Overwhelmed… in a good way!
That’s possible, right?
Have you ever been completely overwhelmed by other people’s thoughtfulness, support and love?*
I’ve had such an emotionally charged week! I was elated to pass my exam last Thursday and so astonished by how many people wished me good luck, sent me good luck charms, congratulated me, sent me gifts/cards, celebrated with me… it was just, wow. I found it surprisingly difficult to wrap my brain around how many people were cheering me on and wanting me to succeed. It made me feel fabulous.
I think this card from Anne deserves special mention,** although, who knows what it says on the inside – I have just been looking at the pictures of Henry Cavill on the outside.
And I have been riding on that good feeling since last week! I didn’t think anything could top it. I was wrong!
Yesterday was my birthday. I planned out my day exactly how I wanted it – no work, run and brunch in the am with Bobbi, lunch and hanging out with the boyos at home, reading a book, a nap!!!, then class and drinks after with Steven and my friend Chris.
I was screwing around taking pictures after class (actually, being a bit inconsiderate to the fact that Steven was waiting for us) and all my friends in class were giving me a hard time about not inviting them out for drinks! I told them they were welcome to come too, but when I came back in to the studio from changing they were gone and I felt like a jerk! Oops!
So, I went to the restaurant with Chris and Bobbi. I saw someone I know go in the restaurant, but didn’t think anything of it because he lives in that town. We went in and Chris told the hostess we were looking for one other person and I started looking for Steven and saw him at a table with a ton of my friends!!! I was so completely surprised! I could barely take it in! There were so many people there – people from my running and multisport clubs and blogging friends. I just couldn’t believe they were all there, and that some of them traveled so far, and on a weeknight, to spend a few hours with me. I was in shock!
I feel so incredibly lucky.
And those people are SNEAKY! Most of them asked me what my plans were for the evening, knowing perfectly well they would be there! Brian, my trainer, acted all surprised on Monday when I told him my birthday was Wednesday! Yet! He had been planning on going to the party for a week! AND! AND!!!!!
He helped Steven pick me out a road bike! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s a gift from Steven and his dad and brother. Steven also coordinated the entire party with the help of Chris (and my friends for input). Am I lucky, or what?!
Sigh. This road bike. It’s beautiful. It’s a Specialized, Allez model. It’s so amazing. I wanted to bring it in to the bedroom last night. I want to keep it close to me. Ahh! Is it weird to feel that way about a bike?!
I had been saving money for a bike, and now I can use all that money on bike gear! I have been told I gotta lose the reflectors asap, take the visor off my helmet (lol), get clipless shoes/pedals, and a tool/spare tire kit. And I obviously need to get a matching outfit to the bike. Oh! And get fitted. I can’t wait! I want to ride it NOW!
Oops. Enough about the bike. Unless you want to hear more?***
What should I name it? Bumblebee? Ha ha ha… no.
I am completely wowed. I do not even know how to thank everyone. I really don’t. I don’t know if I can express how good**** they all made me feel!
I am so, so, SO very grateful (and to all who wished me a happy birthday and weren’t there as well – I am one lucky duck!)!
*And I am not asking to be a braggy jerk – I want to hear about the situations where you’ve felt an outpouring of love!
**Also, I know she is more likely to read my blog is she sees her name in the post.
***Steven said they were trying to sell him the woman’s bike that was black and pink. This is SO MUCH BETTER! He said they laughed when he asked about orange. Apparently, no one makes orange bikes!
****And I hate to admit (but think it’s important to be honest) that there are slight feelings in there of “Do I deserve this? Am I that good of a friend in return?” Yes, and yes (hopefully).
So happy you had such a great day! Well deserved!!
I’m so glad you were surprised! You are such a wonderful person and a wonderful friend to so many people, it was great to see it come back to you! There aren’t too many people I would go that far away for on a work night and you are one of them!
(I even got lost on the way home. I turned off my GPS to conserve battery and went 30 minutes out of my way. Oops!) It was all worth it in the end because I had a fun time, you were surprised, and I got to meet some of your friends (husband included) that I hear so much about IRL. Glad you were surprised and I can’t wait to see all the sweet stuff to go with your new bike!
I am so happy I am on that list of people for you! LOL! I am sorry you got lost! We need to make the drive back and forth between our two houses more, so we have it ingrained in our memories!
I’m so glad that you had such a good birthday, and so happy that you were actually surprised last night!
Re: your last bullet point, are you kidding? You’re such a sweet, thoughtful, supportive, encouraging, fun (the list could go on here) friend that OF COURSE you deserve it! And that’s why so many people did want to come out to celebrate with you!
Also, thanks for including my name toward the top – makes it easier to skim for that
Aww, thank you for reassuring me!
