obviously, those people were having a bad day and trying to bring you down too. Don’t let them!!!

  26. Stephany says:

    I am just completely and utterly SHOCKED that people would actually take time out of their, um, MARATHON, to criticize your sign. Like, what in the actual EFF is up with that? That makes absolutely no sense to me. You are there BY CHOICE to spectate and cheer people on and who CARES how “long” your sign is (which it wasn’t, anyway). Those peeps be whack. Seriously.

    You are such an awesome friend and don’t let them get you down! What a bunch of morons.

  27. Pete says:

    Agree that whoever took time out of his/her race to criticize your sign is NOT worth worrying over. Yikes, some people are just idiots!

    I personally don’t care what people say to me while running or working out. At those moments I’m Teflon and nothing sticks to me at all…

    And I’ve always been scarcely aware of spectators at races. The faster I run, the more I turn inward. I do appreciate the cow-belling, so as long as you’re paying attention and making noise, you’re helping me out.

  28. Kandi says:

    That is kind of crazy that people would go out of their way to tell you they didn’t like your sign or the way you were cheering. Boo on them.

  29. Alice says:

    I am so indignant on your behalf! you were CHEERING FOR THEM! Take it and keep running, folks!!

    The people who said your sign was too long crack me up. Like, what, you are physically FORCING THEM to stop in the middle of their race to stand in front of you and puzzle out the sign? AS IF!

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha. Good point. And the lady who said that wasn’t in a large group, she was chatting with a friend, so she probably just noticed it too late 😉

  30. Declan says:

    I would have been like, you know who doesn’t complain about more than something measure 3 in length? YOUR MOM!

  31. Erin says:

    When I made my sign for Rock n Roll Chicago Half it said “Wave if you’re having fun!” and I got a lot of comments like, “No, I’m not waving.” Or “You’ve got to be kidding.” I think I was at mile 4.5 or something, too, and also thinking that if you’re miserable now, just you wait.

    But, I suppose that’s a bit to be expected with my sign. Yours, though? I would have laughed SO HARD! I mean, it’s not like you have to read every single word on it to get it.

    Although, if you figure out why the negative comments hurt us more than the positive ones build us up then you’ll be a billionaire!

  32. Kayla says:

    Glad you had fun out there cheering! I can’t believe people so many people had negative comments! People are dumb. I love the sign!!! I definitely would have laughed and/or said something. My brother is obsessed with that video right now. I know we’ve talked about people’re almost there… I had someone yell that at the first water stop of my last half (mile 2.5). I kind of wanted to smack her.

  33. I can’t believe that happened, how RUDE. I’m happy anyone comes out to watch me run. I mean, it’s a hard sell: “Hey, why don’t you get up super early and stand around outside in the rain/heat/sun and wait for me to run by. I’ll be too breathless to acknowledge you, but I reallllly appreciate it.”

    Who are these people in a marathon who have time/energy to offer critique?

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