I think I was a little overzealous when I packed my backpack with reading material for the train ride today. Four magazines? Hmm… the ride is only an hour and a half long!
What can I say though? One of the things I was most excited about when passing my personal trainer exam was to start reading for leisure again. Apart from blogs and the occasional magazine article, all I have been reading since January is study material (okay, and work related stuff)! I was stuck in a literary prison! I felt like there were topics in my study materials I wanted to research further, yet shouldn’t, as I didn’t want to cloud my brain with information that wouldn’t be on the test.
And it wasn’t over when I was done with the test! Then I had to read a book in a week and a half* so I could participate in a “book club”** discussion at work today. Again, I waited until after the test to read the book, so I wouldn’t have extra ideas floating around in my head. The book I read was about leadership and groups. And a lot of what I learned about motivation and self-efficacy while studying to be a personal trainer could be applied to our discussion today. I did bring a few topics up***, and the group was very interested in the cross-pollination between two of my jobs.
Anyway. Deep breaths. I feel like I am in a clearing now. I can read what I want in my free time and not feel guilty, like I should be reading something else!
On a side note, and this should probably be an entirely different post, I feel like I am ALWAYS looking for “a clearing.” A safe spot, free of obligation and to-do lists, to do as I please. It’s like I am constantly searching for that feeling of freedom and no responsibility. Not in a scary “I can’t function in society because I am so irresponsible” sort of way, but just looking for those little pockets of relaxation where I forget “what I have to do next.” Luckily, I seem to find them****, despite always having a “to do next” coming up.
How long do you think you could go without joyfully reading just for leisure?
A few weeks ago Kelsey asked if I like to read for enjoyment. I was sad to confess that I still have books I received from the holidays***** that I have not even cracked open! Now, let’s see how fast I can get through those (and all the books loaned to me by friends, too!).
Note: this post makes it sound like I did not enjoy studying. I did. I loved reading most of that – I felt so lucky that I was really interested in what I had to study. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t feel anxious about it!
*On a computer screen, which was an additional challenge.
**It’s funny – I’ve only been to one book club before, but that was more about chit chat and food. This meeting was definitely focused on the book. Ha ha ha. It was actually very stimulating and left me feeling jazzed!
***Yay for me for remembering that stuff! Got to keep talking about it so it stays up there!
****Running, spending time with friends, watching a movie (sometimes), goofing around with Steven…
*****Steven’s family asked for a wishlist for my birthday and I put a few books on there with the disclaimer I am yet to read the books they generously gave me for Christmas!
I love to read and sometimes go through as many as 2-3 books a week, so I could never go long without reading for fun. BUT, I hate reading things that don’t interest me. My mind totally wanders and I just try to get through it as quickly as possible and then don’t remember most of what I read.
I have read stuff like that, and I realize I “read” a page and have NO idea what I read!
I had actually considered giving you an Amazon gift card to celebrate the return to pleasure reading. But alas, RR won.
I am counting the days till I can read again. Sad but true. I am going to take a bit of a reprieve for HTC and take one pleasure book. I might also download audio books via the library for long runs to give my brain some breathing room though I really should do voice memos of the book nad listen to those.
On my list is “Orange is the New Black” and “Tao of Martha.”
I’m watching “Orange is the New Black” and LOVE it!! It’s sooooo funny! My husband doesn’t get it, but that’s cool, I can watch it all by myself!
Aww, thanks! You are so thoughtful! I printed off my RR gc yesterday!
Yes! Take a pleasure book for HTC! Reading the books on a plane always put me to sleep anyway. And voice memos during your run, might, too
Be careful!
Maybe when you are here for Labor Day we should try to meet up and study (if we aren’t away for our anniversary).
I try to read every night before I go to bed. It helps clear my mind so I can sleep. The only problem is when I am reading a great book and can’t put it down! Then I can’t sleep for a different reason!
I’m so glad you get to pleasure read again!