I’m so excited for you getting a new bike! I’m attempting my first century ride this weekend on my road bike. Happy belated birthday!
ME TOOO!!! Thank you!
You deserved EVERYTHING about yesterday, and then some. Well, except maybe for the stupid traffic in the morning
So glad I could share it with you. And the sheer number of people who came out is testament to what a good friend you are. You rule.
I’m so happy you were so surprised – I was so worried that you’d figured us out! The look on your face was OUTSTANDING!
And I’m so impressed by the lengths Steven went to to pull this off, including the bike! He did well, didn’t he?
If the bike were red, you could name it Superman. And you could ride Superman, every day haha! Maybe Flash?
Or, why not just name it Henry? I had another hot, sweaty ride on Henry today.
YESSSSSSS!! Name it Henry!
Because it’s totally appropriate to name a thoughtful gift from your husband after another dude.
Isn’t it?
I agree with Anne and Bobbi. You know you HAVE to name it Henry, right?
Surprisingly, guys, Steven said NO to that… Hmm…
Asking him was your first mistake.
We should come up with a code name!
Charles Brandon, First Bike of Suffolk?
Ha ha ha. Like!
Thank you for being a part of so much of my birthday! And dealing with my traffic meltdown, lol!
I am so so shocked! I really thought it was just us going out. I couldn’t believe all the people there! Steven did really well. I told him I want to feel that special every day. Ha ha ha.
That’s what happens when you’re all kinds of awesome: People show up in force to tell you that you are! I figured you’d be used to it by now.
Pete, you are too kind to me!!! Thanks so much for being there and for your thoughtful gift!
you are the best and you deserve everything! I’m so happy I got to see you last night! you are my fave!
I was like “OMG IS THAT KELSEY!!!! Kelsey, who I talk to almost daily but never get to see?! SQUEEE!!!” You are my fave too
Aww, that’s great! Both congratulations and happy birthday (sorry, it’s a belated on both…unless liking pictures on facebook is enough!).
Hee hee, thanks! And liking pics means a lot, too!
Yay for having a great night with friends celebrating two very special occasions! And helloooo, Road bike! Glad tou had such a fun birthday!!
What an awesome surprise!! I’m so excited for your road bike! I just got mine too and put it together yesterday (though I need to do some tweaking). Yours is much nicer than mine! I would totally name yours bumblebee (after the Transformer, obvi).
Oh, and Happy Birthday!!
Ooo, can’t wait to see your new bike!
I’m so glad you had an awesome birthday filled with the people and things you love!
Awww I am so happy you had such a fantastic day!! I agree with everyone else, you are such a good friend and OF COURSE you deserve all the love you received yesterday! I only wish I could have been there too.
I give a lot of credit to Steven – it is HARD to plan surprise parties. We threw one for my parent’s 30th wedding anniversary and I think I had no hair left by the day of the party because I was so stressed out!
I wish too, Rachel! Sigh! I have not seen you IN A WEEK! We should set up a Kettle Moraine run. Or a road run, since we both have road marathons
Steven did SO well. What a great guy! I cannot imagine all the stress behind it! Now I see why he made so many iterations of the vegan cake, and why he reminded me more than once to bring clothes to change in to. LOL!
I think it’s so cool when people in your life turn special days into especially brilliant days. Sounds like you had an amazing birthday celebration – Go Steven! Go Chris! Go friends!
That is AWESOME!!! It sounds like this past week was amazing for you- as it should be- you deserve it because you are awesome!!! Your road bike is way cool!!
It was FANTASTIC seeing you. I’m so proud of you for passing your exam (there was never any doubt you would, of course) and excited to share your birthday with you.
Thank you so much for being there and believing in me!
Congrats! You deserve it all. Now go enjoy your new ride!!!
Steven made a good choice going with yellow instead of black n pink for your new sweet ride
You absolutely deserved the party and out pouring of love because you are totes awesome and amazeballs, duh! I really wish I could have made it but we will have to make a day soon to hang and run and eat and stuff. 
He did! And yes, we have a whole day coming up for us!!!

I’m SO glad you had such a good birthday. You deserve it. You are so kind, giving, and intentional with others. You celebrate all your friends so much that I’m so glad they were able to celebrate you back.
And your bike is prrrrretty!!!
Aww, thank you!

What a great birthday!!
Aww I am SO glad you were surprised! I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to make it (already committed to a run with Katie that night) but glad we got to connect the night before for an early bday dinner! I’ve got a little somethin somethin for you coming in the mail so you will have a belated bday gift coming your way- woot!
