Training Week 201

By , August 25, 2013 9:30 pm

Highlight of the Week: My dad telling me, TWICE, that “Body Glide is the best thing since sliced bread.” *snicker* 


Monday | August 19, 2013: teaching strength class
Strength: dumbbells and cones, Difficulty: easy, Felt: hyper
Tuesday | August 20, 2013: 5.5 m run (w/Emily + Adam)
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 63°/63°, Time: 55:28, Pace: 10:05 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Wednesday | August 21, 2013: 7.1 m run incl. 5×5:00 @ 8:40mm (w/Emily and GRCers) + 5.6 m ride + strength class
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 67°/67°, Time: 1:06:18, Pace: 9:20 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: good
Loc: Millennium Trail, Temp: 88°/87°, Time: 23:25, Pace: 14.4 mph avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: bueno
Strength: medicine balls, Difficulty: medium, Felt: schweaty
Thursday | August 22, 2013: rest
Friday | August 23, 2013: 8 m run incl. 5×20 sec strides (w/Emily + Yvonne)
Loc: Nippersink FP & Millennium Trail, Temp: 56°, Time: 1:16:07, Pace: 9:31, Difficulty: easy/medium, Felt: great
Saturday | August 24, 2013: 7.5 m run (w/Bobbi)
Loc: DPRT, Temp: 56°/56°, Time: 1:14:30, Pace: 9:56 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, minus those bathroom breaks
Sunday | August 25, 2013: 15 m run (first 5.65 run/walk w/Dad, rest w/Dad on bike)
Loc: Guttenberg, Temp: 73°/77°, Time: 2:48:29, Pace: 11:14 avg, Difficulty: easy/medium, Felt: okay


  • I am one lucky gal to have pals with me on almost all of my workouts this week! Those four early morning runs probably wouldn’t have happened unless I was meeting someone!
  • I wish I could have gotten more time in on my road bike this week. I am looking for a clearing in my schedule to take her (him?) out on a long arse ride. Maybe Labor Day. Maybe. 
  • Check out my dad’s shirt in the Sunday pic. Aww! That is actually a wicking shirt I saw and had to get for him, as he loves classic cars. Speaking of my dad! He ran over 4 miles today! Two 2-mile stretches and about a quarter of a mile after that. Woo hoo! We are talking about doing another 5K together in October. Psssh, talking about. No. It’s fo sho. 
  • I actually did speed work this week! And it wasn’t bad! I also tried to incorporate some speedier miles in to the end of my long run today, but that only lasted for about three miles until I almost melted in the sun. Ha ha. 
  • I busted out some new kicks and put on a schweet charm from my friend Chris. Cute!


7 Responses to “Training Week 201”

  1. Michelle says:

    Nothin’ better than great training weeks. Love the pics/post.

  2. EmilyJ says:

    Awesome week!! Glad I was able to get in so many runs with you too. Bonus!

    P.s. I will just say again how much I LOVE that you run with your dad. What an awesome experience! His shirt looks super cool too 🙂

  3. Losinglindy says:

    the charm is cute! I love that your dad is sharing your passion

  4. Erin says:

    What an awesome shirt you found for your dad! Where did you find it? Let me guess. Amazon?

    Where do you think you’ll take your bike for a long ride?

    • kilax says:

      Actually, I found it at Walmart when we were there getting things for Steven’s camping trip! Crazy!

      Probably the north shore/McClory/whatever trail. Or back to the Prairie Path if I remember to downshift for the hills this time 🙂

  5. Michele says:

    Yay for your dad!! Another 5K already! He’s a beast!!!

    I have two charms on my shoes! A 26.2 and a crown, you know, ‘cos I’m the queen yo!!

  6. Nice training last week. Your runs were fantastic, and that is some serious mileage!

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