Background check

By , July 18, 2013 6:04 am

Have you ever taken a photo and looked at it later to find something surprising in the background?

Of course, I thought of this after someone posted this list of “22 people who really should have checked the background of their photos and videos before putting them online” on Facebook. Ha ha ha. 

Steven took a ton of photos at the Wisconsin Half Marathon this year, and when I was going through them deciding which to share, I found a really interesting one in Kim‘s finishing photos:


I was so distracted by how great Kim looked finishing the race, that at first I didn’t even notice the woman in the background, changing out of her sports bra in to a regular bra. That is actually pretty clever. Although, I probably wouldn’t do that* in public. 

Now I am going to pay closer attention to what is going on in the photos I take, especially at events with a lot of people! Even from the 5K I spectated this weekend, I noticed a few funny things going on in the background. 

Lesson learned: anyone could be taking your photo AT ANY TIME. Be mindful of what you do in public…


*One of few things. 

37 Responses to “Background check”

  1. bobbi says:

    LOVE the dude staring at her. I wonder if they were together or if he was just enjoying the show?

  2. That’s hilarious! I mastered changing discreetly (more than that lady) in public during my skating days. I’ve got that bra trick mastered and can put on tights at traffic lights. Not that I would ever do that nowadays…

  3. Xaarlin says:

    At first glance I thought she was nekked. I just wouldn’t change like that in public for that very reason- you never know who’s watching or snapping photos 🙂 although I could probably pull off a change in public without exposing any private bits because of my days as a ballet dancer. I’m all stealthy like a graceful puma 😉

  4. Do you think there’s a bra changing protocol? I’ve wondered this often as I change shirts between my Tuesday classes, and I always go to the bathroom, which may or may not be occupied by 4-year-olds who take 20 minutes to poop and pull up leotards. I wish I could slip out and in of clothes while in the fitness studio.

  5. LOL, this totally made my day.

  6. Lindsay says:

    Wow, very brave girl! Something I might do but only with a shirt on over it!

  7. Rachel says:

    Scandalous! 🙂

  8. Declan says:

    it is like people that look through google street view and post all the crazy things caught on camera!

    I’ve only changed my bra once in public like that, but I wasn’t able to keep as decent as her.

    With that, if i see a camera at me, i try to give them a nice photo bomb

  9. Meghan says:

    Ha! That is awesome!

  10. Tara says:

    HAHAHhahaah, this is a hoot! Although, I would probably do it, but I would at least find a tree to cover me. And watch for photographers.

  11. Hahahaha that’s really funny! I once posted a pic of me on my blog from the Illinois marathon and some guy commented that he was in the background. Small world!

  12. Erin says:

    That is skill! I suppose runners just stop caring at some point. I mean, some of you will even go to the bathroom in the woods! 🙂

  13. Michelle says:

    Great shot!!! Haha I need to pay closer attention to my pics and what I may have missed!

  14. That’s awesome. As a mom, runner, triathlete, someone who works full time AND has family out of town, I have zero time. I’m always on the run and I drive, drive, drive A LOT. I prefer not driving in wet clothes if I have a long drive ahead. I can change about anywhere now. That being said, I think bras are overrated and I’d much rather pull on a dress with a built in bra and then just drop everything else out from under the dress. #YepKeepinItClassy

  15. Anne says:

    Ha! Now I’m going to make a point to do weird stuff whenever I’m around a lot of cameras, just in case I make it into the background of pictures 🙂

    And the google street view comment reminds me that Jude and I are hanging out in the front yard for the google street view of our old apartment! And apparently noticed the camera car creeping down the street.

  16. Heidi Nicole says:

    Haha, that dude is totally taking in the show.

    I’ve pulled that move multiple times, but in the privacy of my car, tyvm!

  17. Mo says:

    See, I’m actually impressed by her, because I can do regular bra-to-sports-bra, but not the other way around.

  18. Bean says:

    This cracked me up! I have changed in the car after a race but never at the finish line. So funny and bold. Thanks for your comment on my blog. Cross training is going well. Bought a aqua jogging belt (sexy and I know it) and am gonna give that a go tomorrow :). The worst part about being injured is I won’t be able to run with you at the beginning of August but maybe we could get together for a walk or something instead! Or postpone until I am up and running again. Good luck with the studies!

    • kilax says:

      Yay for the aqua belt! I am intrigued by that! I hope it goes well! I bet you are SUPER bummed to be missing out on this glorious running weather… barf.

      Want to go kayaking at Independence Grove, or hey, even up at Van Patten (if we can rent them) on Aug 4?

      Thanks for the good luck wishes! 🙂

  19. Baaaaahahahahaha! Oh my, you certainly don’t see that everyday. What makes the photo even better is that there are people staring at her. Probably thinking “what.the.f?”

    Runners, always keeping it classy

  20. Losinglindy says:

    that is really awesome, however I sit here and think how I find it totally fine someone is sitting around in a sports bra, but all of a sudden a regular bra and I am thinking she needs to put a shirt on..geesh..I am a prude!

  21. Oh wow. That was good timing on that photo. I don’t think I’ve ever noticed anyone doing anything funny in the background of race photos (aside from other runners grimacing/looking awkward midstride like we all do in certain photos), but I think I might start paying attention…

  22. Susan says:

    That’s a REALLY strange place to be changing, even if you know the tricks to not show anything…

  23. martymankins says:

    The inadvertent photobomb.

    As for the bra women in the background, clever, but brave to do that in public.

  24. Jacky says:

    Hilarious. Brave indeed, and crafty.

  25. Heather says:

    I’m finally getting caught up on my blog reading (I’m obviously far behind, ha), and this post made my day. That guy watching her is hilarious!

  26. Mica says:

    My dad swears that one time, he and some of his buddies hiked to the top of a mountain and put the camera on a timer to take a group “manly” photo. When they looked at the photo, there was a bra hanging from a tree branch above them. I’m not sure if I believe it though!

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