What is the perfect way to celebrate passing the personal trainer exam (for me)?
Hanging out with these two:

Sox & Leo
I mean, hanging out with their fur mom, Rachel! And running the Full Moon 5K!
Rachel told me about the Full Moon 5K when we ran the South Shore Half Marathon together – how the Full Moon 5K is at night, runs along the bay, there is someone dressed up as a wolf, how fun it is… It did sound fun, so I made sure to sign up in April on opening registration day, as it sells out quickly. I think it only cost $20 to register! And we got a way schweet Brooks shirt!

A week and a half before the race, I (sorta) jokingly emailed Rachel a link to a shirt with cats sitting on pizzas (thanks for showing it to me, Kelly) and told her we should wear them for the race. Only, Rachel found something even better…

Whaaa?! Grumpy cat AND a full moon?! Score! Great find, Rachel!
Wait! Why are there scissors in that pic? Well…

Heh heh heh. Rachel had a brilliant slogan idea (thanks for the glow-in-the-dark paint, Emily!), and found a tutorial for us to make the shirts in to racerback tanks (she posted about it in her recap).

SADLY, only one or two people commented on our AWESOME shirts. Sigh. Do these people not know who grumpy cat is?! Or is the better question, why do I wear things expecting people to comment on them? Hmmm…
ANYWAY. Gah, I really drag these posts out.
The race started at 9:00 pm. 9:00 pm! Otherwise known as, my dream bedtime. What is the latest time you have ever started a race?
The race is a point to point that runs along Monona Bay. It was really fun to run in the dark. We wore our headlamps and had on glow bracelets, and the volunteers were really great about keeping people on course. There was a light rain, and the temp was in the mid 60s – really nice conditions for a 5K on a summer night!
Rachel and I both talked about how we haven’t been doing speedwork, and how a sub 9:00 pace was out of the question, but we actually ended up picking it up, and running NEGATIVE splits! In a 5K! That never happens to me! We ran 9:11, 8:59, 8:20 and 7:55 for the last tenth. Of course, I was still in study brain mode and was thinking about VT1 and VT2 and where I was with my breathing… but I made sure not to talk about that. Ha ha ha!
After the race, I got a cookie from the BEST post race cookie spread ever:

Then Rachel, Linda (new blogging friend, yay!) and I went out for food and drinks.
It was a wonderful, relaxing way to spend my day after a somewhat anxiety-filled morning. Thanks to Rachel (and her husband, Kevin) for having me! I can’t wait to run with Rachel again. Rachel! We must find something in August! No waiting until NFEC!
Drum roll please… it’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for (?) – the winners of the SUPER BLOGIVERSARY GIVEAWAY!!!!!!!!
Thanks to everyone who entered and donated to the Lung Run! If you are local to Chicago, Anne is hosting a Fun Run and Sausage Fest in August to raise more money, if you are interested!
And now, for the winners, selected by random.org (91, 163, 13, 53, 181, 27, 112 and 38):
#1 – MAGGIE — My two favorite OPI colors – DS Classic and DS Extravagance, and Ridge Filler (for the base).
#2 – ERICA — GustBuster 43″ umbrella – AVAILABLE IN MULTIPLE COLORS.
#3 – MARTYMANKINS — $25 iTunes giftcard.
#4 – RACHEL — Star Wars Chop Sticks and Millenium Falcon Ice Cube Tray.
#5 – NILSA — Lousiville Vegan Jerky Co. Bourbon Smoked Black Pepper Jerky from FakeMeats.com.
#6 – RUNNINGLAUR — Gorjana Bloom Hexagon Stud Earrings (if available).
#7 – BOBBI — BibFOLIO (your choice).
#8 – CHRISTINA — Christina – you get to pick one of the 7 offered prizes!
Congrats, winners!
To claim your prize, email me at kilax@ilaxstudio.com! If you don’t claim the prize within a week (8/2), I will probably award it to someone new.