PS- you should name your bike bumble bee. Then proceed to sing that Black Eyed Peas song “Imma bumblebee” as you ride
Aww, thanks Valerie! I can’t wait to see what it is! And I am happy we got to do dinner on Tuesday night – more of a chance to chat, anyway!
Ha ha ha! Dang. My bike DOES need a song!
First of all, I’ve been behind reading blogs lately, and I have to congratulate you on passing your test! Amazing! I know that’s an amazing relief and now you can make the next steps! Awesome!! Secondly, happy birthday! It sounds like you had the best birthday possible! Amazing. And now, about that road bike?! OH MY GOSH AMAZINGNESSSS!!! That is the best surprise ever. Like, were you more excited about the party or the bike?! I mean, I’m kind of kidding. But, I feel the exact same way about mine. I keep it in the house and love it and sometimes I talk to it when I pass it. (If that’s odd then I totally don’t do it…) Ahh! I’m so excited for you. That’s fantastic that you’ll be able to buy gear. Have so so so much fun with it! And I can’t wait to hear more.
Thank you! I am so happy to be done studying and to move forward with continuing education and specific topics that interest me
Ha. You know my answer to that question. So, my running club friend comes up and he is like, “Look at me, I am supposed to distract you. Don’t look behind you.” And I am like “OMG OMG OMG, STEVEN GOT ME A ROAD BIKE!!!!” It was amazing!!!!
I have said hi to it every time I walked by it today (and walked over to say hi, on purpose, too).
wooo! yay for the party and a surprise!
You should name your bike the enforcer, or Magnum Pedals!
love the transformers ref though!
The Enforcer! *snort*
Wow, I just had a pretty rough ride on The Enforcer. I love the way The Enforcer handles curves.
Happy Birthday blogging friend!!!!
That bike is schweeeeettt!!!!!!
And no, it’s totally fine to feel that way about a bike. I have that kind of connection with Cherry Limeade. She’s like my buddy.
Yay for awesome friends, yay for passing your test!! (I’ve been totally out of the loop for like over a month!!!) YAY for YOU!!! ’cause you’re awesome!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It’s so wonderful you were celebrated like that. You deserve to feel special because you are! xoxo
Aww, thanks Sizzle!
Been thinking of you! 
Belated Happy Birthday!! That is so awesome he surprised you! I so want something like that. I always feel really appreciate when my friends take time to come out for my bday. It just feels nice. All i need is it once a year and I know that i have good friends.
Thank you!
It feels so nice!!!! Have you ever had a surprise party? This was my first!
First, happy belated birthday!
My bike’s name is Deandra because she is high maintenance and prissy. I named it that after a series of crashes last year. So maybe you should ride your bike for a while to figure out its personality before naming it lol!
Let’s ride together soon! Are there good routes up by you?!
Thank you! Ha! I do think I need to ride her (him?) before I name … it. LOL.
Hmm, there are some back roads my club goes on. And the trails over by the lake. Where do you go? We do need to ride together!
Most of the time I ride by my place and over to Paul Douglas F.P. I have ridden from work a few times over to the Barrington area and I know there are some good places over by one of the entrances to Millenium trail but I’ve never ridden there on a weekday.
Happy Belated Birthday. You will love your road bike.
Thank you!
I want to ride together!!!!
Happy Belated Birthday!!!!! Sounds like an amazing time! Of course you deserved such an amazing birthday celebration. I get the feeling you are very much loved!Lets spread the birthday love with birthday kayaking on Sunday!
Thank you!
And yes, to kayaking!
Awww, what a great birthday. Happy belated birthday!
Sounds like you had an awesome birthday!! You totally deserve all that love!
How cool is that?? Sweet ride. Now you’re ready for your own 70.3!
Heck yeah! Should I do a smaller tri, first?
Belated Happy Birthday wishes – how freaking awesome of your friends to surprise you like that, and how freaking awesome is that bike?!?
You totally deserve it
this is so awesome
I’ve been on the road and can’t believe that I missed this. YAY!!! You are going to love it and I can’t wait until you get into the triathlon thing! It’s just a matter of time! I also can’t wait to hear about your adventures on the road bike.
You deserved that night so very much. You would do anything for your friends and we know it. Which is why we wanted to give back
Aww, thank you!
I actually test-road an orange bike once, but it was more like cream-sicle-y.
Your birthday sounds awesome, which is great because you’re awesome! All those nice gifts and cards and people coming out to celebrate with you reflect what a good friend you are!
I need a VIBRANT orange! LOL!
Steven was looking in to having my bike painted for me. He’s such a sweetie. I love the yellow.
Aww, thank you!
P.S. I miss you! When can I come visit?
Congrats on the new bike. Awesome that you had a great birthday.