Demotivational Monday (#1?)

By , August 19, 2013 12:38 pm

Rachel started a Demotivational Monday linkup and Data wanted in!


Check Rachel’s site out to participate!

In Data news… he was very agitated this weekend. Could this have something to do with the fact that we are feeding the stray cats? I very much think so. He spent a lot of time sniffing around in the bushes this weekend – the strays must be hanging there. 


When he wasn’t outside, he wanted to be outside. Maybe he feels like he needs to “protect” his house? Who knows. He was acting really strange – irritated, hissing, growling – what people expect “normal” cats to be like, but what Data is not. 

Of course, that could be because his dad was gone all weekend at a camping trip and he was stuck at home with me. 

Yeah. That was probably it. Ha ha. 

Does your pet prefer one person in the house?

Data is a Daddy’s boy. I am the third wheel around those two!

25 Responses to “Demotivational Monday (#1?)”

  1. Rachel says:

    Awww Data! I officially give up. 😉

    He must be agitated because of those kitties. It’s his turf they are on! My cats totally love Kevin more than me. When he was gone for a week I think they only slept in the bed with me one night! When he got home they wouldn’t stop meowing and following him around. I was so offended!

    • kilax says:

      How rude!!!

      Data has been much happier since Steven got home! I just don’t get it… I take him on long walks, give him popcorn… spoil him… Steven says I make Data feel entitled then he acts like a jerk 😉

  2. Gina says:

    IDK, Dates, if you spent 90% of your day sleeping, I call that a success! YAY! NAPS! That picture wants to make me snuggle with youuuuuuuu.

  3. Jen says:

    That is too cute!! I’m impressed that you’ve got him outside on a leash. I tried it with Waveland and it was an epic fail. She just flopped to her side and refused to get up.

    As for Waveland, I think she prefers me simply because I’m her source of food and her litter box cleaner. She’s great around the bf though she took a while to get used to him when we first got her. Personally, I think she’s got her priorities straight on who the better one in the house is… ;-p

  4. Kandi says:

    Data!! Lilah and Nova must not fail since I’m pretty sure they sleep 95% of each day, on average. 😉
    For the most part, I think Lilah and Nova both favor me. However, lately Nova has taken to needing to know where I am/follow me everywhere I go, but she prefers to snuggle with Joey. Rude!

  5. Data is so cute! He can come hang out with me … except it would drive Denali CRAZY.

    Denali is such a turd but he’s a bigger turd around me. When Mark was home over the summer, he’d sleep ALL DAY. This morning, Mark was back to school and Denali wanted out at least 4 times in two hours. I’m pretty sure Miles demanding, “Watch lion. Build blocks with me.” and Denali is equivalent of parenting triplets.

  6. Anne says:

    That’s a great demotivator, Data! And I wish I wasn’t failing so hard today, I need like 20 more hours of sleep.

    Bob claims both of the dogs love me more, but Jude clearly favors Bob. But both of them like whoever hasn’t been home day. So they pretty much ignore me all day when I’m working, then perk up when Bob gets home from work. Like FINALLY, someone to hang out with! They do this when I go out of town too – just mope around with Bob (because I assume that’s what Bob does – HA!), and then go nuts when I get home.

  7. Declan says:

    My cat prefers my wife. I make sure he knows I’m boss whenever he tries that clawing cr*p at me. Although if he wants a big lap to nap on, i’m his human. He barely tolerates the kid since she chases him non stop

  8. Tara says:

    One of our cats clearly prefers my husband, but the other likes whichever one of us is willing to pet him. 🙂

    Our cats were both acting really strangely all day on Saturday, and then that night we figured out why they were stalking this one corner – there was a huge gross bug back there! Aaaaaah! I had to smush it. We think it came in from the terrace.

    • kilax says:

      Oh gosh! Good thing they let you know it was there! Data finds bugs too… but does not do anything about it, other than play with it.

  9. Erin says:

    I bet you Data is acting weird because it smells like other cats! From what I understand, cats can be really territorial!

  10. jan says:

    The demotivational thing is hilarious!! Have you ever seen those demotivational posters? They are a riot too.

  11. Xaarlin says:

    Cb is daddy’s boy too but “plays” momma’s boy when I’m the only one around. Smh.

    I might have to do this link up. Hehe

  12. Losinglindy says:

    both of the cats prefer me, Bella will growl at Bogie is he is near me

  13. Marcia says:

    Our dogs are mama’s boys. Greg is second fiddle. Kids are their desperation default. Ha!

  14. Christina says:

    Dexter clearly prefers me over Will! 🙂 She’s my baby!!! <3

  15. Emma likes me for cuddling, but definitely goes to mike for play time.

  16. martymankins says:

    Our cats smell just about everything outside. They put any dog to shame. We have the neighbor cat that comes over a lot (I call her Mooch since she only wants food when she visits) and another cat from across the street (who I call BoxCat since it’s rectangular shaped like a box) that mostly wants food as well.

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