I’m a really slow reader but I do usually enjoy reading for leisure. I’ve actually read quite a lot (for me) of books this year. I go through slumps where I’ll only want to read blogs and/or magazines (short and noncommittal!) but I do enjoy a good book.
After I finished grad school, I went on a leisure reading binge and was mowing down scifi books like bagels after a race. Now though.. I’ve been horrible with reading. I typically just go to the library, I want to get into the original Sherlock stories, and catch up on some cool books on aliens and time travel!
Ooo! I would be curious to hear what is on your reading list!
Ha!! I JUST posted a blog a little about this at the end (after I played catch up since I was kinda MIA)
I totes KNOW what you’re feeling fo sho!!!! I actually bought a people magazine last week, and I never buy those! I felt the need to catch up on celebrity gossip!
I typically try to read every night before bed something that is NOT medical related, like Game of Thrones, but that makes for some weird dreams!!!
LOL! My friend loaned me the first book in GoT!!! Duly noted – do not read before bed!
I hope you love it!!! It takes a while to get going since it is sooooo detailed, but don’t give up, there is a reason for all that detail!!!
I had several dreams where I had a sword, and I knew how to use it!!!
I totally get what you are saying about enjoying studying but also getting annoyed with it. I’m in a book club and sometimes, I get annoyed being “forced” to read the book that month while there are a ton of other books on my list even though I usually enjoy the book! At least you can get back to some leisurely reading now. What’s on your list? I’m going to read Wild. Looks good!
I also completely elate to waiting for things to be done. I used to always think “I just need to get through this and then I can breathe again”. Until I read something about living more in the moment instead of just getting through everything. I try to think about the end in stressful situations, but am not caught up in waiting for things to be over anymore. It helps me to enjoy each day and not feel so stressed out.
LOL! I bet I would get that way with book club too! I want to read Wild. Bobbi loaned me some Janet Evanovich books…, a friend loaned me the last two 50 Shades, one friend loaned me Game of Thrones, and Erin loaned me two books I can’t remember. I also have some Phillipa Gregory I got from Christmas I want to read, and a Nutrition book I want to read!
Yes! I have struggled for years with looking forward and not living in the moment. I am getting better but still have work to do
I really enjoy reading right before bed or looking through a magazine on a weekend afternoon. It’s nice, relaxing, quiet time. I really have to remember to make time for it, though. Sometimes I’m busy right up until I get ready for bed and then it takes forever for my brain to turn off!
Do you find yourself in a weird dichotomy between wanting to schedule things and yet wanting to have free time? Do you get antsy when you have too much free time?
I remember when you loaned me some books when Steven was in KC living with his dad for awhile I would read them before bed and it totally helped me fall asleep (even though they were interesting and I wanted to keep reading).
Yes. That. Exactly. I can’t sit still when I have free time (unless I am napping) but hate how I am always running from one thing to the next. But “in between” time makes me highly anxious, too.
You ask the best questions!
I remember when I got out of grad school I was so excited about being able to read what I wanted again, instead of having to knock out x number of pages on something school-related.
I read for pleasure a lot. I’m in an online book club that helps me balance out my “junk food” type reading with some classics.
Reading for fun? What is this thing you speak of??? I cannot wait to read for fun again. It has been far too long. THe past 4 years I have only read for leisure on school breaks. Hopefully I’ll be back to reading for fun again soon and today I was actually just thinking about trying to find the closest library. But that will have to wait at least a week more.
LOL! Yeah, that is how I felt when I was in school for 5 years. Sooooo sick of text books! So you are almost done with testing?
I have 1 test done and 1 coming up super fast. If I pass those 2 I will officially be a pharmacist and can start working more so I will probably spread out the last 2 tests for the other 2 states a little more, but hopefully sometime in September they will ALL be done!
Yay! Keep studying! You are getting there!!!!
Now that I’m out of school, I do a lot more for-fun reading. (“Pleasure reading” sounds gross to me.) But when life gets in the way, for-fun reading is one of the first things to go.